Which is more of a stretch: .223 rem for whitetails or .243 win for elk?

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"With proper bullet placement an elk will drop with a 22lr."

"I disagree with the premise that there is any "proper bullet placement" on an elk with a .22lr."

I have seen an elk killed by a 22lr about 15 yeas ago. It was hit by my (wife was driving) truck. I was unfortunately not sure of the laws for dispatching and elk and used the only gun I had with me. Ruger 10/22. Dispatched it just like a cow. Shoot where the hair spirals on the forehead. I went and told fish and game and ended up with a fine. They threatened to revoke my hunting license for several years but they did not follow through with that. Still the fine was bad enough

Should one shoot an elk with a 22lr or even a 243? Nope but dont ever say it wont do the job with perfect bullet placement.

Okay, I'll stand correct and rephrase my statement.

I disagree with the premise that there is any "proper bullet placement" on an elk with a .22lr unless you hunt roadsides for elk that have already been hit by cars and are lying on the ground unable to run away.
My, how times have changed. I have old GAME NEWS magazines (A publication of the PA Game Commission) with some really weird stories and articles. One article from a 60's magazine is written by a Game warden. It seems some kids see a bear during bear season and run home to tell a relative. The only thing he had handy was a .222. Took him 5 shots to kill the bear. The way the story was written kind of expressed how tough bears are and had no disparaging remarks about the rifle used. If that story surfaced today, all involved would be crucified by the "Hunters" on this forum, including the Game Warden that wrote the article. I have hunted public land for a long time and it is rare to see someone carrying a centerfire .22, but for some unknown reason I have killed a lot of deer that were wounded before I shot them. Pretty weird, huh?

I am a little sensitive about anyone being called an idiot. I thought the example of the mercy kill was a good real world example and pertinent to the discussion. I don't think anyone was saying that it was the same as a hunting situation. I guess there are lots of opinions about what should be used in a hunting situation. I wouldn't take anything hunting that I couldn't get better than 3 MOA unless I was in bow range. Then I might as well be using a bow and have better seasons without a bunch of idiots with guns running around. Whole other can of worms I suppose.
I've never missed a elk season since moving to Co 1977 and I only missed one buck season on a draw tag first choice thru 4th didn't get any.

I have never hunted elk with 243 and have almost 50yrs experience shooting one and I'm also shooting 243AI. I understand limitation on 243 hunting elk and units I hunt which are more open so 243 wouldn't be a choice for me to use.
The summary of all this is that there are situations where these smaller cartridges work and some where they don't--so there are many variables. We could go on playing with anecdotes 'til the Devil starts selling ice cubes. Let's don't. :)
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