Which is better to have for self defense,

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I recently was at the TX Bar CLE meeting (with JohnKSa) - we had chicken for lunch. They gave us silverware in a napkin. But I had no knife in my set. Since I was the lunch presenter - I had to eat quickly so I could get up to talk and didn't want to go get a knife in another room.

My choice was to shoot my chicken to edible pieces or use my Spyderco to cut my chicken.

Does this answer the question of whether your gun is a 'tool'?
JohnKSa wrote:
The question wasn't whether or not to use a knife if that's all that comes to hand. The question was:

"Which is better to have for self defense?"

I believe the OP was:

Which is better to have for self defense,
a gun or a knife at arm's length distance at night?

The whole day/night thing not withstanding, I think that is an important distinction. While the handgun, in most but the direst of circumstances, would be the obvious choice and, offer the greatest advantage, the scenario described is a bit focused.

If the attacker is already at "arms distance" as someone else pointed out:

If your attacker is within arms reach, then you better already be fighting with whatever you've got.

True Dat ! If the person is already that close, you are likely already grappling, fending punches, or dodging a blade. Hopefully you can create some space, and be able to deploy the firearm, A blade of your own might be the only tool you can use to create that space. I know from my own experience that I can deploy the blade clipped to my front pocket more quickly, and with less space, than I can draw from concealment, and certainly could do it easier while still actively fighting. YMMV, of course.

Within the given parameters, the knife might be the best option, if I can only choose one.
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Posted by OuTcAsT: I know from my own experience that I can deploy the blade clipped to my front pocket more quickly, and with less space, than I can draw from concealment, and certainly could do it easier while still actively fighting.
You may be able to deploy it, but can you effectively slash the necessary tendons with it from your defensive position at night before being overcome?

I would prefer shooting from a pocket.
Just a reminder what a knife can do

A friend sent me these photos. The guy in the photos is an LEO trained in hand-to-hand combat and attempted to disarm a guy with a knife. I guess the result of this attempt is the reason why LEOs simply shoot these guys.

View attachment 92256
You may be able to deploy it, but can you effectively slash the necessary tendons with it from your defensive position at night before being overcome?

That IS the general idea, I will slash, stab, and rip any part of the attacker I possibly can to get him off of me. I'm reasonably sure the same method works in daylight as well ;)

I would prefer shooting from a pocket.

Agreed, however pocket carry is not usually an option for me for several reasons, particularly during warmer months.
I would prefer shooting from a pocket.
Since this is your preference, Im assuming you regularly practice doing so (be it drawing from a pocket, or shooting through it) at the range with live ammo and in a realistic manner, at realistic targets. If you dont, what makes you think youll be able to do it without thought when your focus is elsewhere?

For me, the thought of getting caught up close, with my hand buried in a pocket, especially one that required I draw the gun (or knife, or whatever), to use it, is not a pleasant thought. Might as well have that arm tied behind my back.

I think some are going to have to face the fact, that until you can do something to generate distance so you can get to and deploy your gun, you may well have to drop back to a secondary, or even third line of planning/skills (you have at least a secondary, right?), and be able to flow fairly fluidly into them.

I think if you want to be realistic about all this, you need to have at least a basic base in some other skills, and understand, that just like shooting, "everything" has specific targets that need to be focused on, to obtain specific results. Having some actual "hands on" experience also quickly shows that those "fixed" plans you have in your head (you know, the ones where you always come out the winner :D), generally go to scheiße when the other guys plan, doesnt do what your plan expects.
Either would work for me. I have trained with knives most of my life. During the academy we did a little experiment. The officer was supposed to draw his blue gun while I had a blue knife with chalk on the blade at arms length. Before he could get his gun out of the holster single retention by the way. I had cut both of his carotid arteries as well as his right femoral artery. He would have bleed out within seconds. I carry a Ka-bar TDI every day on my weak side hidden by my gun belt to stop gun grabs. On a side note I have been involved in a real knife fight and I did in fact bleed. It ended quickly when I front kicked him and broke his ribs he folded like a cheap tent but he did cut me. I still have the scar. :eek:
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