Which gun for the end of the world?

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Greg, What do they call that thing; a"Medusa"; or something like that?
That way, you could pick up ammo
from all over the island; as it
uses everything from .380 Auto
to .357 Magnum !!!

For long guns; an MP-5 and a Remington 870
Marine Magnum in 12 gague !!!

Ala Dan
Oops! Please add the following to my previous post:

Whammo Slingshot
Mossberg 500 12 guage
Pur water purifier
Bunches of Nacho flavor Doritos

I just gotta get in on these "hypotheticals". Choice one, a decent .357 SS Revolver. For long gun I gotta go with an AR15. Shotgun....why the Remington 870 in 12ga flavor or course.



It's amazing what a large group of stupid people can accomplish.
Pistol would= H&Kusp variant#1 in 45acp or Glock model 20 in 10mm with 4; 15 round clips. Rifle would = Iron brigade Armory, Chandler built, pattern m40a1 in 308 Winchester.
To outfit my family:
40 X AK-47 shorty with a folding stock.
6 X Dakota Longbow in .338.
80 X M-4 Carbine.
For my "Officers" - twin .45s.
And a .22 rifle for all my cooks.

Heavy weapons will be selected on a per need basis.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
This is not just a hypothetical answer.

S&W md.58 customized by Cylinder & Slide
Marlin leveraction with Ashley express sights
Savage 311 18" 12 guage

Both Cartridge guns are .41 mags with custom loads.

The other choice I have is a Savage 99 .308.

I have many guns to choose from. M1a,AR-15,Rem700,Win70,Rug77.

There is no lack of choice. I just feel comptfortable with these.

As much as I like the 1911, for this situation I'd have to go with a 4" S&W 586 .357 mag.
Rifle, Winchester 94 in .30-30.
AK 47 when you absolutely got to kill every mutha***** in the room... accept no substitute!

I just loved that line.

I know I'll probably get laughed off of this
board, but if I was only able to have ONE
pistol, it would be a .22LR, in either semi-
auto or revolver form. I'd also like about
15-20 thousand rounds of assorted types to go
with it.

A good .22LR semi-auto rifle would be nice

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.
Pistol: SIG 225 or $2000 customized 1911 in 45 Super. and lots of reloading supplies.

Shoulder Arm: M16 or MP5

Body armour too

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
Pistol: SIG 225 or $2000 customized 1911 in 45 Super. and lots of reloading supplies.

Shoulder Arm: M16 or MP5

Body armour too.

You mentioned, the end of the world. If you note my signature, Jesus Christ commands His disciples to be armed until His return...which will be the end of the world as we know it. Fun question. Glad you brought it up. One more thing FAR more important than the weapon of choice, though is WHERE "Mad Max" (you fill in the blank) will go when not only the world, but his life ends???......Questions/comments direct too EQUALIZERplus@netscape.net

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
I would have to say either my ruger mk II bullbarrel or my usp40, because I can call most of the shots AKA cross t's and dot i's

my savage preditor chambered to 223/12 or a mossberg 12 and a bolt action .308/7.62 * 51
Wait - the absolute end? No place to shop, no supplies, have to live on my own in the woods?
So-has to be blackpowder - melt my own lead - how hard to make percussion caps?
Colt cap & ball .44? Or two double-barreled flintlock pistols, bowie knife, and saber?
And a Sharps breech loader
Well, as my handle indicates, I'm an avid, if not rabid, fan of the K-frame. So, what I'm going to say next borders on blasphemy. I would probably pick a S&W N-frame .44 Magnum Mtn. Gun. Small enough to conceal under a coat, but serious enough for bear, God forbid. With reloading, which you would be doing cause if they ban guns they're certainly not going to allow the sale of ammo, you can develop .44 Special loads that are lighter than a .357 or loads that make your hand sting after one shot.
If I did choose a K-frame it'd be a 4" M66. Still powerful enough to take big game at close range, more concealable than the .44 Mtn Gun, and reloading consumes less lead and powder than the .44 Mag.

I'll throw in my long gun choices too. Shotgun: Rem 870. Rifle: Win 92 in 357 or 44 to match the handgun, or possibly the 94 in 30 WCF. Gas operated guns like the AR-15 get more picky about cleaning and reloaded ammo, and it's easier to totally destroy the action of the AR than the lever gun. The 30-30, even with it's "rainbow" trajectory has more penetration and stopping power than the .223, although ammo and components will be easier to find for the 223. Hmmmm, it's a tough choice, one I hope I never have to make for real. -Kframe
One of the gun magazines had an article a while back which talked about using an amazing array of ammo in a .357 magnum revolver including 9mm. Some require ingenuity, would be slow loading and less than max performance, but would work in a pinch.

New to this forum but not firearms. Was a LEO once upon a time and have been shooting for well over 30 years.

Pistol: Glock 17, no question. Simple, reliable, gazillions of rounds of ammo available. Mine has had thousands of rounds through it without incident.

Rifle: Likely my AR but a good scoped bolt .308 is a real close second.

I do like the concept of .22 pistols/revolvers/rifles though. That is worthy of serious thought for all the obvious reasons.
Mine would be a Ruger GP-100 3" barrel, fixed sights, compact grip. I would love to say I'd pick my sig 226, but autoloaders do require more maintenance, unfortunitly.

I would probably select a Winchester, Marlin, or Rossi .357 lever action carbine for longer shots, and to keep the ammo the same. Probably 158gr. hollowpoints.

I would also desire a 12 gauge double barrel shotgun and 00 buck loads.

If I had a gun to my head I would probably select the shotgun....or the Ruger....no the carbine.......oh hell, I've got all three. Thank God I don't have to choose.

"By His stripes we are healed..."

Seeing as though I am "Armed to the teeth,off my medication[quitting smoking], and loose on society" I plan to carry: 1)my Walther P99 9mm , 2)my Ruger P95 9mm,and my Taurus 605 .357 mag snub on 1/1/2000!!!!!! Come and get me Bill& Janet!!!
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