Who do you think is the SCARIEST candidate?

As Hillary is the one that will easily win the Democratic nod, she is the one to fear the most. Hillary is a Marxist, without question. Her hero was Saul Alinsky. The advice he gave to his fellow socialists to gain power was to focus on the middle class, that is where the power is. He also said that one had to do whatever it took to gain power, as that was the sacrifice to be able to put your ideas in play. As mentioned before, the Communist Party USA will revel in a progressive victory.
The truth is the Democratic Party, although still the home to some moderates, is the head of the spear for the European style socialist movement. The new communist wave for America. many folks will not admit that, but it is the truth. Just look around you.
For me it's a toss up between Hillary and Guiliani, they both scare the bejeebers out of me. I can't decide which is more of a fascist, although Rudy might have a very slight edge in Jack booted thuggery.