When are we gonna talk about Scotty?

"But that doesn't change the fact that what he says is true."

Pray tell, how do you know it is true? Were you there?

A brief history of the book deal. This is excerpted from American Thinker, but it provides enough info that can be verified by anyone interested enough to look into it. JT

PublicAffairs editor Lisa Kaufman confirmed to the AP that the proposal McClellan shopped around was nothing like the book that plunges the knife into his benefactor's back. "The original proposal was somewhat general," Kaufman admits, "so before making an offer on the book we talked to Scott at some length."

It takes little imagination to gather how the conversation between George Soros's publisher and a disgruntled former Bush administration official hawking his unwritten memoirs, still unsold after having gone through the tope tier of publishers, went.

But imagination isn't needed.

A book's editor and its author work extremely closely--with the author sweating over every word, every detail, and the editor helping shape the pacing and overall tone of the manuscript. Kaufman told the AP that as McClellan wrote the book the "tone began to be directed toward issues and events that some people would rather he not be straightforward and candid about."

PublicAffairs reportedly paid McClellan a $75,000 advance. An advance is the only part of an author's financial deal with a publisher that's guaranteed. It is literally an advance on the author's royalties. If the book sells enough copies that the author's royalties exceed the advance, the author will make more money.

Some have argued that McClellan's small advance negates the financial incentive as a reason for McClellan to bring forward these charges, when the opposite is true. When George Tenet or Bill Clinton are offered millions in advances, they've already made their money. The books will probably not "earn out" (pay the author more than the advance) no matter how many copies are sold. With a small advance, the author is under pressure to sell as many copies as possible.

With only a $75,000 advance, and working with a publisher and editor who were more interested in producing a book written by a disgruntled former Bush staffer than they were in the book McClellan had proposed, McClellan had every financial incentive to give them exactly the book they wanted.

And he apparently did.

According to the AP article, "Rival publishers say they had no sense that McClellan would make such explosive observations."

Could that be because the proposal McClellan presented them, the book he set out to write before financial pressures and a left-wing publisher took over, didn't contain them? And how is the public now expected to believe them?

More fact and less insinuation, please.

So far the only concrete fact stated here is that McClelland's publisher also published Soros' books. The rest is all unsubstantiated conjecture scraped together in a weak attempt at well-poisoning.
Pray tell, how do you know it is true? Were you there?

I can see you a big fan of Bush, and probably think he has done a great job as president. I doubt either of us will change our opinions on the matter. If, after 7 years of Bush, you still believe everything he has said, then there is probably no reason for us to argue.
Very interesting reading on this subject....


The Soros-McClellan Connection
Wed, May 28, 2008 at 7:28:40 pm PST

The hat tip for this post goes to LGF reader John Williams in Texas.

The company that published Scott McClellan’s new Bush-bashing book is PublicAffairs Books, and their Editor at Large is a guy named Peter Osnos: About The Century Foundation.

The owner of PublicAffairs Books is a company called Perseus Book Group. Here’s their ownership tree: Perseus Books Home.

The firm is owned by Perseus Funds Group (holding company Perseus LLC), a capital management firm that grew from about $20 million in 1995 to over $2 billion now. Big infusions of cash seemed to help it grow exponentially, and it closed funds almost as fast as it opened them. The board has tons of liberals from the Clinton and Carter Administrations, with far-left credentials that almost put Osnos’ to shame. Their web site is here: PERSEUS - merchant bank and private equity fund management.

If you go to the New York Department of State web site and enter “Perseus” in the “Business Organization” search, you get this on page 2 of the results:
What's "pathetic" is the weak sauce you're attempting to pass off as "proof".
You want us to believe that Dubya's old sock puppet is now Soros' sock puppet, you need something more convincing than the fact that their books were published by the same folks and a load of Leonard Nemoy- style leading questions and conjecture.
And references to loony fringe websites like LGF don't help your cause.
Furthermore, even if the level of disclosure was influenced by the publisher (a contention I do not concede), where's your proof that it's false?

Any impartial reader can see the wild-eyed attempt at obfuscation you're putting forth here. If you've got something concrete, let's see it. Otherwise, you're in a hole and it's really time to stop digging.

Dust Monkey,
More interesting reading from a source that's just as reliable as LGF:
GoSlash, its like telling your kids,"everything is allright, nothing is wrong." while you load your guns and barricade the doors and windows.

I think tube ee called it, if he would have stepped down, saying he had a conflicts with the Bush admin in the begining, I think he would have been praise as a more honest, moral man when this book came out.
A picture is worth a thousand words Soros and McClellan books on the smae page from the publisher distributor along with Natan Sharansky books:

Click here:



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Call them and getr more infor in a week or so you could chase down the interlocking directorates and figure out who owns the company Maybe, Kitty will need his tinfoil hat for that job maybe.....


Browse the book by Soros see who the publisher is....

Take your fingers out of your ears and stop chanting NNA NNA NNA I cant hear you.
After a couple years working for Bush, I would say you are correct.

Yeah, if only Scotty had worked for the Prevaricator in Chief, Klinton...he'd now be a paragon of veracity. Hahahahaha!

