When are we gonna talk about Scotty?

"What's the verdict?"

He's trying to get on Oprah.


The Little Scotty Potty Chair
I really don't care what little Scotty thinks.

He never was quick or articulate on his feet. He never gave Helen Thomas one bit of competition and she is so dumb...it is hard to conclude he had not risen well past his skill level. That is a mark against Bush and cadre, but it also brings the validity of his observations into question. What is the use of listening to idiots, even if they are telling you what you want to hear?

What future does he have? No measurable skills I can tell. So what kind of book is going to sell and get him to a retirement other than as a ward of the state? What sells these days? He has none of the "eloquence" of Obama, intellect of others. Ah, bash GWB.

I am very disappointed in GWB, BTW. He got some stuff right, but too many damned errors. Carter, however, remains the hands-down winner as a bad President.

And it is old history, like kicking a dead dog. There is nothing positive to be gained, IMO, because in later years some intelligent person will write a real history of the times, researched and fair. I will wait for that book. Nothing Scotty says now has not already been said, nor will it change anything that has happened or that will happen in the next year.

Cash in while you can Scotty, but accept it when someone blows their nose on your coatsleeve one day. You and Colin Powell are camping together.
No one is discussing it, because we know everything he said was true. And we have known it for several years. No one is surprised.

Right. Scott McClellan is now to politics what Jose Canseco became to baseball.......a money-grubber.
Or maybe he just had a belly full of lies and decided to come clean. Others in the Bush Administration have done the same. Rats jump from a sinking ship. The things he is saying have been corroborated by other insiders who have broke from the administration.
One more nail in the Bush administration's coffin . Its only further proves how damaging this administration has been to this country. And how they have lied over and over again to the American people. You can thank Bush II for the coming Dem sweep of congress and the White House.
The big issue once again

is not who said what when. Or even who is recanting what was said. The big issue is learning to question what is said by any of the press secretaries or PR people in the entire administration. Those fooled most were the one who accepted the statements without question. While the current administration has been guilty of probably a greater deal of deception none of the former PR BS back for many many presidents should be viewed in the context of the times and the administrations need to deceive. We have been the receivers of endless crap from our presidents becasue we were foolish enough to believe thier every word.

Are we learning anything from these disclosures or are we simply going to remain in a status quo mode and continue to believe the current press secretary and future ones without question? For those who do will continue to be fooled over and over again and again. ;)
Nothing Scotty says now has not already been said, nor will it change anything that has happened or that will happen in the next year.

I really hope that's not true; this administration is still trying to get us into a war with Iran before they leave.
McClellan has very little credibility.

If you "follow the money" back to who's funding this book it leads right back to the hard-left European socialist George Soros.

Soros is the major investor in the the publisher of McClellen's book.

I mean, for God's sake, this publisher has cranked out SIX books by Soros in the past eight years.

The whole McClellan-Soros book scandal is very reminiscent of how an intelligence agency will "turn" a defector and pay them to write a book that discredits an enemy. Just more propaganda from Soros designed to "buy" another election.

And before anyone accuses me of being a "Bushie" let me add that I think he has been an absolute disaster as POTUS.
No one is discussing it, because we know everything he said was true. And we have known it for several years. No one is surprised.

I agree with this. There are no revelations in this book and he is simply echoing what others have said and suspected all along.

Those that support Bush will say, and have said "He made this all up, he was disgruntled and needed quick cash."

Those who don't believe Bush will simply see this as a confirmation of what was suspected all along.

Either way, these is nothing new in this book. It's an echo of what has been out there, real or not, all along.
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Those that support Bush will say, and have said "He made this all up, he was disgruntled and needed quick cash."

I'm not saying he made it all up. I am saying he was a huge Bush supporter for what, 6-7 years, and was paid a huge salary to boot. And now he finally finds religion? He would probably sell his mother to the circus if he could make a few bucks on the deal.
Don't get me wrong Bush and his cabinet are not saints, and I think there some truth to what he wrote. However I think Scotty "sexed up" his book and threw in some BS, to make money.

I love how the conservative talk show host are jumping all over him forbeing a White House Snitch even though a while back they jumped all over city kids wearing "stop snitchin' " t-shirt.

Is this the new face of the conservative movement.
