Where have you carried in 'unlikely' places?

I hear ya Banger 357. I know we aren't supposed to carry at theaters here but I do anytime we go. Colorado shooting definitely made me think twice about not carrying there. Also, if you are concealed like the name implies then who's to know anyway. .:cool:
There have been many shootings in churchs -- there are no safe zones !!
Just like those 'gated' communities .Crimes do occur that's why many drug dealers live there !!! ...Don't assume !!:eek:
Just about every Cracker Barrel I have been in has a shotgun on a rack over the fireplace and a kitchen clock on the mantle. :)

Two of my favorite things antique clocks and firearms.
By "unlikely" I assumed the meaning was a place that was either posted or regulated by law.

The approval or disapproval of the clientele means nothing to me and certainly causes me no discomfort.

Bob Wright
Handle's Messiah at the opera house. Daughter's ballet recital, Kayaking, Church, funerals (including both my parents')...Work is a non permissive express grounds for dismissal including parking lot....soon as I get home a 1911 or my 640 goes on a belt or in a pocket.
Andy Blozinski:
Bob, I'd rather not pack where it's illegal to do so.

Well, that was the only place I could think of considered "unlikely."

I do not carry where it is illeagal to do so. I just don't go there.

Bob Wright
Hello Bob Wright,,,

...in a flashbang attached to a strapless undergarment

A FlashBang is a holster that attached to a bra between the cups,,,
Here is a video of it's use.

Apparently Banger357 was wearing one with a strapless bra.

A lady friend of mine wears one constantly with a Ruger LCP,,,
She said that after a week or so she doesn't even notice it anymore.

She is not a large lady at all,,,
In fact she's a bit on the slender side,,,
But you can't see that she is carrying even when you know it's there.

My Mom would have loved one back in the 60's & 70's.


Always carry to church. Pastor this past Sunday said if your carrying concealed don't shot me. He told me after service he was talking about me and the other 8 men who carry. Glad he is a gun guy.
I was told by a LEO who taught concealed carry classes that if as a CCW holder one were to remove their firearm from their person to enter the places where carrying was prohibited, they would be defeating the purpose of carrying. I believe his exact words were, "you're not doing us (meaning law enforcement) any good". His perspective was to carry discretely and respectfully, and should one be discovered simply leave politely if asked to before any LEO were to arrive if called.
I doubt seriously that his intent was to condone breaking any laws, but I was surprised by his perspective.
I was told by a LEO who taught concealed carry classes that if as a CCW holder one were to remove their firearm from their person to enter the places where carrying was prohibited, they would be defeating the purpose of carrying. I believe his exact words were, "you're not doing us (meaning law enforcement) any good". His perspective was to carry discretely and respectfully, and should one be discovered simply leave politely if asked to before any LEO were to arrive if called.

Whether this is a good idea or not depends on the consequences of getting caught. While one is unlikely to be caught carry concealed to the post office, you violate federal law the moment you step foot (or car tire) on post office property. I don't know what penalties are involved, but I have no desire to give the feds further reason to intrude on my life in any way.

There is a movement to convince store owners in Seattle to post No Guns Allowed signs at their entrances. It is a violation of trespass law to knowingly enter a businessmen properly signed. I would have no problem entering such an establishment, because I could always claim I didn't see the sign if I were made, but the police encourage owners to call 911 in such a situation so the police can make the confrontation and ask the violator to leave. While it seems like an arrest would be unlikely if one complied and quickly left, the law is written in such a way that an arrest would be justified, unless there is established case law to the contrary. It's just easier to refuse to patronize a business that touts itself as anti-gun and, thus, anti-civil rights.