Who's better than you?

How many people do you know that can outshoot you?

  • 1-5

    Votes: 27 38.0%
  • 5-10

    Votes: 11 15.5%
  • 10-30

    Votes: 12 16.9%
  • 30 or more

    Votes: 21 29.6%

  • Total voters


New member
How many people do you know (personally or casually) that can outshoot you?
Be honest!...........Take the poll and let's see how TFLers stack up!
Competitively, about 2/3s of the people i shoot with can outshoot me.

Outside IPSC and IDPA, I can outshoot all my friends and family. Very few of them shoot, and the ones that do on occasion, it's because I bring them.
I didn't vote in the poll, cuz

I know numerous persons that can out shoot me; both
male and female. Like football is too team's, on any given
day, anybody is vunerable to fall from his/her perch.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
All modesty aside......................

Of the family, friends, and acquaintences I've shot with, I am, thus far, the best shot with any handgun put in my hands.

I can normally take someone else's handgun and after firing just a clip or cylinder-full, easily out shoot-them with their own gun.

Bragging? maybe. However, the results are there in living color and cannot be denied.

I don't do many things good but shooting is surely one of them.
my wife can consistantly out shoot me when she concentrates. this is a fact that i am damn proud of. havent' done any of the shooting competitions, i'm sure i'd meet a lot more people that could out shoot me.

Ala Dan said it! People who know 2 other shooters would vote low...I personally probably know well over a hundred shooters so I'm inclined to vote high because like Ala Dan said, on any given day, I might be the winner or the loser.
22lovr- Disclaimer: This is not a flame!! Have you ever done competitive shooting? In my experience people don't realize how un-spectacular their abilities are until they start shooting competitively.
In my experience people don't realize how un-spectacular their abilities are until they start shooting competitively.

Funny, I've heard something similar. Replace "start shooting competitively" with "attend Rogers Shooting School".
I'm w/ Skunkabilly. I just started competing and it seems like EVERYONE can out shoot me. At the range w/ friends & family, I only know of 2 guys that can really out shoot me.
Too bad this went to the competiton forum. :(

I'm right there with 22lovr. I was born with a God given ability to place holes very close together, or hit small objects at a distance using a handgun, any handgun.

*shrug* absolutly. positivly, nothing I had any control over. Like I say,,,a God given ability,,,born with it, and likely die with it.

Compete? For heavens sake why? I know how good/bad I am and hardly need the yardstick of someone else's God given talent to measure it by. Same goes in reverse. It's hardly fair to others to show them up with something I have zero control over.

'sides, I can only really let go and be myself when no one else is aorund. (Honestly, it's kind of embarassing). Been there, done that with others around and they just look at it as showing off.
RAE- The reason I ask about competition is because people who don't compete tend to forget about those shots they missed or when their groups were a little bigger than usual. Competition gives the shooter a chance to quantify their abilities. When one quantifies their shooting casually, one tends to forget the shots that weren't so good. If shooting is your talent, why not dominate the smallbore bullseye circuit or go head to head with guys like Rob Leatham? You can get money for guns and maybe even get sponsored so you can actually get paid to shoot. I'm not doubting your ability in the slightest, but I'm just saying that competition or going to gun school are the only ways a shooter can see how he/she measures up.
Ronin 308, here's yer answer

Read the question again. It didn't say anything about competitive shooting.

In formal competition, I'm probably a dog, if that's what you wanted me to admit.

However, in the casual world of the gun range, shooting at targets within the confines of the average range, yes I'm pretty accurate with any handgun.

(ah, disclaimer. Any handgun but my NAA mini-revolver!)
Simple question, not so simple answer. If I'm trading places with someone week after week at the top of the score board I don't feel I'm being out shot. If I start talking about who's going to be second because Mr. X just showed up, I'm out shot. Not only does this change with the sport (IDPA, IHMSA, PPC, etc.) I'm shooting that day, but with the gun I'm using. The guy who beats me with an open class auto often finds the tables turned with the revolver. Everybody can out shoot me but nobody wants to put any money on it. :) Of course I'm limiting my experiences to normal humans. You won't see my name in any gun ads. Of course I don't "know" those guys, just know of them.
Ronin308: Sorry I must disagree

I'm simply not that seriously into shooting compared probably to most enthusiasts on this board.

However, you are quite incorrect that I have to shoot competitively or go to a shooting school to measure my abilities. My family, friends, and acquaintences can check out the holes made in targets by their own guns shot by myself.

What's so complicated about what people have been doing for centuries? "Here, OG, bet you can't hit that rabbit with this rock." Or, "bet you can hit that small tree with your javelin." Or, "Bet you can't hit that piece of wood with your crossbow." ETC, ETC, ETC.

I just don't care to shoot competitively or go to gun school - I have fun in my own way.
If shooting is your talent, why not dominate the smallbore bullseye circuit or go head to head with guys like Rob Leatham?
Super easy answer. Talent is a combination of skill and disipline. I have the skill,,,I'll never have the disipline. Come to think of it, I don't really want the disipline. Too distracting.
I shoot in a PPC and Bullseye league and only one guy beats me every week (in both open and stock classes). He routinely shoots perfect 300 scores at 25 yards on the standard NRA pistol target. My best is 295.
22lovr- Disclaimer- I can't shoot a NAA mini very well either ;) The original question didn't ask specifically backyard OR competition shooting, just about how you stack up to people you know.
I think that most shooting ability claims are unsubstantiated if they aren't done in competition/school. For example- If I were to live in total isolation and I can do trigonometry does that make me a great mathmatician?

RAE- What does discipline have to do with competition? I think it deals more with learning to shoot than actually shooting. You don't have to be disciplined to be a great shooter, you have to be disciplined to be a better shooter.
Ronin: A confession

Yes, I've actually thought about checking IDPA out sometime in the near-future. THEN, I know I will find out how miserable a shot I truly am.

Until then, I R the top dog in my small circle of family, friends, and acquaintences!