Who do I vote for?

Wingman and others please chime in..

How many candidates have you voted for in the last 40 yrs??

How many did you take the 'lesser of the evils'?

With 300 million citizens the news media sure screws us over. Couple of the much better candidates could not even get a question asked of them at the 'debates'.
OBAMA wants your guns

It's true. Obama wants a NATIONWIDE BAN on concealed weapon permits, no sale or transfer of semiautomatic weapons and new taxes and regulations for purchase of ammo. He also wants a New Assault Weapons Ban and no Hi-capacity magazines. What he really wants is no Second Amendment.
Do your duty, go out and vote.

Even if you don't poke a hole next to PRESIDENT, you still need to vote for Representatives, Senators, and Judges and such.

The president isn't as all-powerful as the advertisements make them look. Congress still has a lot to do with how the country is run (for now at least), so making good decisions there will go a long way to neutralizing whatever moron makes it into the oval office.
I don't like his stance on Iraq

That's one of the things I do like about him. We have to have a decisive victory there. If we do that maybe it'll keep us out of a war with Iran.

Obama wants ALL of your guns. Hillary wants MOST of them. McCain will let you at least keep what you have. Pi$$ away a vote by writing in whoever you want to but don't holler when the Feds come to take YOUR guns.
I heard McCain talking about wanting a draft, I fully support every single solider but I don't wish to go over their or be part of the military.

I would defend our countries current soil to the death, but I won't allow my self to die outside of this nation for something I don't think is needed. I support bombing, but I can't support putting our soldiers in-front of bullets unless we have followed every other option.

McCain will probably end up getting my vote as Obama is looking more horrifying by the minute but it doesn't mean I am happy about it.

I would have fully supported somone like Jim Webb - a Democrat who has had a proven track record of supporting the 2nd and stopping illegal immigration.

Sadly I feel like the democratic party would never elect somone like him.
I've never voted for a democrat before, McCain will be the first one to get my vote.

Be clear about this, I'm not voting for him as president, because I think he'll be mediocre in that office at best. I'll be voting for him as Commander in Chief and I think he'll do that job well.

My desire to vote for him is very tenative though, and much will depend on his VP pick. If he chooses Guiliani or someone like him I'll vote 3rd party. If he chooses Gingrich or someone like him I'll vote for him with only limited reservations.

His positions on global warming and immigration worry me and make me wish we had a diferent ccandidate to vote for.
*giant douche vs turd sandwich :p

There's a lot more about McCain that I don't like than the other two, though that's not really saying much since there's plenty I don't like about them as well.



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The problem I see with McCain is he will continue the policies of globalism and economic imperialism that started under Clinton, and that Bush had done so much to advance.

I fully believe we will be at war with Iran within 2 years if McCain is elected.
Ron Paul! i dont believe he will win but I´m voting for him anyhow. the only reason he is not winning is because people don´t believe in fighting for lost causes anymore. Rent out the movies Mr. Deeds goes to town, and Mr. smith goes to washington frank capra knew what was going on.

Lost one i know you say you are a Demo, but Ron paul is not your run of the mill republican either. He is NOT A LESSER Evil! HE will protect our guns! HE will stop the wetbacks.
I am torn, I want to vote for Ron Paul also, but I don't want Clinton or Obama in office because I voted for Paul...

Ruthless4christ said:
Ron Paul! ....people don´t believe in fighting for lost causes anymore. Rent out the movies Mr. Deeds goes to town, and Mr. smith goes to washington frank capra knew what was going on.
Those were fiction. This is real life.

Ruthless4christ said:
...Ron paul ...will protect our guns! HE will stop the wetbacks.
Actually, he won't. He will lose (has lost) and therefore won't be in a position to do so.

I know that many folks are going to either vote for a third party candidate, vote for a write-in person, or not vote at all. I fully support that as your American right. But remember this, if McCain doesn't win, our president will more then likely be Mr. Obama.

To make matters worse, most pundits are thinking that the democrats will gain even more seats in Congress. Add liberal judicial picks to the mix and God help us.

I am not a one issue voter. However, gun rights are important to me. If we are not careful, all fifty states will end up like California as far as gun rights go.

Remember the results of the last major third party candidate...Bill Clinton!

Set your priorities.

Which are truly important?

Is "saving the environment" more important that the right to bear arms and defend yourself? Is saving the environment more important than having Supreme Court Justices which interpret the Constitution rather than legislating from the bench?

These are questions you need to ask yourself.

(Side note: nobody is trying to destroy or damage the environment. There is no solid evidence of climate change, and absolutely no proof that man causes climate change or that man can even fix it.)
For that matter, there's no "conclusive proof" that cigarettes are bad for you...

Go wrap your lips around the exhaust pipe on an H2 Hummer, and breathe deeply for about 5 minutes. If you STILL don't think we need environmental reform, then come talk to us about "no solid evidence...".

Edit: I am NOT advocating that ANYONE actually wrap their lips around the exhaust pipe on an H2 Hummer and breathe deeply for 5 minutes. I'm merely illustrating a point. If you suffer permanent injury from car exhaust inhalation, don't blame me, blame Darwin.
For that matter, there's no "conclusive proof" that cigarettes are bad for you...

Go wrap your lips around the exhaust pipe on an H2 Hummer, and breathe deeply for about 5 minutes. If you STILL don't think we need environmental reform, then come talk to us about "no solid evidence...".

Go outside and stare at the sun and you'll go blind. Is the sun evil too?

Did you know that plants breathe in carbon dioxide and breath out oxygen? They clean the air!

Did you know that it takes nearly as much energy to produce ethanol than is produced by ethanol?

Did you know that fluorescent light bulbs contain mercury, and if broken, you must evacuate the building and call the fire department?

Did you know that carbon dioxide levels climbed just after WWII due to increased production of automobiles, but the temperature actually declined?

Did you know that it has been getting colder since 1998?

Did you know that 1938 is the hottest year on record?

Did you know that Al Gore isn't a scientist? Did you know that a British court ruled that there were 11 inaccuracies in "An Inconvenient Truth"?
HE will protect our guns! HE will stop the wetbacks.

Oh, see thats ONE of the many reasons I will not support RP...now of course you don't speak for the RP campaign, but having followers such as that does not put out a good image for him IMHO

I will be voting for McCain...