Why all the shootings?

I can't even read that blog. What a self absorbed, emo ass.

We teach this self fascination and then wonder why these selfish suicidal bastards crave attention?

I cant access his blog because my work blocks it.

But what you wrote pretty much confirms my hunches about this guy.

-Self absorbed, nobody else exist but him, other people are not really people to this type of person, just objects to be manipulated to his own ends.
The part that gets to me is that is being reported that the shooter was a graduate student, and was repsected as an authority on America's prison system. He could have done well if he had only stopped being so selfish.

Of course, Daley and the anti's will use this as an excuse to push more restrictions down the throat of defenseless Illinoisans, rather than seeing he logic of people being allowed to defend themselves might have halted this tragedy and the one in Tinley Park.
Glanced at the myspace thing... Either really poor language skills, or stoned out of his skull for at least one of the entries I read.
I think a big part of it is media fixation, so people who think their life doesn't have much meaning decide the best way to get their 15 seconds of fame is to go out in a blaze of glory. Then, cowards that they are, they seek out a "gun free zone" to make sure they don't get taken out early (wouldn't that be embarrassing?)

If school (etc) shootings were treated as *local* news, and the name and picture of the shooter were completely withheld (except maybe to call the unnamed attacker a "coward" or "loser" in passing) a lot of this would go away.

It will never go away completely; that's part of the cost of living in a free society. The alternative is a lot worse, IMHO.
Here is a sinister thought. If one accepts the premise that the mainstream media is anti-gun, and that the media attention spawns copycats, is the media intentionally creating more mass murders to further their anti-gun agenda?
A few states are responding to this sort of phenomenon already, but Illinois will stay behind, having already been put behind from the start. This is what we get when we try things their way.
NIU gunman stopped taking medication

By CARYN ROUSSEAU and DEANNA BELLANDI, Associated Press Writers 3 minutes ago

DEKALB, Ill. - The man who gunned down five people at Northern Illinois University in a suicidal rampage became erratic after halting his medication and carried a shotgun to campus inside a guitar case, police said Friday.
Other than the ignorant mullarky on meds and depression, I think we all have touched on some valid driving principles.

I am looking at the scope of this from the back end, and in many ways, I'm glad.

For example, you often hear about folks dreaming of winning the lottery. At first blush it seems that they desire fancy cars, European vacations, and luxury homes. My belief is that they want freedom from this game.

If I was independently rich, my focus would be on the "independent" idea, not the "rich." I'd probably never carry a wad of money.

Being "dependent" on things, like a job, a mortgage, the cost of raising a child, etc. means that your time--if only to take a nap--is governed by things you cannot choose. I also believe that this trap is cumulative. You torture a person with hopelessness for long enough and folks snap.

I spend a lot of time with older bikers. If you read between the lines you hear the same story over and over. It runs like this...

"Boy, I tell you what, Willard, if I ever get out of that dead end job, I'm going to build a Road King for me and the Missus, and go get lost on the highway. None of the chatter of those stinkin' kids and *&%$$ cell phone tied to my ddick. I am out of here..."

Not once do they mention stocks or bonds or gold bars. They want out.

We simply describe that process in terms of money or time. I must admit I've described it to the TFL members in just those terms. We debated Social Security funds, retirement, customization of my bike, my wife's declining participation at work and those long naps.

It's all the same. I have escaped.

The people involved in the shootings are lashing out. My guess is that their internal anger has been fomenting sliently for quite some time, even decades. Consider the Michael Douglas movie "Falling Down." My belief is that at it's core, these people feel hopelessly trapped.
wingman is right

In wingman's preceding post, he hit the nail on the head, namely, "Removing GOD from schools." Prayer to Almighty God was removed from American public education in 1963. When you remove God from any institution, you are removing His hand of protection, and most certainly His blessings. American history reveals that the Bible was very much a part of American public education until just the last few decades. So, what has happened since God has been rejected? Just look at the results from any perspective. Public education is a failure today. The results we are seeing (truly educated graduates) are pathetic. Time to repent & turn a different direction.
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In wingman's preceding post, he hit the nail on the head, namely, "Removing GOD from schools." Prayer to Almighty God was removed from American public education in 1963. When you remove God from any institution, you are removing His hand of protection, and most certainly His blessings. American history reveals that the Bible was very much a part of American public education until just the last few decades. So, what has happened since God has been rejected? Just look at the results from any perspective. Public education is a failure today. The results we are seeing (truly educated graduates) are pathetic. Time to repent

How do you know that the shooter wasnt a christian who prayed faithfully everyday?

