I did put this article up as an example. Were none of the police agencies issued a DAO pistol? Especially when switching over from double action revolvers?
The majority switched to da/sa pistols. The S&W pistols and the Beretta 92 ruled the roost for a number of years. There were not that many dao pistols available back then. It was also the case that da/sa pistols were understood and presumed to be the best type action for law enforcement and the military available. The Beretta 92 had just been selected by the U.S. military after extensive testing, evaluation and discussion. Agencies that went with a dao pistol were outliers, not the norm.
The "general wisdom" was that da/sa pistols were the best for law enforcement. This was reflected in training and the gun mags. Advocates of single action pistols (the 1911 and BHP) were a minority.
It was argued that da/sa pistols were safer than single actions, allowed for double strike capability, easier to train people on, that condition one carry was unsafe for officers and confusing to them, da/sa allowed for a da first shot without having to rack the slide or cock a hammer, etc. Once the wonder nines appeared the argument that more rounds of 9mm were an improvement the arguments, as far as law enforcement was concerned, were over.
The arguments from Jeff Cooper and others, for single action handguns and the 1911, was that they were trying to solve a software problem with hardware. The argument that all that was needed was more training with the 1911 rather than a whole new type gun were ignored. Cooper advocated that no type gun could make up for a lack of training and poor gun handling skills.
Da/sa guns ruled the roost till Glock appeared. Glocks had no manual external safeties and are not da,sa, etc. At which point, fairly rapidly, the advocates of da/sa guns for leos changed gears. Now all that was needed was adequate training on Glocks to prevent unintended discharges. The very things that had made da/sa guns safer and better than the Hi-Power or the 1911 were now unnecessary and encumbrances. It helped that Glocks were durable and reliable guns and could be had to cash strapped law enforcement for free.