I don't hold any hatred for a hunter who makes an honest mistake and breaks a minor rule (say, shoots 5 minutes early but in light that he can see well in or something like that). However, when I read stories like the recent one of the 120-odd Caribou massacred up by Point Hope, AK or the endless stories of grotesque poaching in Africa/Asia/India my heart burns with a black rage to see those soulless parasites swing from a tall tree with a short rope.
I'm not the type who "relishes" the opportunity to tattle on somebody, but if someone is brazenly breaking the law and demonstrating reckless disrespect to the land, animals or fellow hunters then I'd be happy to call and do ANYTHING I can to make life as miserable as possible for them. I would think that if you saw someone illegally taking game and really wanted a quick response call the tip line anonymously and tell them what you saw and that you're heading over to hold them at gunpoint until help arrives then hang up. I bet the cavalry would come charging in over that, I wouldn't be surprised if they showed up in a chopper. It's not like you're providing false information, you could just say that you thought better of it later and decided to leave it to the professionals.
I saw a documentary a long time ago that always stuck in my head. It was on a guy in Africa who was some kind of game warden. He had a background in special forces (maybe SAS) and he would actually hunt the poachers and he had the authority to kill them if necessary. THAT would be awesome. Those kinds of scumbags deserve to die for the kind of poaching they do. I bet it would make a lot of them a little less apt to go running around out there at night slaughtering white zebras or whatever knowing there's a total bad@ss hunting them! I googled around a bit, but couldn't find any solid reference to the guy I'm thinking of. I want to say it was in Kenya, but it's been so long since I saw that. They should hire teams of guys like that to wipe out poachers.
If you are a poacher, go suck a tail pipe you worthless piece of dung. You know who you are.