Who do I vote for?


New member
Can anyone tell me who to vote for?

I am a moderate democrat (pro environment) but I am also pro gun and anti immigration.

None of the presidential candidates seem interested in protecting the 2nd amendment or stopping the illegal immigrants.

So tell me who I should support? It feels as if my vote is going to be wasted as no matter who gets elected - I get screwed.
Here is my order of importance, but in all honesty they all are huge issues for me.

1 Gun
2 Environment
3 Immigration
The GOA is not the most rational source of information.

McCain voted for mandatory locks, and closing the so-called gun show loophole. Those are the only two anti-2A things he has supported.
I can think of quite a few people that I would like to see running unfortunately none of them are running. Another Presidential race where I have to select between the lesser of two evils!
Go to the individual candidates websites and make up your own mind. I'm voting McCain. I don't like a lot of things about him but he beats the alternatives.
Yea, I feel pretty powerless. I would have supported a democrat if they didn't go for two people who are completely insane, at least when it comes to the 2nd.

I don't really like McCain but he might be my only choice, I am worried about what the GOA website said which was that a Liberal Republican could do more damage then a Democrat ever could when it came to the 2nd amendment.
McCain will also gleefully sign an amnesty bill for illegal aliens.

I hate to say it but I just might stay home this November…
I am not sure who you should vote for (not even sure who I should vote for) but if you are the type that likes to be told what to do, and are easily swyed enough to let someone else decide your vote for you, go get your check book and an envelope and let me know when you are ready for instructions. :D ;)
well, mccain may be against gun shows, but he wont ban what obama calls evil semi autos, and will grant amnesty but not at the level obama will, obama will probably send maps to mexico showing how to cross the border
As a radical libertarian disliked by both parties it pains me to say it, but I am going to hold my nose and vote for McCain. I think all of the candidates are wrong about everything, so what can I do but vote strictly by the one issue that divides them?

Besides gun-control, I don't think there is really much that divides the parties at this point. I'm not convinced that the egomaniacs running on the D side won't end up prolonging the Iraq war. They will think they can do a better job than Bush and try to "win", the only difference is that I think McCain will do a better job than Bush, but maybe not enough to "win". It's maddening.

I worked for Obama making political commercials in Chicago during his senate race. He is the most self-absorbed, narcissistic nimrod I have ever met. There is no way that moron is getting my vote. Hillary is almost as bad, but I hate them all at this point.
The NRA Website rates John McCain as a C+ on gun issues while Obama receives the grade of F. That should tell you something about Obama for sure!
McCain is sounding like the least evil of all 3, I don't like his stance on Iraq but I don't think anyone who gets elected will really make a difference on that.

The democrats can say allot about leaving Iraq but I don't think any of the candidates will actually stage a withdrawal/redeployment or what ever you want to call it, we are kind of stuck their.

I read Obama wanted to ban all CCW's which really infuriated me - If it comes down to McCain verses Obama I guess I will either vote for McCain, write in Ron Paul or not vote at all.

Horrible, Horrible choices.......................
Selection is poor too terrible after 7 years of the current administration I had hopes of the GOP putting forth a candidate who would have some common sense for me it's stay home or write someone in, first time in 40+ years of voting.:(