Why all the Taurus hate?

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New member
I'm really curious, I'm fairly new to firearms, and I noticed pretty much everyone bashes Taurus. Whats the issue with them? Are they really as bad as people make them out to be? It seems like they make some really nice firearms..

<<<See post #77 on page 4 before posting. JohnKSa>>>​
My experience is they're a crapshoot. My first 357 magnum was a Taurus and was excellent followed by a 38 snub that was terrible then a second 357 that again was excellent.

total crap shoot

Some have had problems with various Taurus products, then had problems with Taurus customer service getting them fixed. Or at least that's how the story goes. Then many more jump on the band wagon bashing Taurus because all the "cool kids" do.
I can't say personally, and that's all I can go by. My two Taurus handguns have been excellent from the time I took them out of the box. My good friend had a problem with one of several Taurus guns he owns. He called Taurus, got instructions on sending it in, and it was returned, in perfect working condition in less than three weeks.
But I've got another Taurus or two on my list, so I'll continue searching for that illusive (to me) "bad" Taurus, and see for my self what their CS is like.:D

My only criticism is some of their goofy ideas. A revolver with a Lexan see-through side plate, and a semi-auto with a curved frame for two.

You might want to check what actual owners have to say on the Taurus Forum.
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Taurus makes good, well-designed guns that sell at a reasonable price. The problem is that their quality control has not always been what it should be, with the result that different people can buy even the same model and have widely varying experiences. Or a person can buy different guns at different times and have the same situation.

Before someone points out the obvious, any company can put out a lemon; any maker can have broken parts or premature wear. But Taurus, based on both network comments and some personal knowledge, seems to have far more problems than other major makers. They have often and repeatedly assured the firearms community that the problems are known and have been resolved, with steps taken to prevent recurrence. Unfortunately, problems are still reported (though I think fewer).

I don't "hate" Taurus, and I am not sure anyone else does. But the company has a reputation for unreliable products in an area where reliability is paramount. Hate? No. Making a choice to buy elsewhere? Maybe.

love all of mine, I have ha ZERO problems with four guns inyou include my moms. you could say we are just "lucky: I guess, but statistically that it pretty good. I had a crappy S&W that wasn't too horrible, but had more problems than any of my Taurus' and statistically, that means Taurus is winning in my camp. I don't doubt the claims of bad QC, I make sure to spend a good 20 minutes with the gun before accepting it, but I just haven't had an issue. so I dunno what to think about these threads. I will continue to buy Taurus and will be getting a fifth in about three weeks, the pt111 gen 2 which I have scoured all the reviews trying to find a negative and they just don't exist. so I have confidence in my purchase up front. I think people just really WANT to truly hate guns that they haven't even had the pleasure to shoot.

btw....under 50 yards, my 357 m94 is the most accurate pistol caliber I own. and it runs slick and reliable. I am a fanboy, but I also understand they have some crap guns out there, particularly their .22 revolvers and possibly the 905, although I really wanna give one a try. i cant afford any of the big boys 9mm wheels
There are always those that trash stuff they think is inferior.

I have 5 Tarus products and am VERY happy with thier look, design, build, and performance/accuracy. I cannot see paying the price of ALL 5 of them for a single "liked" name of another gun! Just to be name dropper.

I have had no problems with rough movement, poor fitting parts, or any of the other things people bemoan about the brand.

Luck of the draw? I think not. I am NOT that lucky!!!!!!!!

My SST 38/357 carbine is a jewel! And dead on accurate.

Please welcome and consider all feedback you get. Mine is all positive.
I had ONE Taurus .380 (copy of the Beretta 84). There were two successive fractures of the firing pin blocking lever that rendered the gun immediately inoperative. Although the manufacturer made repairs at no cost, the unreliability of this pistol designed for self defense caused me to lose all confidence in that make. I have not purchased a Taurus since that time.
I have a PT 92 I bought about 30 years ago because it was about half the cost of the Beretta. I was still active duty Army then and wanted to be able to practice on the M9 frome. The sights sucked, but the gun still works great. That is my one and only Tarus, so cant speak on anything more current.
In addition to what others have said in regards to quality control, another issue to be considered, is appreciation in value.

In other words, a Taurus doesn't appreciate in value. It will never be worth more then at the actual moment you pay for it. From that point on, it will only go down in value.
Whats the issue with them?

Purchasing a Taurus seems to be a roll of the dice.

