Why are Democrats unwelcome on gun-related forums?

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I've generally never given a damn what "political party" people lay claim to. For me it's more along the lines of "deeds not words". Show me you support rights and liberty and I'll go to the mat for you. Show me you talk out of both sides of your face and you can go flap in the breeze for all I care.
Hey guys and gals...

I'm a gun enthusiast, a USMC vet [snip]

That's all I need to know. Welcome aboard! :cool:

Earlier today, I joined and was swiftly run off of another website for daring to admit that I exercised my right to vote in a manner different from the majority of that other site.

This is just sad. Folks shouldn't be chasing off anyone who supports the 2A, especially if they are affiliated with the Democratic party. As stated earlier, we need more Democrats on our side. It may be pie-in-the-sky, but the sooner our 2A right becomes a non-platform issue, the better.

Is there a place for pro-shooting Democrats here, or will I be accused of faking my military service if I admit to voting for Obama?

I would hope there is. Otherwise, this place isn't what I think it is.
We on the left gave up on gun control as a general issue well over a decade ago.

The "official" Democratic move away from gun control only began in 2005, as part of Schumer's plan to retake the House and Senate. It was preceeded by continuous gun control efforts by the left since 1994, including Kerry's very proud moment in 2004 when he left the campaign trail to cast one of his few votes during that period and in favor of the AWB renewal.

Since the 2008 election, Obama's transition team head (Valerie Jarrett) said that the AWB was on the top of his list of things to accomplish, Holder has called for an AWB, and Feinstein has said she will move to ban all "assault weapons" when the time is right. So, the idea that gun control is a dead issue is utterly false. It's dormant at the moment, but only because 1) so many raised a fuss when Obama (acting through Jarrett and Holder) tried to raise it and 2) the nation as a whole has been on a gun buying binge since the election.

It's worth noting that said gun buying binge includes large numbers of Democrats. I guess that demonstrates what grass roots Democrats believe about the intentions and credibility of the leadership on the point.

As stated earlier, we need more Democrats on our side. It may be pie-in-the-sky, but the sooner our 2A right becomes a non-platform issue, the better.

Agreed. Recent efforts indicate that we may be achieving that goal. Schumer took gun control off the table to win elections. He may find it impossible to put it back on the table without losing a good portion of his support base.
In '94 the DNC forced their reps to vote for the AWB by threatening their committee positions etc., and the Democratic representatives went a long with it. Lame.

Just be ready to write your reps a letter if a new AWB comes up and I don't think anyone will mind having you around.

I agree entirely on the 2A not being a platform issue being very important.
Just an observation .

Welcome Marine !
Why are Democrats unwelcome on gun-related forums?
I'm a gun enthusiast, a USMC vet, and a registered Democrat.

If not to draw attention/controversy as this thread has shown , why loudly announce your party affiliation knowing that it most likely cause a ruckuss as it has previously proven to do on the other forum . :confused:

Why not just discuss the handgun you're planning to purchase ?
ImprobableJoe, Welcome to the Firing Line.

I do hope you stick around long enough to see what we are all about.

This particular section of TFL has a long history. You will note that there is a sub-forum off of this one called, Legal & Political. That was the precursor forum to this one.

The short history is that folks decided that the L&P forum was the place where all their political rants and fantasies could be made public. sigh. The staff of TFL finally had enough and closed that forum, in Sept. of 2008.

After careful consideration, this forum was opened to a select few members, for a trial period. In early Jan. of this year, we opened the forum to the general membership.

The rules for participation in this forum are strict and generally, political topics are off topic. If you trouble yourself to read the rules, for this forum, and follow the links, you will more understand the history and why we do things the way they are now laid out.

Having said all of this, there is a sticky thread in the General Discussion area, for new member introductions. This thread is off topic and closed. ;)
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