Where have you carried in 'unlikely' places?

chris in va

New member
Unlikely, meaning incongruent or out of place?

For example I went to see a play last night in a fairly liberal, artsy stage theater. I had to smile a little knowing (presuming) I was the only one with a CC.

I've also taken my Kahr on the river with me paddling whitewater.

Any interesting stories?
For example I went to see a play last night in a fairly liberal, artsy stage theater. I had to smile a little knowing (presuming) I was the only one with a CC.

Why would you think you were the only one? You would be shocked at how many women have a little 380 tucked away.
There are no unlikely places!

For example I went to see a play last night in a fairly liberal, artsy stage theater. I had to smile a little knowing (presuming) I was the only one with a CC.

Or so you think. I use to think that way when I first started carrying.

I carry everywhere it's legal except: swimming, showering and in bed (only because the Mrs isn't up to it).
Why is church "unlikely?"

At a function recently at our church, the guest speaker was a deputy from an adjoining county. He sort of apologized for being armed during his introductory remarks.

"Don't worry about that," said the associate pastor who was sort of MC, "Most of the men, and half of the women are carrying."

My pastor once remarked that he liked for me to take up offering. Seemed folks knowing that I was armed gave a little more.

Bob Wright
Nlight, I have been in many Cracker Barrel's in Texas, don't presume you are the only one with a pistol....probably easier to count those without.
Texas Cracker Barrels?

Are Texas Cracker Barrel restaurants different than others? We eat frequently at a Cracker Barrel here in Memphis and no indication of their being unfriendly to gun toters.

Bob Wright
The day I got married, my wife insisted I wear the uniform. Our Chief had to explain to the Priest that duty sidearms were part of the uniform and it was against policy to be in uniform unarmed. The priest was much more accommodating after grasping that it was an officer safety issue.

The life of a small town cop :rolleyes:
The day I got married, my wife insisted I wear the uniform. Our Chief had to explain to the Priest that duty sidearms were part of the uniform and it was against policy to be in uniform unarmed. The priest was much more accommodating after grasping that it was an officer safety issue.

The life of a small town cop

So, in the eyes of that priest, it is O.K. for a police officer to be safe, but not the average man on the street?

Bob Wright
Bob, I had no indication they were anti gun, only responding to the previous post. My buddy, his wife and I were all in possession of a concealed weapon and certainly did not make it a known fact to management, now a bad guy could have been made aware should the need call for it ( love the Glock/dinner commercial).
Easier for me to list the places I haven't carried.

Baseball/Football games and concerts--they have metal detectors at the gates. Had to walk all the way back to the car once to stow my gun and knife before a baseball game.

That's about it. Always carry at church and it doesn't seem odd or out of place to me. Carry every day while working, industrial sales.
Are Texas Cracker Barrel restaurants different than others? We eat frequently at a Cracker Barrel here in Memphis and no indication of their being unfriendly to gun toters.

hard to be sarcastic on the internet I guess. I assume that was his attempt at humor, he shoulda used the smiley:D ...maybe the winky;)
I carried at an opera house when I took my niece to see the nutcracker. A Glock 27 seems very light until it is snuggled in a flashbang attached to a strapless undergarment. Lesson learned. We had to walk several blocks in downtown Seattle at night though, no way I was doing that with precious cargo without being able to protect it.

Also carry in a belly band when I go rockclimbing. I live in a barftastically liberal area so I've received some fabulously filthy looks from the REI crowd when they can see me printing.

And am I the only person who finds themselves completely unwilling to go to a movie theater without their CC? I feel naked and terrified without it in that situation.

Oh yeah, and the skating rink once.
I’ve pocket carried an LCP at the High Museum of Art in Atlanta. However, as mentioned above, I never assumed I was the only one armed. Funny thing they’re very worried about guest sneaking in a pen to mark on the paintings or taking unauthorized photos, but little concern about weapons which is how it should be.