When do we assist the people of Georgia?

Georgia really expected more help from the US, despite being advised by the US NOT to invade Ossetia. To muddy the waters a bit, it was Israel who helped Georgia plan and execute their invasion, in direct opposition to the US trying to dissuade the Georgians. What are we to believe? That the US did not have communication with Israel? So regardless of whether one believes Georgia is a pawn of the US or not, We have been putting military bases along the Russian border, and now missle sites. Nothing like a little stick poking at the tiger through the cage bars. Strings and mirrors cannot hide the fact that there is some provocation going on.
US also indulges in skullduggery and it's hidden by the media

I doubt that. The liberalMedia misses no opportunity to blame the Bush administration for any little thing that goes wrong, regardless of whether it was Bush' fault.

Things will be different, though, if Obama wins. When the Republicans are in office, the Democrats and liberalMedia blame the Republicans for everything that goes wrong (even the weather). When the Democrats are in office, the Democrats and liberalMedia will blame the military or the police any time something goes wrong.
Hmmm, Silver Bullet. You've truly lost me on that one. There's plenty of crap that goes on that you'll never see in the mainstream media. Like the CURRENT situation in the Caucasus, for instance... Many person who should know better claim "surprised" by it all...

We'll have to agree to differ on this one.

Not to mention we are a smidgen away from war with Russia, among others. But that's for a different thread.
Chui, I was Russian linguist for the military. In addition to my military experience, I've been following Russia closely since then for business reasons. I don't feel a need to read your sources because I feel very comfortable with my own knowledge on the subject and find your sources unreliable to the extent they speculate and uninformative/incorrect to the extent they report actual facts. Your past discussion of the BTC pipeline is an excellent example of why I tend to disregard what you post. Nevermind that the pipeline has its terminus in Ceyhan, Turkey. Nevermind that the pipeline was completed over three years ago. Nevermind the economic inefficiencies in extending the pipeline over land once it has reached a deepwater port. None of these facts seem to sway you or your sources from your belief that the pipeline will go to Israel. Yet when I inquire about how these simple facts contradict your sources, I am simply admonished to read several hundred pages of materiał, most of which have nothing directly to do with the pipeline, and told that if I merely read the sacred tomes of Chui, I too will understand why apparently obvious facts are no speedbump to global conspiracy.
It's nice to know that others have contacts "across the pond". I don't comment on anything that cannot be found in the press.

You're only partially correct about BTC. Yes it's already built. But you miss entirely the plan to have a connection to Israel. This, despite YOUR determination that "they" wouldn't conduct a war for an oil pipeline. That tarnishes your creds somewhat because warfare IS about money. I don't study this for business purposes, per se, but I study it as if my life depends on it - and it does.

I'm most certainly not going to type 10 pages of material when one can quickly search and find articles referencing materials/places/things mentioned and do the most important thing: decipher for self whether or not you believe it to be true. There is disinformation and misinformation in all mediums on all sides. The truth is not easily found amongst the two, initially. But it can be found and it takes diverse sources to do so it seems.

Odd thing is that MANY have discounted yet they ultimately eat crow. We're up to no damned good in the Caucasus. Time outs all and we shall be outed - if not blasted - soon.

There is much I'd like to discuss with you but this is not the medium to do so.

Take care.