Not striker fired. Hammer fired DAO pistols are becoming extinct.
Not striker fired. Hammer fired DAO pistols are becoming extinct.
At the present time, only a few agencies still issue Beretta or S&W double-action pistols. A few large federal agencies such as U.S. Customs and Border Protection, including the Border Patrol, have opted for a frame-mounted de-cocking lever. They maintain that the double-action semi-auto is safer for their agents. Last time I checked, the Border Patrol was issuing H&K P2000 series handguns.
My wife and I shoot 9mm 1911s, but I recently bought a 9mm H&K P2000 V2 (LEM) for SD/HD. I really like the trigger and appreciate being able to control the hammer with my thumb when reholstering. I would think this sort of action would be well suited to LE, but even with the reduced pricing the H&Ks are probably too expensive for LE agencies.
Hammer fired dao handguns are far more expensive to produce. People will, in probably 90 percent of the time choose a cheaper striker fired gun, both because they can get a reasonably inexpensive gun with strong brand name, and also because it just doesn't matter to them what mechanism it uses.
Where have all the DAO Pistols gone?
.......In many cases training seems like an afterthought, and people tend to simply go through the motions. It is much easier to learn a Glock trigger than it is to transition from DA to SA (for the majority of novice shooters). Add to that being a LEO or Military is not a dead giveaway for a well trained shooter.........
This is the key here to average people weapons systems. We give people ammo and the best training and they still half a$$ things as important as weapons training. That needs to be considered when putting a gun in your own hand or in the hand of any adult.
IMO, DAO and many striker guns do this well.