Who do I vote for?

Just get use to seeing Obama as president with a Democrat controlled congress behind him. Sorry McCain or the Republican party have zero chance in hell to win the election. Personally I rather see a Obama in office than McCain. Not that I agree with Obama that much but at least he is for withdrawing our troops from Iraq, and putting where it matters in Afghanistan.
I contend that the term "wetback" is not a racist term. It has nothing to do with race, but everything to do with legal status. Wetback refers to those who crossed the border illegally by swimming across the Rio Grande. Hence "wetback".

Did you know there was an anti-illegal immigration action called "Operation Wetback" in the 1950s which detained and deported illegals by the hundreds of thousands.

It's not a racist term, as only illegal aliens are referred to as "wetbacks", a term not used for those here legally.

Also, I think John McCain has a chance, although it is disturbing how many people are suckers for Obama despite his complete anti-Americanism, lack of experience, and vast exhibit of completely offensive advisers and friends.
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hold up a minute

I know i am really late in replying to this thread, but I noticed that i was called a RACIST...the reason i was not able to reply to this thread was because I was in a mountain village calle Podratitos, in the mountains of Guatemala, carrying out a medical program to help Latin people. Up in the mountain there is no internet thus i did not notice this post.

If anybody thinks I am a racist, I will pay for you to fly down to guatemala, and live with me in the mountains and see if you have a greater love for minorities than I do. I would give my life for these people.

MOJADO. spanish for WETBACk, is in my expieriance the exclusive title that immigrants that sneak into the states use for THEMSELVES, in most latin american countrys i have been in,(Puerta Rico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador)
I have nothing against latin people in america, Just latin people who steal money from our econamy, and commit crimes while living here under an undeclared status preventing them to being brought to justice.

Although I do not represent Ron Paul in any respect other thatn the fact that I support him with donations and will vote for him, I am 100% sure he would back me up.

I like to believe that I contribute wholesome ideas and feedback On this forum, and do not appriciate ignorant comments like this.
If anybody thinks I am a racist, I will pay for you to fly down to Guatemala, and live with me in the mountains and see if you have a greater love for minorities than I do. I would give my life for these people.

Not to worry sir calling someone a racist now is used to win an argument and I find those throwing the word out are normally more at fault and have actually did little in life to help anyone no matter the race.
LostOne, Bob Barr is trying to get the Libertarian nomination which will mean he will be on the ballot in November if he does. Bob Barr is STRONGLY PRO-GUN... more so than McCain or Obama.



As for being pro-environment, most people are pro-environment regardless of their party. For example, if someone does not believe in global warming, that does not mean they are not pro-environment... they just have a different opinion on that particular issue.
Thank you FireMax, he looks like a good candidate who I will likely vote for. He may not get elected but hopefully it will send a strong message of how people want personal freedom.
You're welcome LostOne. Do your own research, of course.... plenty of time to decide.

For goodness sake, though, don't listen to the paparazzi... I mean, the main stream media.