Scotty's just a nobody making a buck on a guy who gave him more opportunity than he deserved. Scotty was fired, due to his incompetence. He's truly pathetic.

Having said all that, I think the war in Iraq will go down in history as just another colossal blunder, like the DemocRATic war, Vietnam.
Scotty was fired, due to his incompetence. He's truly pathetic.

He was not fired. And he know Bush for a long time, and worked with Bush when he was governor back in Texas, so Bush must not have realized he was incompetent and pathetic. Of course, considering the group of incompetent, pathetic sycophants Bush has surrounded himself with, maybe he just didnt notice.
Will the Real Scott Please Stand Up? Questions for my ex-boss

By Trent D. Duffy
Monday, June 2, 2008; Page A13

Dear Scott,

Since you're not answering my e-mails anymore, I'm writing to pose a few questions that haven't been asked on your truth, honesty and candor tour:

· Was it the truth or a lie when you told me, during a series of personal discussions in your West Wing office in late 2005 and early 2006 (at the apex of what you now call your period of "disillusionment" and "dismay"), that you were happy in your job and proud to serve President Bush and that you had no intention of leaving soon? What about in April 2006, when rumors swirled about a change at the podium, and you again told me you wanted to stay?

· Was it the truth or a lie when you told me around Christmas that the excerpts released by your publisher were being "taken out of context" and that your book wasn't going to be a hatchet job?

· Was it the truth or a lie when you assured your former deputies that you wanted our "full participation" in the book?

· Was it the truth or a lie when, after countless briefings, you complained that the White House press corps was too tough, unfair, over the top and didn't get it?

· And, finally, you like Barack Obama's message and don't know if you're a Republican?

An off thought on the 'executive privelige' thing:
If Scotty wasn't privy to all this stuff then how can executive privelige apply?

A picture is worth a thousand words Soros and McClellan books on the smae page from the publisher distributor along with Natan Sharansky books:
I have a picture of myself with a wall cloud in the background. I didn't make the wall cloud tho'. Yeah. Same publisher. We get it.

Selected Entity Name: PERSEUS BOOKS, L.L.C.
Yeah. Same publisher. We get it.

Call them and getr more infor in a week or so you could chase down the interlocking directorates and figure out who owns the company Maybe, Kitty will need his tinfoil hat for that job maybe.....
Are you claiming as a point of fact that Soros owns that company? If so, let's see the proof. Otherwise, it could be anybody in charge there from Maggie Thatcher to Osama Bin Laden.

Browse the book by Soros see who the publisher is....
Yeah. Same publisher. We get it.

Do you have anything beyond "same publisher"??
An off thought on the 'executive privelige' thing:
If Scotty wasn't privy to all this stuff then how can executive privelige apply?

Well, the book itself was vetted by the WH prior to publication. Any testimony before congress using the book as jumping off points could clearly go into territory the WH would not want them going into.

I don't have a problem with executive privilege in normal situations like this. However, once a real investigation exists (rather than a fishing expedition) then EP goes away in lieu of confidential congressional oversight. The office of the president doesn't get 5th amendment rights against self-incrimination.

Do you have anything beyond "same publisher"??

No, I like this argument. It shows just how desperate some people are to find a conspiracy. It is just about the weakest evidence there is, too, as you could look at just about any publisher and find wide variance in titles / political affiliation.

What I find so humorous about this is that there is an accusation of him being less than honest / moral and trying to make a buck. Which, of course, is the opposite of capitalism. Is there really anyone out there that think he went into the position without thinking about how to capitalize off of it? Indeed, it seems the position itself requires the defenestration of personal morals and truths to take on those of whom you are speaking for and representing.
Well that just makes it even more blatantly obvious, doesn't it?
Well, the book itself was vetted by the WH prior to publication.
So then they *did* know what his book contained? Funny, they all seemed so shocked and bewildered.

Any testimony before congress using the book as jumping off points could clearly go into territory the WH would not want them going into.
Not if Scotty wasn't in the loop (as they claim). But then again, EP only applies to those that *are* in the loop...So now which is it? :confused:
I sure do miss Rove. He knew how to throw a proper wookiee defense. :D
Not if Scotty wasn't in the loop (as they claim). But then again, EP only applies to those that *are* in the loop...So now which is it?

It sure is a good thing this administration doesn't lie. Otherwise we'd be confused as to who to trust, huh? ;)
is it over yet?

It seems like the Scotty book was a big issue at first; but now it sure seems to be falling out of the headlines. Do you think it might be becasue he is just reporting what is old news and most people already have their opinion regarding the Dubya truthfulness. After all Scott is trying to make the stuff that happened for the last seven plus years seem like its new news and not just a rehash of the know facts.
It seems like the Scotty book was a big issue at first; but now it sure seems to be falling out of the headlines. Do you think it might be becasue he is just reporting what is old news and most people already have their opinion regarding the Dubya truthfulness. After all Scott is trying to make the stuff that happened for the last seven plus years seem like its new news and not just a rehash of the know facts.

I dunno, he had a really interesting interview on NPR today. I think your statement says a lot more about the "liberal media" myth than anything else, though.