Who cares what you spent?

I care. I don’t care personally, but I care.

Think about it like primers. There are getting to be a lot available. The stores likely can sell profitably for $60. If you pay $200 and buy all you can find, then I will see $200 prices. If I pay $200, it will cut into by primer/beer budget balance. I will have to buy less beer:D

The same is true for guns. I want a s&w pre-18. They were available in nice condition for about $600 a couple years ago. Since you all are buying them at higher and higher prices, it now looks like a $1000.

It is important that we are all putting price lowering pressure on the market or the Biden inflation will become our fault. Many of us may fall into financial struggle over this.
I don't care what anybody spends. I might think you're crazy but it's your money. I've spent too much for guns I really wanted and I've gotten some for giveaway prices and I've sold some for a lot less than I had in them. It all evens out in the end.
HiBC said:
For some reason (maybe narcissism) there is a male? social ritual around prices and status and Did you get a good deal? Oh you paid too much"

I resemble that remark. If I find gas for a quarter less, at least my wife and kids are going to hear about it.

The other side of the thrill of a great deal is the shame and comedy of over paying. I let people know when I'm buying some stock so they can sell it before it plummets.
A few simple rules to keep in mind when posting on gun forums:

1. You and your gun are one and the same. If someone says something bad about the gun, they are also saying it about you. If someone says something good about the gun, you can take their statement to apply to you as well. This means you are always justified in being personally insulted based on negative comments made about any gun you own.

2. You and the company that made your gun are one and the same. If someone says something bad about the company, they are also saying it about you. If someone says something good about the company, you can take their statement to apply to you as well. This means you are always justified in being personally insulted based on negative comments made about any company that made a gun you own.

3. If someone paid more for a gun than you did, or would, they are obviously severely mentally deficient. It's perfectly all right to feel sorry for them or despise them, depending on your mood.

4. If someone paid significantly less for a gun than you did, they obviously cheated the previous owner. Feel free to insult them, accuse them of stealing, and to heap all manner of insults and imprecations upon them.

5. If someone prepares more carefully than you do for possible self-defense encounters, or carries equipment or items you don't carry, they are clearly paranoid. If you feel magnanimous, you can pity them. Otherwise, it's fine to make fun of their obvious mental illness.

6. Those who prepare less carefully than you do for possible self-defense encounters, or don't carry equipment or items you consider important for self-defense, are clueless sheeple. Your feeling of superiority over them is definitely warranted and should make you feel warm inside.

7. If someone just acquired a new gun and is excited about it, try to find something negative to mention. It's important that other people not enjoy themselves too much and become giddy--that could cause them to be careless or irresponsible. It's your responsibility to keep them on an even keel.

8. Be sure to belittle newbies if they don't get firearm terminology exactly correct or ask questions with obvious answers. Seriously, it's not as if you were ever a newbie--we all sprang from the womb with our encyclopedic knowledge of firearms already in place.

9. Keep in mind that your firearm maintenance routine and the products you use for that purpose are an integral part of who you are as a person. People who use different products or techniques or routines are to be shunned and denigrated. It will help them to learn to be better people and will cement your worth as a knowledgeable gun owner to others who see the abuse you deal out.

10. Anyone who says they can shoot better than you is lying and is doing all their shooting with the keyboard. Anyone who doesn't shoot as well as you do is a pitiful subhuman wretch.
Great post,Johnska! Tough act to follow!

The other side of the thrill of a great deal is the shame and comedy of over paying. I let people know when I'm buying some stock so they can sell it before it plummets.

Right. I get it. Some folks are playing "The Art of the Deal" Coming out on top is their buzz. Its OK. Different strokes.

And some folks recognize "The Tool" The Unicorn The blonde driving the 55 T-bird. " I've been looking for one for 9 years " Wow! This is one of those Colt bolt rifles they built on Sako actions in the 1960's! I had one on my hands once with a $75 price tag! . This one is $475 . Hmm. Nothing personal,but I really don't care what YOU think its worth. Same with a saddle worn Savage 99 or a Mexican Mauser sporter . I set my own price on what I'll pay. I'm not playing the market. Within a year the price is a forgotten number.

The day is comng when I'll tell my Grandson " Here is a Copy of Robert Ruark "The Old Man and the Boy." You are of an age you need a proper bird gun.

Besides,I don't get around as well these days. This is a Berretta 686 Over and Under. Its a pretty good bird gun. It will do for the rest of your life till you get old.....

Oh,and this is a Remngton 513 T 22 target rifle. Works good for head shooting bunnies. This smaller,lighter Mannlicher stock 22 with 2 triggers?
Lets give that to your Sister. Thats an Anshutz made in Germany maybe in the late 1950's or early 1960's .......

Prices? They will be Gifts from Grandpa or Uncle. I won't be thinking of price.

Ha Ha, now when it comes to " This is a case of 5000 CCI #41 primers" or this is an unopened 8 lb jug of Varget.... Prices may be discussed but they will still be passed on as gifts from Grandpa!