Get a good one and you'll probably be happy with it.

Get a bad one, and with their customer service, it may never be right and you'll be unhappy.

The problem seems to be that they allow too many defective examples to slip through whatever they claim is their quality control.
I am confident enough in mine to carry it daily.

I have owned about twelve. I've had problems with one.

The two autos are copies of Berettas and have been reliable.

Of the ten or so revolvers, one had problems and the others have been reliable. About half or almost half of the revolvers have had mediocre triggers. The rest have ranged from good to excellent.

I bought about half of them used. I got the first one in 1988, and the most recent in 2014.
Taurus makes good, well-designed guns that sell at a reasonable price. The problem is that their quality control has not always been what it should be, with the result that different people can buy even the same model and have widely varying experiences. Or a person can buy different guns at different times and have the same situation.

Before someone points out the obvious, any company can put out a lemon; any maker can have broken parts or premature wear. But Taurus, based on both network comments and some personal knowledge, seems to have far more problems than other major makers. They have often and repeatedly assured the firearms community that the problems are known and have been resolved, with steps taken to prevent recurrence. Unfortunately, problems are still reported (though I think fewer).

I don't "hate" Taurus, and I am not sure anyone else does. But the company has a reputation for unreliable products in an area where reliability is paramount. Hate? No. Making a choice to buy elsewhere? Maybe.


When you make every single gun to hit a very low price point it is very hard to maintain consistent quality. To me their #1 problem is that they try to be everything to everyone. They build so many guns with so many different designs trying to compete in every market segment. They compete 100% on price not quality execution and too often they come up short.

They also sell a lot of low price point guns to new shooters so shooter induced error is also higher IMHO with them then other brands. Also a new shooter might not know how to correct a simple issue and as a result has to send it back to Taurus which swamps their CS department.

This adds to their poor CS rep. They are a pure volume model where they are pushing as many guns out the door a low margins as possible. If there are issues they will fix them under warranty. They know they have design issues but it is easier and less costly to fix them under warranty vs redesign. I often refer to this as the "Pinto principle". As a result their CS is always slow.

To me if you have a Taurus and it runs and is reliable excellent!!! I personally am willing to spend a little bit more and buy something a little more consistent but I can understand that is a luxury some people do not have.
worked at an indoor range for a couple years. Rented and sold some Taurus pistols, and got to see a lot of customers guns as well as range guns, run along side of a lot of other products. Also got to send guns in for warranty work. More Taurus guns went back than any other, by percentage sold and rented. Return times in getting guns back was pretty long compared to others, but I hear that is improving.

Over the years I saw a few pretty bad failures of Taurus guns. A .357 which sent its barrel down range on the first cylinder of ammo fired through it. Another .38 that locked up the cylinder in a way that required removing the side panel just to be able to unload it to be able to ship it to Taurus. A cracked slide on s PT 92, several cracked locking blocks on PT92s and broken safeties on PT92s and older .380 pistols. Seen a few 1911s with slide stops and mag caches that didn't fit properly.

Because of their price range I really want to like Taurus but because of my observations I opt to save longer and buy something else. I guess if I were buying from a friend or family member who had already given one a good "shake down" I could justify buying one. Because it does seem that if you get one that is solid right out of the box, then they tend to run and last well. I just DNR want to be the test monkey.
Because a significant number of people have had experiences with a Taurus that broke. I had a PT99 that broke, and getting it repaired was basically a disaster. The design (IMHO) was bad and the replacement locking blocks were total POS's that looked like they just came out of a back-yard sand-casting mold. My gunsmith couldn't even fit the first locking block because it was so out of spec; the second one wasn't quite as bad but looked like junk.

Well, that's my story. However, I would consider Taurus Revolvers, but I'd have to really check it out first.
When it comes to the internet, people love to hate. Then the mob mentality likes to pile on when there is blood in the water. :rolleyes:
Taurus isnt as bad as gun forums would like you to believe. The quality control is spotty but in general they are built significantly better than affordable guns were 50 years ago.
3rd rate

I don't hate Taurus I just don't buy them. I learned a long time ago to save up
for the top of the line gun or take the money and by good used piece. The price
of Taurus guns may be 1/2 of good gun, but the Taurus is less than 1/2 the gun.
If I'm going to depend my life on a gun it sure ain't gonna be a Taurus. A good
gun is like a savings bond, cheap guns are like toasters!
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