Who's better than you?

How many people do you know that can outshoot you?

  • 1-5

    Votes: 27 38.0%
  • 5-10

    Votes: 11 15.5%
  • 10-30

    Votes: 12 16.9%
  • 30 or more

    Votes: 21 29.6%

  • Total voters
I think the "type" of shooting matters too. As well as the setting. I'd fail miserably in IDPA pistol competion. Yet, with only 8 months experience in ISSF pistol, I can hang with those who've shot it for several years.

It's all a matter of the shooting disciple and the company you keep. I won the last High Power service rifle match I shot in, and it was only my second match. However, I only shot a 435/500 which doesn't even fall into the "Expert" category. In shooting, as well as in life, everything is relative.
Not my aim to be argumentative but you're kidding right? Dicipline is the very heart and soul of any competition, shooting or otherwise.
22lovr- lol! I'm glad you didn't take any offense to my statements :) I used to be king of my backyard too until I found out how bad I was when I shot against that fellow that just posted: Falconer. He whoops my butt in ISSF pistol every single time we compete.

RAE- I understand that you're not trying to be arguementative, I was afraid that I was coming off that way, which wasn't my intention. My point is that you don't need to be disciplined to compete. You can show up to any competition, clean house, and go home. One doesn't need discipline to win (or to even participate) if they have natural talent.

falconer- Hey...wanna come to an IDPA match here? ;) (Maybe the Purdue guys can be top dogs for a day)
Depends...As far as family goes, I outshoot them with a Shotgun and pistol...but they outshoot me with a rifle. But seeing how I am in the military, I am pretty sure that there are a lot of people who can outshoot me!
Maybe one of these days we'll get a chance to swap some range time, and I can do a little better job of explaining it instead of typing it.

LOL! Long as there's no competition....well maybe a "bet you can't hit that" kinda thing,,, ;)
RAE- LOL! I'm always up for a good friendly shootout. My brother and I grew up doing that all the time. Our favorite was shooting at clay birds with rifles at unknown distances from a standing position. Even if you make me look like a newbie, I'll still have a great time :D
This being my first post on TFL...I'll see if I can't tick somebody off. :D

I agree with Ronin. If you think you are a good shot...chance are you aren't worth a big steaming pile of crap. ;)

I have been around guns my whole life. I've made great shoots on game. Shot expert with rifle and pistol in the Air Force (shooting better than most everyone around me). Then, a couple of years ago, I went to an USPSA action pistol match. I got my butt completely handed to me. I don't think I was in the top two-thirds. It was very enlightening. :eek:

I have stuck with it...and improved. Since that time I have seen many guys (gals have less ego) show up, score much lower than they expected, and never come back. The truth sometimes hurts. It takes a bit of character to show up and get spanked...then do it again the next match, and the next.

Hey Ohio guys...where do you shoot?
Caliban, yes once, and never gain :) I have some BIG plans for next season.

Ronin, I'm all up for an IDPA match, just gotta buy more mags for the CZ. Let me know what the match schedule is for May & June.
I'm especially interested in any sort of tactical shotgun match.

Flexmoney, I shoot at the OSU range the most. Sometimes I shoot at Pro Gun (akron),the deer hunter (barberton) or Stonewall (cleveland). Sometimes I also shoot at the CPD range with Coronach.

The Tusco Rifle club is pretty much the meeting place for the Ohio TFLers. We usually gather there once a month for the steel plate shoots. You should definately come next month.
Enough to make the shooting portion of my life interesting.

At regional and national IDPA matches about one third of all other shooters score better than I do, to always include my eldest son.
Let me know a date and directions...and what to bring.

I shoot mostly action pistol. Here is a link that covers many of the Ohio pistol matches.

Rayner's Range has a 3-gun (pistol, rifle, shotgun) side match every other month. Ft. Harmar IDPA (Marietta) has a shotgun side match this Sunday.
falconer- I'll keep you posted on the May and June matches w/ shotgun. We're having a tactical match this weekend for rifle and pistol. I'll finally get to knock the dust off of my AR :)
Obviously I'm here late, and this probably won't be read by the folks who were reall into this conversation, but here goes anyway.

I'm mainly with Ronin in this. I shoot NRA Highpower Rifle and CMP matches. That's a huge portion of my life. Outside of HP I'd say I shoot in the top 10% of all people who ever touch a gun, but that's not hard to do. I am a pretty good shooter in this realm. Inside HP, its tough. I am just barely making Expert now, but this is just my second year. I expect to knock on the heels of Master by the end of this year, but I know guys who have spent years at the Expert level. Expert means you're picking up 89 to 93.99% of all points available in the match. There are so many guys that can stomp my butt its amazing to me. This is where I belong...looking up, striving to get better. there are some who seem to have a natural ability, but they rarely get beyond Master in a hurry. Being a "natural" only gets you so far. The rest is disciplene.

You guys who don't shoot competition are missing out on a great experience, no matter the discipline.
Before I had a cataract removed in December, EVERYONE that showed up at the range shot better that me. Now with improved vision, I manage to outshoot someone every now and then. However, no one has ever had more fun that I do at the range.
To those polled who only know five or fewer people who can outshoot them:

You guys should try to get out more.
Or am I reading about you in the magazines under your real names?
I used to think that I was hot stuff. I could outshoot any of my friends.

Then I started shooting IDPA. :)

Competition really forces you to be better. You can't just discount all of those times you miss in the backyard shooting cans. Not when you are shooting for score, while being timed, and a mess of folks are watching you.

And then if you think you are getting good, find an IPSC Grandmaster and shoot against them, man on man, in a steel challenge match. Very humbling. The only time I have been able to beat somebody that good on a stage is when they have a really bad malfunction. :p

I consider myself a pretty good generalist, meaning that I'm pretty good at most types of shooting, pistol, rifle, shotgun. (maybe that is why my highest finishes are at 3 gun) But then when you get into specialization, whoa, then it is really easy to get blown away by how good some people out there are. I can go out shotgunning with a bunch of buddies, and beat just about anybody I know if we are hand throwing clay pigeons out in the desert, but if I were to go to a Sporting Clays match, I would get my butt handed to me.
falconer- Caliban gets so POed when people talk smack on his muzzle brake. We should just hacksaw it off when he's sleeping...but on the other hand, the muzzle brake does clear up my sinuses ;)
TFL member K80Geoff wanted to shoot My Beretta 92FS just to see what the hub bub was all about. He picked it up, shot it better than I ever shot it, and handed it back to me and said, "I don't like the Trigger.":o
It's tough to post something that does'nt go at least a little off subject.
When I posted this question originally I figured it would end up here sooner or later.
As of now, TFL'ers are lookin pretty good as I suspected they would.In my opinion it only makes sense .
The question say's how many people do you (KNOW PERSONALLY OR CASUALLY)..... Not...... (KNOW OF)
I think many who voted 30 or more included people that they (KNOW OF)...........Am I correct?.............Well either I am or you all are some friendly SOB's:D :D :D