Prayer in schools will not stop this kind of stuff.

Other countries do not have prayer in schools and do not have school shootings.
Freedom 1st wrote,
How do you know that the shooter wasnt a christian who prayed faithfully everyday?

Well, my best guess is that just isn't the case. Didn't your Sunday School teacher tell you, "Ye shall know them by their fruits." You can rationalize this all you want, but today's godless public school system is teaching children they evolved from ocean slime through a process that began millions of years ago. They have no knowledge of their Creator, nor any respect for human life. Teach them that they're nothing but animals, and that is exactly how they will behave, in an animalistic way. Tell me, why is this recurring shooting problem so exclusive to the PUBLIC education system? Just what is it about the PUBLIC system that has this as the product of that system's indoctrinations?
Was it far more violent, Wild?

Look at the Earps' Gunfight at the OK Corral...3 killed in a shootout with cops wouldn't even make it past local news these days. In the late 1800's it was uncommon unough to warrant worldwide attention.
Tell me, why is this recurring shooting problem so exclusive to the PUBLIC education system? Just what is it about the PUBLIC system that has this as the product of that system's indoctrinations?

I'm not disagreeing with you, but your logic on this point is faulty. The reason this happens in PUBLIC schools is because they are larger targets and there's a lot more of 'em.
I think that this guy has an interesting take on all of this: http://copycateffect.com/

Full disclosure, he was a one of my professors in college, and he's a cryptozoologist (he also writes about bigfoot). I don't agree with everything he says, but I think he makes some valid points.
zxcvbob contends...
your logic on this point is faulty. The reason this happens in PUBLIC schools is because they are larger targets and there's a lot more of 'em.

Uh, I don't think so. If we take the position that my logic is flawed, we defy history. Are we to believe that the violence that exists in our public schools today(including that which is unreported in the media), has nothing to do with the environment that exists within the education system itself? Is there no consequence to teaching students in a completely secular manner, void of God? We don't see home-schooled kids shooting up their households, do we? I'm afraid your logic, zxcvbob, in putting forward the idea that this problem is merely a matter of numbers and probability, is the flawed side of this debate.
effiminization versus feminism

I dont think that feminism is really all that relevent here. Yes the rabid man haters are annoying, but very few women really pay that much attention to them anyway.

The real problem in my opinion is a society that seems to breed far to many selfish *******s who think the world revolves around them and that shooting up a school is a perfectly OK thing to do.

I agree that rabid feminism is not to blame, but I do beleive the effeminization of our society leads directly to the breeding of selfish *******s.:barf:

Others have already mentioned the causes, including fatherless child rearing, Dr. Spock, the media etc. Perhaps one of the foremost problems--which directly relates to psych meds--is a general belief that peole have an inherent right to be successful and happy all the time.

Our society is built around promoting the self-esteem of our young. Well, it worked, because these shooters apparently esteem themselves far above the very lives of others.

Not to get off topic, but the improper, retrograde, direction the students aparently moved while he reloaded is another symptom of children being raised to believe their lives are more important than those of others. If every 18+ yeal old male in that classroom had moved forward, that others may live, how many lives could they have saved? I know, they don't have the benefit of the mental conditioning the 18 y. o. males I work with do. But some meaningful percentage of the 180 students in the room should have tried to die as heros, rather than live as victims.
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There is an entire generation that has come to age having been told their whole lives nothing is as important as them and the greatest thing they can hope to achieve is celebrity status.

When these individuals hit a wall where they no longer are the most important thing out there some can't handle it. Some are also dealing with serious psychological issues (sociopaths and psychopaths). Throw in the celebrity status granted rampage shooters and the answer is clear.
Was it far more violent, Wild?

Read a history of early 20th century urban life. Thats hould answer the question.

As to the OK Corral, that sort of pales in connection with Col Chivington, doesnt it...and he was a fire and brimstone preacher...

Wildyoubabypincher:)Alaska ™