Which gun should I keep?

Get rid of the CZ. You bought something without telling her, after telling her she couldn't fly her parents in. You're man enough to admit your mistake, and you want to do the right thing. Good on ya.

The CZ is the offending weapon. It 'represents' your mistake and you need to get rid of it. If your wife is like mine, having that gun around would just be a constant reminder of your mistake. Keep the Beretta and put this behind you.

And next Christmas, prepare for company! :D
Let her choose after firing them, that way she'll be more receptive to it being around, she might even take up shooting with you, etc., etc., etc.......

I guess I lucked out a little better - mine bought me a gun for my birthday not too long ago
I'd keep both guns and try to make it up to her somehow and if there wasn't a way to appease her then I'd just take all the flack she gave me b/c the guns are worth it. She'll eventually get over the purchase.
I've used up all my tricks and arguments, to no avail. She just gives me the silent treatment

if thats the case then whats the problem?:D

first you say you'll never hear the end of it, then you say she won't talk to you.which is it man?;)

really though you bought the gun, you shouldn't have done that, but it's done. if you sell it now then you might as well flush $100 down the toilet. and I mean that. but you gotta do what you gotta do.

do you have a friend you can sell one to and get it back later?
Sorry to hear about you dilema.
Having owned both guns you mention in the past?
I'd never take a the CZ over the Px4 Storm.
I might be bias but, the Beretta Px4 is a great gun. Accurate, smooth trigger, lighter, and just an awesome all around gun.

The CZ is heavier, and the triggers are really hard to break in when shooting DA. But, the CZ will be every bit as accurate.

Tough choice but, the Beretta's trigger would clinch the decision for me.

Goodbye CZ. Heck, in 6 months you will have enough to get the CZ back anyways. So, it will be a tempoary goodbye.
I see no consensus from you guys on which to keep. Some like the Beretta, others the CZ.

So it boils down to this: The CZ fits my hand better than the Px4. All other things being more or less equal, if I only have one gun I prefer metal over polymer. So the CZ stays. No offense to Beretta. The Px4 is a fine and worthy handgun.

I already have a buyer, for $500. I've put 600 rds through it, and I bought it for $550.

Thanks for playing!
good choice. those CZ's were put thru the ringer as the new cop gun replacing the CZ75. excellent weapon, with ALL parts made in-house.

i just don't understand why you bought it, knowing you'd be in the doghouse.

lying destroys relationships and that ain't cheap.

i guess you might have figured she had to love it once she saw it!

sorry about your beretta, also a fine pistol.
I didn't actually lie to her, I just bought it without consulting her, only recently having refused her a Christmas with her parents. Boneheaded. I'm a guy, what do you expect? It isn't a big deal until your wife explains it to you!
my first wife was like that,my second wife and i have been together know for 29 yrs now,good women.been there done that gig. the women im with have spent the last 29 yrs together dosnt say much about my firearms hobby,hell one time i was looking at 2 different handguns at a gander mountain store,liked both of them and couldnt make up my mind,she looked over my shoulder and said, "GET BOTH" my teeth feel out as she walked away and a guy next to me said he wished his wife was like that. when we bought the babys home that day she grabbed the little 38 snubbie and put it in her nite stand,i dont see it often unless shes putting oil on it. ITs NOT FAIR ILL TELL YA!
"The wife says"!!!!! ?? Would she part with one of the children? Where is it written a man shall have but one gun? If you're fightin-um off at the back door who's going to cover the front door?
How many pairs of shoes does the wife have?

Haha. Your the only guy who actually needs to answer the question-
If I could only have one gun...

Sorry, couldn't help myself.
walk into the closet, pull out all her purses and shoes, tell her when she gets all those down to one of each, so will you.

Listen GROW a pair, serious, its not her choice, and its not her right to tell you what to do. PERIOD. other wise, you will be owned for the rest of your life.
"wifey says I'm lucky to keep even one gun."


Talk like that makes Mr.Evil come out.

Wifey needs to realize that she is'nt the husband.