Who do you think is the SCARIEST candidate?

All the Dems are scary and most of the Republicans too.

OH MY...What to do.....:eek:

Democrates really scare me an the Republicans.....?????????????????????????
that pretty much sums it up for me
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They all scare me!

Especially Hillary. She laughs entirely too much and I believe that with that laugh it shows that she is possessed!
Ron Paul is our best bet for the 2nd Amendment, however, as someone posted before, he is also like a crazy old uncle. Once again, they all scare me except Fred T. may be the best choice of all of the pack.
"I suspect I'll be swimming against the tide here, but I think John Edwards is WAY scarier than either Hillary or Obama"

I have to agree.
Justme said:
You have a very tough row to hoe there if you think people will fear Hillary because she was actually in charge during Bill's presidency.
People already think that.
A very large majority of people believe we were a better run country then.
Really? Where is this "very large majority" hiding?

As for the OP, there isn't a candidate from either party that doesn't give me the heebee jeebees. There. I said it.
Giuliani and Rodham, going away.

If Ron Paul were elected, the masses would be in a state of revolt within a matter of months.

America is not ready for a return of personal responsibility and self-reliance.

Too true. :mad:
If Ron Paul were elected - you'd be pleasantly surprised - we'd actually live in a constitutional republic for a change.

That is a very naive assumption. If by chance he did win the nomination and won the election all we would see his him try to pass reforms only to be rebuked by the Dem and even the Republicans in the congress. Basically the Government would be in dead lock. That might be a good thing since we would not loose any more freedoms but dead lock could mean that regular business that is needed to run the country would also grind to a halt. Which could effect the stability of the economy and send the country into a recession or worse a panic. Ron Paul might actually bring this country to the end quicker than Hillary.
The following article pretty much summs up how I feel about the Democrat Party field, with the possible exception of Bill Richardson.


They are utterly different from traditional liberalism in America and Europe. Traditional liberals were democratic -- people like Hubert Humphrey, Scoop Jackson and Harry Truman. They fought passionately against the Totalitarian Left, as Ronald Reagan did when he was president of the Screen Actors Guild. Reagan started as a democratic liberal, and became the most famous conservative of the 20th century. As he said so often, he didn't leave the Democratic Party -- it left him.

Over time, the Democrats became more totalitarian in spirit and practice after the first wave of the New Left started its takeover of the Party in the 1970s and 80s. Half a century ago, true liberal Democrats like Harry Truman told Americans the truth about Stalin and the new Cold War -- and were hated for it by the Hard Left. The American Labor movement was dominated by true liberals like George Meaney, who earned their positions by expelling Communist infiltrators, and in some cases throwing out entire Stalinist unions like the Longshoremen's Union.
Scariest ?

Hillary give me nightmares!!!:eek: Guiliani is to far left for me, but seems to be the Repub. contender....:barf: And Paul is like the little old lady with 47 cats in her home!!!:(
Without a doubt, it's Hillary! Where does she stand on ANY of the issues? She's "pro" one day, then "anti" a month later....and just like her husband, if something is working nicely, even though they had nothing to do with it, they take the credit for making it work! They're both VERY good at lying, denying and pacifying, too!

Remember, it was Hillary that came up with the bright idea of pardoning the convicted Puerto Rican FALN terrorists, even though Bill was the one that signed the pardon!

Oh, and....what REALLY happened to Vince Foster?

"Damascus" Dennis Kucinich is also a bit scary.

I wouldn't be scared of Ron Paul, but I'd rather not have to listen to him whine for 4 years! Anyone else pick up on his whining in the past debates when he went on the defensive?
I think the worst from a 2nd amendment stand point would be:

Democrats-Any of them (Richardson would be the easiest to live with)
Republicans-Gulliani and Romney (governed two very liberal areas and didnt try to change any gun laws. So, I assume they supported the restrictions)