This is a 14 ft tinny boat and a 15 hp Evinrude...

Get a good dog,kid,and live a good life. Oh,there are some canoes in the shed.. Labyrinth and Stillwater Canyons of the Green, Ruby and Horsethief of the Colorado...The North Platte..The Yellowstone, East Gallatin ,Madison,Smith,San Juan and more.

Whats it worth? Whats the price? Too much? Not enough?

Oldest Brother on 1968 he was a Special Forces Medic I-Corps,a little SW of Danang. 2 weeks before he got there his A-team was at Kham Duc. There is a book about Kham Duc. "Bait" They moved after. To Nong Som.

Anyway,I respect his Wisdom.One day,he said "Why you buying another gun? You got enough guns to shoot anything! Use your money to go places and do things!! "

Thats where you find the priceless.
Post #25 from JohnKSa should be a sticky someplace on the site.

I'd make required reading for all new members so they'd know what they're getting into and maybe avoid getting their feelings hurt and realize some things happen A LOT and not just to them.

For the rest of us it might be helpful to remind us to dial back our rhetoric a bit but I still and probably always will enjoy what I'll charitably call some of our 'SPIRITED' discussions on this site.

And thanks always to the moderators that keep things civil.
A few simple rules to keep in mind when posting on gun forums:

1. You and your gun are one and the same. If someone says something bad about the gun, they are also saying it about you. If someone says something good about the gun, you can take their statement to apply to you as well. This means you are always justified in being personally insulted based on negative comments made about any gun you own.


10. Anyone who says they can shoot better than you is lying and is doing all their shooting with the keyboard. Anyone who doesn't shoot as well as you do is a pitiful subhuman wretch.

Very good points however you forgot caliber of choice. If someone prefers a caliber smaller than you, they are obviously not capable of making intelligent informed decisions and should be derided for being mentally defective. Anyone choosing a larger caliber than your preferred caliber, is trying to make up for deficiencies in their life.
Post #25 is a great reason to subscribe to this thread.

In fact, the term, "Post #25" should become immortalized and used as if it were a short definition. For example, someone gets all butt hurt and you reply by saying, "Post #25" and everyone knows what that means.

The forum rules haven't changed - John's list is the "Official Enumerated List of Gun Ownership Rules".

There is a similar list for sport fishermen.

Life is too short not to be happy. If you want it and can realistically afford it, then buy it.

THIS! A few weeks ago I was looking at a Grail rifle and thinking 'Lord, I still really want one, but that's more than I can afford.' Then I reflected on my life and assets, and ordered the dang thing. It should arrive at my LGS next week.
A few simple rules to keep in mind when posting on gun forums:

1. You and your gun are one and the same. If someone says something bad about the gun, they are also saying it about you. If someone says something good about the gun, you can take their statement to apply to you as well. This means you are always justified in being personally insulted based on negative comments made about any gun you own.

2. You and the company that made your gun are one and the same. If someone says something bad about the company, they are also saying it about you. If someone says something good about the company, you can take their statement to apply to you as well. This means you are always justified in being personally insulted based on negative comments made about any company that made a gun you own.

3. If someone paid more for a gun than you did, or would, they are obviously severely mentally deficient. It's perfectly all right to feel sorry for them or despise them, depending on your mood.

4. If someone paid significantly less for a gun than you did, they obviously cheated the previous owner. Feel free to insult them, accuse them of stealing, and to heap all manner of insults and imprecations upon them.

5. If someone prepares more carefully than you do for possible self-defense encounters, or carries equipment or items you don't carry, they are clearly paranoid. If you feel magnanimous, you can pity them. Otherwise, it's fine to make fun of their obvious mental illness.

6. Those who prepare less carefully than you do for possible self-defense encounters, or don't carry equipment or items you consider important for self-defense, are clueless sheeple. Your feeling of superiority over them is definitely warranted and should make you feel warm inside.

7. If someone just acquired a new gun and is excited about it, try to find something negative to mention. It's important that other people not enjoy themselves too much and become giddy--that could cause them to be careless or irresponsible. It's your responsibility to keep them on an even keel.

8. Be sure to belittle newbies if they don't get firearm terminology exactly correct or ask questions with obvious answers. Seriously, it's not as if you were ever a newbie--we all sprang from the womb with our encyclopedic knowledge of firearms already in place.

9. Keep in mind that your firearm maintenance routine and the products you use for that purpose are an integral part of who you are as a person. People who use different products or techniques or routines are to be shunned and denigrated. It will help them to learn to be better people and will cement your worth as a knowledgeable gun owner to others who see the abuse you deal out.

10. Anyone who says they can shoot better than you is lying and is doing all their shooting with the keyboard. Anyone who doesn't shoot as well as you do is a pitiful subhuman wretch.
Simply outstanding, well done indeed sir.
I'd say it depends on if you are spending your money or "our money".

IF it is your money, its nobody else's money, and nobody else's business what you spend it on, or how much.

But if its not, then others do have a say.