When to use lethal force?


Don't you mean he turned, drew his weapon and fired without properly assessing the situation and identifying his target first and not that he could not stop himself.

That is a fair assessment, Glenn. From my recollection of the history behind it, Wild Bill's pistol might have already been drawn as he turned around. He wanted to be quicker than the other guy when he heard the feet running up on him, and that resulted in the tragedy of his friend and deputy. That isn't an excuse, and my name isn't famous like Bill's so good luck to me if the same accident happened nowadays.
Knowing when it is lawful to use lethal force is only one part of the equation. The more complicated question that all who have chosen to carry must answer to themselves, is "Will my conscience allow me to use deadly force in defense of my own life or that of someone else?"

Those who carry without answering that question to themselves may wind up doing more harm than good.

You can only threaten deadly force if faced with a threat that allows its use (death if grave bodily harm).

If you are faced with the imminent threat of death or grave bodily harm you are also justified in using lethal force.

I wasn't asking about the legal guidelines as to when someone can employ deadly force, I am well aware of them in any situation I would encounter. What I was asking was:

Please inform us as to the legal guidelines you have used to arrive at the above is conclusion, I have never heard it expressed before in my lifetime.

The above conclusion that I was questioning was this:

And for the most part if you are within your rights to draw you are within your rights to shoot.

Your answer addressed, in general, when deadly force is jusifiable. I was asking what are the legal guidelines that specifically say if you are within your right to draw then you are within your right to shoot. There is a big difference between when you have justification to shoot someone and when you have justification to draw as far as I see it. I basically was asking if there is a law that actually says if you had the justification to draw you also had the justification to shoot. That would be very interesting reading.

All the best,
Glenn B
I was asking what are the legal guidelines that specifically say if you are within your right to draw then you are within your right to shoot. There is a big difference between when you have justification to shoot someone and when you have justification to draw as far as I see it. I basically was asking if there is a law that actually says if you had the justification to draw you also had the justification to shoot. That would be very interesting reading.

Virginia has NO statute law governing the use of lethal force.

It is ALL case (common) law.

The requirements to threaten lethal force (fear of death or grave injury) are the same as the justification to use the force.

If you are NOT in fear of death or grave bodily harm you are not even allowed to threaten lethal force.

If you are in fear of death or grave bodily harm you have met the conditions to both draw and use that force.

They are inextricably linked.
the only hard and fast guarenteed time to pull ur gun is when there are bullets flying ur direction. most will say that point is too late, and it is.

any other times are open to interprtation.