Who cares what you spent?


New member
Like the title says, who cares what you spent on the gun you've always wanted? Who cares if you spent $1,000.00 on a gun that "others" think is only worth $700.00. If you want it and can afford it then buy it. I doubt any of us are going to be laying on our deathbed upset about spending too much money on a particular gun. Or thinking, "I sure am glad I didn't buy the gun of my dreams. Boy that would have been a waste of money. I can spend eternity at peace now." I don't know that I have ever gotten a great deal on anything I have ever bought, but I have a lot of things that I enjoy owning.
For the last few years I’ve been getting some Smith & Wessons and Colts that I wanted in my younger days but couldn’t afford. Like 22LR Smiths and Colt New Service revolvers. I generally watch a lot of auctions to get an idea of what people are currently paying then try to get in on the low end of that. But these days I can afford whatever I want and I’m not getting any younger, so I might pay a premium for something I really desire. I know a Winchester collector who has just about one of everything except he didn’t have a Russian contract 1895 in 7.62x54. He paid up huge for one but is thrilled to have it.
For some reason (maybe narcissism) there is a male? social ritual around prices and status and Did you get a good deal? Oh you paid too much"

I think the goal is to make the guy with the new gun miserable. Fine friends! Or family,

Try " What I pay is none of your business"
There are plenty of guns in my past that I should have bought but I was just a little too far out of my "budget" to buy. Most recently was a Sig 1911 Stainless in 10mm. About five, maybe six years ago. I had the cash. Could have put it on a credit card, etc. But didn't do it. I was unemployed at the time and a few weeks later, I found a great job, paying a lot more than I expected. Of course, the pistol was no longer available and I haven't seen on since.

Just buy the dang thing!

I purchased a gun that was probably overpriced, but I didn't care I wanted it. Now a few years later just picking that gun up makes me smile and I have zero regrets.
I HATE seeing you "who cares what you spend" guys at an auction! :mad: You ALWAYS outbid me!!! :rolleyes::D

Lots of ways to respond if someone tries to tease or shame you for "paying too much".

"You paid too much for that!"


No, I'm doing my bit to help the economy and my fellow Americans! What are YOU doing??

Maybe,,,, how much did you pay for you wife??
lots of possible answers...:D

Friend of mine bought a S&W model 29, 6" nickel, paid $450....did he get a deal or did he pay too much??
In my opinion, all ARs are overpriced, lol.

Many spend more on things, especially guns than they will ever admit.

I don’t care, but what makes you smile.
It seems like a double edged sword to me . I know people with very little patients that buy the second they see and or like something . if you don't even do a quick google search and buy high when there are 10 of the same thing cheaper just down the street . then you paid to much . With todays technology ignorance is a choice .

I have clients that tell me what they pay for work and I just think :eek: like close to $1k to replace a garbage disposal . I can change one out in 30min and that's redoing the drain . So that means a $200 disposal at $1,400 an hour . I don't care if you're happy , you paid to much period . I'll add I changed the new one out for less then $100 labor . That's another thing that rubs me the wrong way . Contractors that bill according to what the client can afford . Big expensive house with a couple Tesla's in front and all of a sudden there normal $125 an hour is $400 an hour . . I have repeat clients that get better prices then new ones but nothing like that and I tell my good clients not to tell there referrals what I charge them . Anyways .....

That all said , if you need it or simply want it and it's the only one in town then it's worth what ever you paid regardless if you're happy or not . Primers are a good example of that right now . I'll likely be spending close to $100 a brick next week and although I'm not happy I won't be spending to much because that's the going rate right now .

Point being , just because you're happy does not mean you didn't pay to much . If you want to hide what you paid regardless of high or low prices I agree , that is none of my business but if you tell me I might have an opinion :D
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Life is too short not to be happy. If you want it and can realistically afford it, then buy it.

Say AMEN to that.

And don't think your eyes and knees are going to allow you to enjoy this sport forever.

And there's always SOMEBODY ready to tell you what to do. Maybe listen to them but if what they are saying is stupid then ignore them. Just like this post...
Well, I don't care if you spent too much, but if you spent a lot less, I am very interested if it is something I want and more can be had at the lower price.
All of us look for bargains. But I've overpaid for guns that I really wanted. Especially older guns. Twenty years later the price I paid looks often looks like a bargain.
Especially over the last year or so, I've seen a lot of bragging about how cheaply a poster bought this or that gun. Not about the gun's characteristics or performance, but how little they paid, while other "fools" paid X more, i.e., too much..

Life is short. What's "too much" for one, may not be too much at all for another.
Point being , just because you're happy does not mean you didn't pay to much . If you want to hide what you paid regardless of high or low prices I agree , that is none of my business but if you tell me I might have an opinion

^^^^^^^ nailed it. I have often asked when told what they paid, "are you bragging or complaining".
I was always taught that you never asked anyone or told anyone what an item cost either was considered bad etiquette.
Still and all, dollars is a fun talking point.

(Remember that LNIB S&W Model 27 for $300 in 1978 THAT I DIDN'T BUY?)
(Remember that new Colt Python in 1978 at the going out of business hardware store for $350?)
(Remember that new in box Norinco knock off M14 for $400 in 1983?)
(Remember that new in box Colt 1911 Gold Cup in 1975 for $200?)

As numerous folks have said, life is short.