When are we gonna talk about Scotty?

As a press secretary, Scott didn't seem as smooth and oily as Ari Fleischer or the Perino lady. Those two willingly "catapult the propaganda" and enjoy it.

At some point, Scott realized that what he was being told to sell to the American public, just as what Powell was told to sell to the UN, was a pack of lies.

You can expect a man to give up a lot in his job... blood, sweat, time... but trick him into giving up his reputation and there is a good chance for blowback.
At some point, Scott realized that what he was being told to sell to the American public, just as what Powell was told to sell to the UN, was a pack of lies.

You can expect a man to give up a lot in his job... blood, sweat, time... but trick him into giving up his reputation and there is a good chance for blowback.

It took him how long to "realize" this? He must be a very slow learner.......
No question Bush has been a disaster for this country, and we didn't need Scotty to tell us ... by the way, can anybody name an honest politician, one who has never lied, who only has his or her constituent's interests at heart, who has never sold at least a piece of his or her soul to get elected or re-elected? Out of 300 million people, are McCain, Obama and Hillary the best we can do? Good grief ...
Still waiting on a source for the statements of fact presented upstream.
Looks like a lot of tin-foil well poisoning to me.

The people who published his book also published Soros' books.
Your point being?
McClellan has no honor,

but not because he "betrayed" his "boss" by writing a book.

George Bush is not his boss. We are. As we are the President's boss.

In that context, he betrayed his boss by not coming to the podium, the day after whenever he had his moment of clarity, and saying:

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I have just learned that I have been lying to you, and through you, to the American people who are my ultimate employers.

From this podium I said the following things that I now know were untrue.

{insert list of lies}

Therefore, I can no longer in good conscience continue to serve this Administration in any capacity whatsoever. I am hereby tendering my resignation, effective immediately. I am deeply sorry for what I have done.

Good bye."

And then he should have left the podium, walked down to HR, collected his final paycheck, and continued out to his car.

It's not enough to resign. If it is a matter of conscience, you must also say publicly why you are resigning.

I don't doubt the truth of what he's saying. And given the fact that all of the attacks on him have been based on the fact that he said them, rather than on the factuality of what he said, not even his critics seem to doubt them.

But to claim some mantle of integrity for doing it is ludicrous. There was a time when he could have done that. That time has long passed.

So he's claiming that the Bush admin. lied about multiple facets of the war in Iraq and he was the more than willing mouthpiece for it.


At least Joseph Goebbels had the stones to commit suicide.
well said, tube ee ... but nobody would have paid him for that bit of courage ... he waits a while, writes a book, and the money flows in ... just another political shill ...
Bikerbill, I think that you, Shannon, my wife, and I are all in agreement. The reason that he is less than honorable is not because of what he has said in his book..but because he waited until he could profit from it rather than coming out and admitting his own guilt without taking personal advantage of the situation.

Falling on your sword when it's justified is honorable...making a profit from your mistakes is NOT.
There's nothing wrong with writing the book, even...

And you could make a fairly credible argument that, had he done what we all agree would have been the honorable thing at the time, his book would have sold more copies, and he'd have made more money.

I'm not at all opposed to "cashing in". Dude's got a story to tell, if people buy it, that's all to the good. Hell, even Shakespeare cashed his checks.

What I have a problem with is his conduct then, not his conduct now.

He could have told the truth then, publicly resigned in protest, and still written his book now, made millions, and I'd have no objections. But no, he took the easy way out, and waited until after he left the job to say what he'd obviously thought for a long time. When it wouldn't cost him anything.

I personally won't be buying his book. I don't need Scott McLellan to tell me that I shouldn't trust George Bush as far as I can spit a rat. I already knew that.


PS: Pointing out that the publisher is affiliated with George Soros isn't an argument. The book is either true, or it is not. The fact that a left-of-center publishing house spent the money to publish it has no bearing whatsoever on its truth value. The presentation is, of course, slanted, presumably in McLellan's favor. Duh... he wrote it. That's fine... books with no bias are usually pretty dull reading. Like math textbooks... or stereo instructions.
What I have a problem with is his conduct then, not his conduct now.

He could have told the truth then, publicly resigned in protest, and still written his book now, made millions, and I'd have no objections. But no, he took the easy way out, and waited until after he left the job to say what he'd obviously thought for a long time. When it wouldn't cost him anything.

Absolutely. He is, in the local argot, an unflushable turd. And certainly not because he dared contradict the buffoonish King George II years after the fact, when his sudden epiphany could change nothing whatsoever.
Blah, blabbity, something-or-other-littlegreenfootballs.Combabble blah
Yeah, that's about what I figured.
Listen... Everybody keeps tellin' me how I'm the guy who gets to wear the aluminum foil. Let's just keep it that way, huh? :D
Face some reality boys

Those of you who keep claiming all Scott had to do was tell the truth when he was PS and simply wank away are dreaming. He would not have gotten through a single sentence before one of the backup people would have hauled him off the stage. Soon to be followed by the announcement that Scott had undergone a breakdown.

Then there is the reality that someone was going to be making the press conferences backing the administration's position. To believe otherwise is to be a complete fool about how things get spun for one side or the other.

His employers had ample opportunity to make him sign a nondisclosure contract or pay him to never go public with this. But alas they did not do either as Scott is free to publish his version of what ever he claims happened.
And for the record I have had no respect for Scotty then and I have none now. I can't even dismiss the notion out of hand that he was paid to sell us a collective load of used oats, because let's face it : he's done it before.
But I'm not about to let some half-baked collection of factoids, fallacies, and conspiracy theories get to clouding the issue without some kind of proof.

Soros paid McClellan to put forth falsehoods? Show me the money. And if that's not the charge, what, *exactly* is the charge?

While we're on the subject, let me put forth my own half-baked conspiracy theory:
First everyone in the WH is "disinterested" in discussing the book. Then everyone is saying (in unison) "That doesn't sound like the Scotty I know". Then all of a sudden this Soros meme shows up on all the usual Bush-apologist websites ( for example, LittleGreenFootballs). Coincidence?
Looks like Rove's MO to me. And it looks like the same ol' dupes carrying the same ol' water for the same ol' usual suspects because they're exhibiting the same ol' intellectual laziness.
A squatty Robert McNamara. If Scotty saw and heard things he could not stomach, then he had the moral obligation to walk off. Instead he hangs around, gets a pat on the back when he leaves, then writes a book which tells the publisher and the publishers money bags just what they wanted to hear. Now our friends in the media want us to take this goober seriously.
He and Bush make me sick

He's a piece of SH-t just like the man he worked for. Now he want's to tell everyone about Bush. Had he had the balls then, maybe he would have saved a couple of thousand American lives. He will rot in hell just like the two chicken hawks Bush and Chenny. Both are cowards that have no trouble sending other mens sons and daughters off to die. Bush can sit in the front row of this church from now till he dies, and think he is a good Christian, if there is someone to answer to about what he has done on earth, he will need to explain for himself because Chenny will already be in hell and won't be able to whisper in his ear what to say.