Where have you carried in 'unlikely' places?

The Post Office thing remains ambiguous.
One section of their regs says no firearms unless on "official business", while other sections allow guns on the property to be mailed.

I have yet to see a clear PO definition of "official business".
I've carried in a lot of places some people might consider to be "unlikely" --ballets and other "artsy" events, church, the state capitol building, and others. As long as its legal to do so, I'll carry anyplace.
There is a movement to convince store owners in Seattle to post No Guns Allowed signs at their entrances. It is a violation of trespass law to knowingly enter a businessmen properly signed. I would have no problem entering such an establishment, because I could always claim I didn't see the sign if I were made, but the police encourage owners to call 911 in such a situation so the police can make the confrontation and ask the violator to leave. While it seems like an arrest would be unlikely if one complied and quickly left, the law is written in such a way that an arrest would be justified, unless there is established case law to the contrary. It's just easier to refuse to patronize a business that touts itself as anti-gun and, thus, anti-civil rights.

As I stated, I don't believe his intent was to condone breaking any laws.
In Missouri the signs that you mention went up like a wildfire taking a dry grass field during a drought when the state adopted a CCW program to permit the average citizen to do so. What I noticed, is that roughly 75 to 80% of those signs initially posted were not legal signs based on the minimum size required by state law, so in essence meant nothing. Another thing that I noticed was the slow disappearance of those signs through the years, the majority of which have gone away in the last two to three years. Not sure what the motivator for that is and I don't really care to speculate, I just know that better than half of the places that used to display them no longer do so.

Excluding any place prohibited by federal law, doing so would obviously be a felony, Missouri state law is actually rather "common sense" motivated in my opinion when considering other locations not regulated under federal law.
The only two instances that I'm aware of that are actually considered a crime by the state involve public transportation, public buses being a felony, and public trains being a misdemeanor. Following is a list of places that carrying is in fact NOT considered a crime in the state of Missouri, and an explanation of the repercussions should one be found out to be and then refuse to leave voluntarily.

"A ccw permit does not authorize any person to carry concealed firearms into the 17 locations specified below. Doing so is not a criminal act under Missouri law, but may subject the person to denial to the premises or removal from the premises. If the individual refuses to leave after being asked and the police are called, he or she may be issued a citation for an amount not to exceed $100; a second offense within 6 months is a $200 fine and suspension of the ccw permit for one year; a third offense within 12 months is a $500 fine and the loss of the ccw permit for 3 years.
1.Any police, sheriff, or highway patrol office or station without the consent of the chief law enforcement officer in charge of that office or station
2.Within twenty-five feet of any polling place on any election day
3.The facility of any adult or juvenile detention or correctional institution, prison or jail
4.Any courthouse or building used by a court
5.Any government meeting including state legislature
6.Government owned buildings except public housing
7.Bars (except owners)
8.Any area of an airport to which access is controlled by the inspection of persons and property
9.Any place where the carrying of a firearm is prohibited by federal law (crimes fall under federal law)
10.Any school (including colleges) without the consent of the governing body of the higher education institution or a school official or the district school board
11.Any child care facility without the consent of the manager
12.Any casino without the consent of the owner or manager pursuant to rules promulgated by the gaming commission
13.Any gated area of an amusement park
14.Any church or other place of religious worship without the consent of the minister or person or persons representing the religious organization that exercises control over the place of religious worship
15.Any private property conspicuously posted off-limits to concealed firearms with 11×14-inch sign with one-inch letters
16.Any sports arena or stadium with a seating capacity of five thousand or more
17.Any hospital accessible by the public"

I believe that I can promise you that I'll not be paying any fines or having my ccw permit suspended for stupidity on my part.

Maybe my perspective is wrong, but I think that Missourians have begun to look at the concept of CCW holders in our state sensibly and our laws have begun to reflect that sensibility... that kind of makes me proud.
At an extremely liberal hippie summer camp in Vermont, never felt more out of place in my life. If they even knew a firearm was on the grounds they probably would have yelled me to death with their protests :D.

I've never understood the ban in hospitals.

I always carry in hospitals, the worst they can do is ask you to leave, and that's considering they know you are carrying.
im a paramedic and carry 24/7. I could care less what the hospitals "want" me to do. if they knew the parts of deep Atlanta that we are forced to go into every night, they would probably be all for it anyways. most people would think an ambulance would probably be an "unlikely" place to find armed individuals(but that's the point), but at least half of our employees either carry on their person or at least have one in the jump bag.
I've never understood the ban in hospitals.

It's been there long before CCW (shall issue) became common. I learned 32 years ago when I carried my M16 into a Texas hospital and was promptly thrown out...

...and so one soldier sat out on the hospital's front steps babysitting an M16 rifle stack while the rest of us stood around in the ER waiting room (heat stroke).
I carry everywhere that doesnt have metal detectors. I guess I have a criminal mentality because I never see those tiny "No Firearms" signs. They really should make those bigger. :rolleyes:
Did you say river? Few years ago, took a family canoe trip on the Au Sable river in Michigan. Had my J frame snub in a Kangaroo Carry holster under my sweatshirt. Came to a place where we had to ease under a fallen tree; thought I could reach up and push limb out of the way........

Limb did not move, canoe capsized. After I wrestled with canoe, getting it empty and upright; after chasing down our cooler full of lunch, after rescuing my wife who found a nice shallow spot to wait on me ( river not being too deep anyway ) I found that my hat and sunglasses were both still on my head, AND revolver was still properly holstered.........

I was told by a LEO who taught concealed carry classes that if as a CCW holder one were to remove their firearm from their person to enter the places where carrying was prohibited, they would be defeating the purpose of carrying. I believe his exact words were, "you're not doing us (meaning law enforcement) any good". His perspective was to carry discretely and respectfully, and should one be discovered simply leave politely if asked to before any LEO were to arrive if called.
I doubt seriously that his intent was to condone breaking any laws, but I was surprised by his perspective.

In Missouri the penalty is a misdemeanor like a traffic ticket with a maximum $100 fine. As far as your CCW permit, and being caught carrying where signs are displayed, first time's free. Second time you lose your license. But really, caught by who? Unless there happens to be a LEO there, and you are sloppy about your CCW, how do it know?
My instructor gave much more stricter advise about federal buildings. "Don't mess with the Fed's" was emphatically stated.