Who subscribes to the 'one rifle' lifestyle?

We no wild pigs near Memphis, or easy to locate, no hunting here interests me.

My prime fun gun is the SKS with the Tech Sight. With ammo back to .24/rd., 3,000 rds. are stored, and the wife will give me another case of 1,000 rds. for Christmas. No messing around here At All, preparing for the next panic and also retirement.

With only three bricks of .22LR, don't want to use the Romanian M-69 Trainers too often. They Would be the primary rifle.
I started reloading 1965 and over the years tried to stay current and I'm playing around with 284 on a long action. I've never not had a project so be hard for me not having one.
I recently began hunting again after 16 years, during which time I sold off all of my old hunting rifles. I did so mostly because my son came of age to hunt, and my brother in law bought a nice farm giving us access to some nice hunting land. Anyway, not wanting to invest in a bunch of equipment, I tried to consider what we might be hunting and what hunting cartridge might be a good do it all gun for us. Our game would likely be ground hog, coyote, and Whitetail deer. I selected a 243win, and that is currently the only centerfire rifle I own. It suits our needs well.
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If for whatever reason I only had one rifle, I'd go with an '06. I know I can handload round ball for squirrels and rabbits. 80- to 110-grain for varmints. 150 for deer. 180 for elk or other biggies.
I would like to think that when I save up enough money for a Weatherby Vanguard s2 in 30-06 and put some decent grass on it, then it will be the last "hunting rifle" I'll ever have to buy.

I agree with you-but I doubt any serious firearm aficionado would ever settle for one rifle. Besides, I would hate to have to mow my rifle every other week or so just to see the sights...:)
I agree with you-but I doubt any serious firearm aficionado would ever settle for one rifle. Besides, I would hate to have to mow my rifle every other week or so just to see the sights...:)

Load of crap right there. The number of guns has zero, none, nada to do with how serious you are let alone your capabilities. Completely moronic.
One 22
One 7.62X54R
One 7.62X39
One 9mm carbine
One 44 mag bolt action rifle
One 44 lever action.
One 308 bolt.
But from there it’s more like 5 or more each of multiple calibers.
Having one rifle would be like owning only one handgun, one car, one beer and only one type of single malt scotch.
I believe there are laws against it and its one law I will never break.
This time last year I had nearly 80 rifles...accumulated over the last 30 years or so...I sold all of them except 3, the 270 my wife hunts with and my 30-06, a varmint rifle (243), and a few 22's and shotguns.

If I had to pick only one....it would be the 30-06.
Originally Posted by dgludwig
I agree with you-but I doubt any serious firearm aficionado would ever settle for one rifle. Besides, I would hate to have to mow my rifle every other week or so just to see the sights...

Load of crap right there. The number of guns has zero, none, nada to do with how serious you are let alone your capabilities. Completely moronic.

Really? I expressed an opinion. And I did say that I agreed with him. Because you apparently differ with an honest insight gives you no cause to call someone a moron. Look in the mirror, my friend. :rolleyes:
I agree with you-but I doubt any serious firearm aficionado would ever settle for one rifle.

Load of crap right there. The number of guns has zero, none, nada to do with how serious you are let alone your capabilities. Completely moronic.

I don't believe that is what was said.

I also agree with the idea that most fans of guns probably would not have only one rifle, unless some limiting factor exists.
That is not the same as saying that you are not a gun fan if you only have one rifle.

There was also no mention of ability
Only one? Try none!

I really enjoy hunting and target shooting but i had to sell my model 94 winchester when i was 19 and payin the rent was kind of important.. since then i have not had a rifle.. just my beretta lol. But! Inside info from my brother who still lives at home tells me ill have a new .308 after xmas! Im broke as **** living paycheck to paychexk to stay independant and i for one will gladly take the one rifle lifestyle over the no rifle lifestyle.. and ive never even shot a .308 but ill take it!
Grew up in Wyoming believing that a Winchester Mdl. 70 in 30/06, a good .22 rifle and a Remington 870 pump shotgun was all anyone ever needed. Many of the ranch families I know still believe that and still hold to it. Many have added a Win. 94 in 30/30 but nothing much beyond that.

For years that is all I had except that I changed to .308 caliber sometime back in the 1960's. When I grew up I decided that I had to have more, and over the years I have tried about everything, plus I have added handguns. Well, 50+ years have gone by and even though I enjoy owning several different rifles, especially bolt and lever guns, I now realize that the original idea of having fewer good guns is still a good idea.

My son will benefit, because I am in the process of eliminating several firearms. I intend to go back to no more than two rifles in .308, two in .22 and one or two leverguns in either 30/30 or perhaps .357 or 45 Colt to go with handguns in the same caliber.

Is one rifle good for everything, probably not, but neither is a safe full of rifles that never get used. I would rather have fewer guns that I enjoy and use and sell the rest, purchase ammo and practice more. That is just me, a dinosaur that has been through the collector/accumulator idea and now I'm headed in the other direction. Nothing wrong with a specialized tool for every job, but one good tool and the skill to use it well is a good plan also.
You & I have covered the same ground, Meeteetse. I am way past the stage of wanting to try everything and own all of them.

I love the '06 in any good rifle. The little 7.62x39 impresses me a lot and seems to cover a lot of territory once occupied by my other old standby, the 30-30.

I can make do with any of them so long as were not slaying mastodon between mountaintops.
I don't play golf but I hear it is difficult to do with just one golf club.

I guess you could play put-put with just a putter.;)
In high school my buddies and I would get bored during golf practice and do one club challenges. We found that an 8 iron works well for almost anything, except putting. I would liken my 8 iron to the 30-06 or 308- it is good for just about everything except what it's not good for. I would prefer to have 14 guns, just like I have 14 golf clubs in my bag.
Welp. I have two centerfire rifles now. My dad gave me his Swedish mauser sporter! I'd been babysitting her anyways & pestering him about buying it.

I want to get some nice wood to dress her up, along with a good leather sling & go back to iron sights. I AM SO FREAKIN' STOKED!
I used to believe strongly in one rifle - - - per caliber.

Then I got a great deal on a second 6.5 swede.

Then a whole safe full of 8mm Mausers were going for a song

After that it just went downhill . . .