Why are Democrats unwelcome on gun-related forums?

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Sorry, I didn't realize Marines are so sensitive. I'll be sure to type gently around you so I don't hurt your precious feelings.:rolleyes:

Guess you missed that I was just pointing out an obviously-placed rule and welcoming you.
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Smell a closing coming soon. Lets be polite people. Welcome him to TFL and forget his party issues. He's on our side!?

You should read the left-wing blogs. We on the left gave up on gun control as a general issue well over a decade ago. Really, we just don't care. No, seriously, we don't. It isn't a big issue, and with the economy, the war, health care, and a million other things, fighting about guns is pretty much dead last on the agenda.

If you really feel this is true, then why do we still fight gun control battles all the time? Or see things like this? http://www.stoptheaclu.com/2008/10/30/obama-audio-i-want-to-ban-concealed-weapons-permits/.............. H.R.45............ Or blaming mexicos firearm related problems on the U.S. or Eric Holder mentioning that they want an AWB, or O'dummy, saying it during his campaign. The list goes on and he's only been in office for less than 6 months. Just use google its a helpful tool.
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Welcome to TFL, you'll catch no crap from me. While Democrats may confuse the bejeezes out of me I do my best to respect and consider everyone's opinions. It wouldn't be America if you couldn't vote how you wanted.
Succeeded at what, welcoming him? I believe I did, I told him ask questions, share your knowledge and a quick basic tfl rule, don't be sensitive. Which I don't think he has been, he's just standing up for himself as we all do, from time to time here on TFL. :D.......

While we may not share our vision of gubbermint, we do share a common interest in firearms. You will find most here are jovial and helpful, as long as we stay on that topic we be cool :cool:
I like this site so I'm trying to visit it nightly. I'm also partial to a few other sites and happen to be a Mod. on a couple of them (duties).

Compared to other sites, these folks do tend to be pretty short when it come to politics. It's not all that bad, we tried it a few times on one site and it just tends to denigrate.
Hey (Improbable) Joe, Where you goin' with that gun in your hand? :DSorry, I had to do that!
Welcome fellow Dem gun enthusiast to the forum. I think your stand on guns has more to do with where you live as opposed to party affliation. Up here in Maine the crowd I hang with is a mix of Democrat, Independent, and Republican with around 40-50% being Democrat and the rest split between the other two. What we seem to have in commen is almost all of us are gun owners.
One of my buddies is a raging GW Bush hater with the bumper stickers and everything but he has an arsenal in his house and all he talks about is guns, music and politics.
He might be lying, but it isn't like he took a stand AGAINST gun ownership

He might be lying? Like any politician, if the lips are moving.....

I've lived half of my life in the state of Illinausea, and have had to live with the anti-gun mentality in the political arena here. Obama's stance on guns during his time in this state always leaned towards firearm bans, not control. His Chief of Staff had the same opinions while here, as do all of the Daley clones.
I have absolutely no reason to believe that a move from Springfield to DC made either of them change their position on firearms.
Improbable Joe,

The problem is that there aren't as many good critical thinkers out there as one would hope. I know lots of Conservatives and Liberals that are pretty much in the center. The farther out to the edges you go the more insane people tend to be.
Funny thing though, the more "fringe" a person is the louder they talk...

So far on this forum I see lot's of great people!
Without attempting to be partisan, allow me to point out that everything Obama has said since the beginning of the campaign is at odds with everything he said and did prior to it. His hand was somewhat forced as to the credit card/national parks bill.

The President may well have had a change of position on the matter, :rolleyes: but people shouldn't be faulted for paying more attention to what he has done and said during is entire career, than to what he has said since the onset of the campaign. To NOT be suspicious of such a drastic turn around, one would have to check his or her brain at the door.

I hope that helps to understand the skepticism. We are glad you're here.
Welcome, Improbablejoe! I, like you, decide issues on a case by case basis and don't really care about party lines. I believe in the Second Amendment and believe it needs to be protected. You are right about how we should really shut down the anti-gun movement with a strong, bipartisan effort. The vast majority of us here are happy to have people who enjoy shooting and believe in the Second Amendment. I simply don't care what party you're from. Glad to have you with us! :)
I don't subscribe to the extremist crap on either side of the political spectrum. Most folks l know, seem to ride the middle, just like me. But I do like the hell out of guns!
Welcome, Joe.

There's a knee-jerk phenomenon which assumes that:

Republican=Conservative Stalwart of Strict Constructionism, and

Democrat=Moonbat Liberal Communist.

Neither is true all of the time. Lately, neither seems true most of the time. There are several Republicans who are hostile to the 2nd Amendment, and even more who just don't care one way or another about it.

It's become obvious to anyone who pays attention that the current generation of Democrats are largely pro-gun. When our Attorney General decided it would be a good idea to pontificate on renewing the Assault Weapons Ban, "conservatives" ran around screaming, and nobody seemed to notice the fact that 65 Democrats sent him a letter warning him against doing so.

H.R. 1399, also known as the District of Columbia Personal Protection Act, recieved the blessing of 85 Democrats.

I've seen the hostility towards anyone who admits to voting for Obama in the last election on several different boards, and frankly, it's immature and uncivilized. While I do regret your choice, it's still a free country, and you had a right to make it as you saw fit. If you support the 2nd Amendment, there is no reason you should not be made to feel welcome.

The preservation of our 2nd Amendment rights lies with gaining the sympathies of those in the middle, and that includes people who identify themselves as Democrats. Calling them "trolls" and running them off doesn't do anyone any good. We should be working to convince and convert people, not insulate ourselves.

Lord knows, I've been teaching alot more Democrats to shoot since last November than I have Republicans. These are the folks who go home to their families and friends and say, "hey, this is actually a fun hobby, and those gun guys aren't the bunch of loons we've been led to believe they are."

Oh, and to answer your original question, the best way is to enroll her in a class. Heck, go with her. It never hurts to have a refresher. Education goes a long way towards making someone comfortable with the unfamiliar.
Democrats generally receive a hostile response on gun boards because the Democratic party has played a key role in destroying the Second Amendment rights of Americans. The Democratic party was in control of Congress when the following legislation was passed for example:

1. 1934 National Firearms Act
2. 1968 Gun Control Act
3. 1994 Brady Bill
4. 1994 Lautenberg Act
5. 1994 Assault Weapons Ban

In addition, it was the Democratic leadership in the House who added 922(o) to the 1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act in hopes of killing the entire bill. The last three Democratic Presidential candidates had a long history of pro-gun control votes, with each candidate worse than the one that preceded him.

So when someone says that are against gun control; but in favor of voting for people working to destroy that right, you can guess it will generate a little bit of controversy on a gun board.

Personally, I would love to see the Democratic party get on board with 21st century civil rights and drop their animus towards gun owners. I won't even go in to the subject of how many votes the Democrats lose from their traditional power bases (and in key swing states no less) by playing to a small minority of anti-gun Americans on this issue. Unfortunately, I have not yet seen evidence that this has happened yet.
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