where do you carry your spare mag?

I purchased a Crossbreed IWB double mag carrier. After trying it on around the house, I ordered a smaller looking single mag carrier from Comp-tac. The Crossbreed is a good carrier, but it takes up too much real estate on my skinny frame.
Sam Andrews makes mag holders with bodyshields, so the corners don't chafe into skin. Makes a big difference with my Kahr mags; not needed for my Wilson mags, though.
When I carry a spare mag, which is seldom, I carry it in my left rear pants pocket.

Since many sem-auto malfunctions can be magazine related, it behooves you to carry at least one reload. I carry My CZ P-01 and two spare mags in this Hazel Leather combo,


Now we have the cartels moving up around us, and judging by the pictures we have seen of cartel shootouts in Mexico, they carry a TON of ammo. Spare guns are definitely an excellent idea - hoping to start carrying my excellent CZ SP-01 Phantom in a good solid shoulder rig.


Before I gave it to someone who really needed it, (and it saved his life less than a week later), I used to carry a Taurus Ultralight 38 snub in the offside front pocket no matter what else I was carrying.
I don't care if anyone calls me paranoid or looking to start a fight - I am surrounded by people who want to start fights with us if we set foot on our own land.
I do not ever want to start a gunfight, I merely want to be alive to finish it.
I carry two spare magazines in a Blade Tech OWB Kydex Magazine Carrier on the support side and one spare magazine in a Rosen Magazine Carrier behind the gun on the primary side.

The one behind the gun doesn't interfere with my draw and allows me to access a spare magazine with my primary hand if I've passed the weapon off to my support hand.

I also carry a BUG with spare ammo.

If im carrying my 1911 I usually have a spare mag in my offside pocket/I also have a few pairs of cargo pants that have a cellphone or extra mag pocket :D hidden behind the cargo pocket its comfy and discreet but easily accessible.

If im carrying my revolver I usually toss a speed loader in a pocket somewhere.
When I carried an auto off-duty, my spare mag was in it's carrier on the front of my belt on my right side [I'm a southpaw]. Nowadays, I'm waxing nostalgic and toting a revolver off-duty, but my speed loaders are carried in that same location. I carry all of my off-duty equipment [including the spare ammo] in precisely the same body locations that I use on-duty. That way, there's never any confusion; all of my "emergency management" equipment is always where I expect it to be. :cool:
I just stick mine in an available pocket. I know, not the safest or best way, but still with me.