Why are CZs unpopular in this country?


At one point in this discussion, you said "But it doesn't hurt if they're dead sexy at the same time". I totally agree!


They are nice guns BUT have to compete with glock, kahr, sig, hk, Ruger, HS2000 and the like. For another $150, most people overlook them.

And they have the European styling like the EAA's.

I like their .22lr conversion barrels.
I'm with Frank on the older models. The front of the frame looks funny not being the same size as the slide. Kinda like the hi-powers, I don't like the LOOKS of those either.

But the 100 and 97 look good to me. I can't stand a DA revolver with a short lug under the barrel, yuck!!! I own a 686 full lug and love to just stare at the gun. Same with the long slide 1911's.


Nice! But the idea of a hot blond with a gun brings to mind too many old blond jokes.

Oh.. and about manual decocking, hello 1911's???
I bought a CZ 75 three years ago here in Queensland.It cost $US 275---now,the same gun is over $US 500.
It is the best .9mm I have ever used--reliable,good hold and point.A definite keeper.
I like the way CZs look. I also like the way Glocks look :eek: .

Mal H,

The Firing Line has a reputation of sort of being quite PC on other boards such as AR-15.
Just an aside about the "naughty" words.
I have never been able to understand why Americans say "ass" when they obviously mean "arse".To me an ass is a donkey--Jesus rode into Jerusalem on his ass--right?
Perhaps it comes from the puritans who were,and still are, good at using euphemisims when they don't want to sound bad.
But,Gentlemen,"arse" is a perfectly good and legitimate word,and I am sure that before your founding fathers arrived in America they would have used it from time to time as necessary.In the same context "ass" sounds mealy-mouthed and pulpit-prissy.What do you think?
cuerno de chivo - I knew that. :) It's too bad we don't have a tongue-in-cheek emoticon. If you reread my post, you'll find a very slight bit of sarcasm in there - all in jest.

BTW, and to change the subject - what does your screen name mean? I've been meaning to ask and this is as good a time as any. I know what a cuerno is and I know what chivo [chivar] means, but they don't seem to go together.
Decocking 1911s

Yes, but 1911s were designed to be carried cocked and locked so manually dropping the hammer is moot for the majority of users. The CZ75 is a DA pistol designed with the idea of manually decocking or carrying cocked and locked. In the US most of the folks in the market for a DA are turned off by the idea of having to manually drop the hammer on a live round. ;) That's one of the reasons why CZ has been moving in the direction of decocker models.
Mal H

Cuerno de chivo means ram's horn (horn of ram) in Mexican. It is a slang term for the AK-47 in Mexican. The ram's horn is curved like the 30rd mag of an AK-47 is curved. FWIW I'm not Mexican; I just like the AK and this slang term for it.

You said, "Nice! But the idea of a hot blond with a gun brings to mind too many old blond jokes.

Oh.. and about manual decocking, hello 1911's???"

Absolutely no joke intended. My momma raised me better than that. Gun or no gun, it doesn't make a difference.

As for cocked and locked, that's the only way I've carried in the past 20 years.

for what its worth, lets keep chronology straight here.

["And they have the European styling like the EAA's."]

The EAA's [and Baby Eagles] have the European styling like the CZ's. The CZ came first, so it has to go first. Otherwise, we would be saying things like 'the Colt 1911 has the 'cocked and locked' design/styling like the Kimber', and that just sounds wrong. ;)

now, I'll quit being an 'arse' and go back to reading the posts.

CZs are popular with everybody who has shot mine. Of these, the best example is a close friend who has owned a Glock 19 since shortly after it was first imported into the US. Swears by it, but still trades in inexpensive guns because he is a gearhead and tinkerer. His latest is a Rossi stainless 721(?) for less than $200. 5 shots of .44Special and about the best DAO trigger I've seen. Anyway...

The first time he shot my 75 B Mil. he looked at me with this indescribable look of satisfaction on his face and actually threatened to sell the G19 and all of the hi-caps. I talked him out of it, but it was a priceless moment.

I use ass just like the dictionary defines it.

1. genus Equus.

2. A stupid, obstinate or perverse person.

As in stubborn as a mule.

If I want to call someone a butt, I usually use a common two syllable word. Not booty either.

I'd look 'em up right now in my foot-thick unabridged library dictionary, but my neighbor has had it for years doing crosswords and she's in bed reading at this hour so I won't bother her.

A similar thing just happened to me today. My buddy was shooting his USP40C and asked if he could give my 75BMil. a try. After shooting a 15rd. group half the size of the 10rd. groups he was shooting with his USP he looked at me and said "How much did you pay for this?" I told him "$345". He held his USP up next to it and said "Then why the HELL did I pay twice as much for this thing!" :D To make things worse the USP jammed twice on FMJ ammo while the CZ happily perked through twice as many rounds. Don`t get me wrong I`m not putting down the USP. I like it a lot and in fact I talked him into buying it. Just in this case the CZ shot and worked better. :) Marcus

I have gotten the same reaction from Sig 220, Kimber and HK USP owners when they try my CZ97B and it outshoots there more expensive guns! The typical reaction is accusing me of having gunsmith work done in order to get the accuracy to surpass their guns. They just can't accept that a lesser known brand outshoots their pistols. Oh well, its their loss.......

Does anyone really buy a particular gun because the makers hire some slinky model, who may know nothing about guns, to pose with it? I don't know how anyne else feels, but I take it as an insult when advertisers think that glamour photography will sway me more than product features and quality.

EAA is really bad about this -- their ads feature a girl covered in Saran Wrap, trying to make some stupid connection to polymer frames. Duh?

As for the guns themselves, I don't care what it looks like so long as it does the job. They're tools.

You asked: "Does anyone really buy a particular gun because the makers hire some slinky model, who may know nothing about guns, to pose with it? I don't know how anyne else feels, but I take it as an insult when advertisers think that glamour photography will sway me more than product features and quality."

There was a model in that picture? :)

Seriously. No, a slinky model does not influence me when it comes to any purchase, not just firearms. If you ever visited the CZ site (www.czub.cz) you would notice that the models are all secondary to the product they are selling, which is the way it should be. The first three selling points of any firearm I purchase are: reliability, reliability and absolute reliability. Then I worry about accuracy, sights, does it fit my hand, how difficult is it to obtain parts/service, and etc. Looks are way down on the list.

(Although the picture GRWriter posted of the CZ 97 B is starting to look nice, too. The question becomes: do I need a 5th .45?) :)


[Edited by mbott on 04-15-2001 at 06:28 PM]
(Although the picture GRWriter posted of the CZ 97 B is starting to look nice, too. The question becomes: do I need a 5th .45?)


What .45's do you have? If there are any you don't love--or are only margincally happy with--then I suggest trading in for the CZ 97B. I have owned Kimber in the past and still have two Sigs yet the CZ 97B is my favorite pistol. The accuracy is amazing, balance is top notch, as is ergonomics, and the polymer finish is actually quite nice looking.

All my .45s are keepers at the moment. My favorite is a US-marked M1911 manufactured early in 1918. Own an Argentine M1927 which is what I shoot instead of the M1911 and then there's my Ruger P97 which has been very accurate in its own right.

I probably cheated with the last one: a Ruger Old Army shooting its .457 ball. :)

In thirty years of acquisitions, I've only sold 3 or 4 times. I'm sure I'll get around to a CZ 97 before summer hits here in the midwest. Maybe by then, the CZ 97 B's with the front slide serrations will be coming throught the pipeline.


[Edited by mbott on 04-15-2001 at 05:28 PM]