Wheelguns as houseguns- a viable alternative???


In my house the only guns that we keep loaded on standby are a few revolvers.... they are ALWAYS ready to go.. easy to operate, no question about whether the safety is on or the rounds are chambered.....

With the exception of when my wife or I leave ccw/duty weapon up on a shelf or something like that ready-to-go, we rely on the revolvers as home defense.
Neither Wife nor Daughter like shotguns, so the tactical 870 that's part of my homeowner's insurance policy is mine. They have access to some good 38/357 revolvers loaded with my old duty load.
It's good to know I'm normal with:

686 loaed with 158 SWC and
12 ga.pump with #4 shot

I'm a newbie but I listen and read ALOT.
Everyone knows more than I... It just takes
some filtering. regards
Voodoo, I agree w/ the folks saying a shotgun is prefered home defence weapon, but that was not the question. I have both beside the bed.
Capacity shouldn't be an issue. Remember, you only need a handgun for the few seconds that it takes to get the shotgun or rifle out of the closet. :)

P.S. Just 'cause they are in the closet, doesn't mean that they are gay.
I have a Dan Wesson 357 mag that I whittled down a smaller grip for my wife. I keep it loaded with 38 HP's. Sadly, she doesn't like practicing as much as I do, so the revolver is much simpler for her to bring into action without mistakes. YMMV


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Society
You know I'm SURE that around the turn of the century someone asked "is it safe to use a new-fangled automatic for home defense".

all things being equal:

1. Revolvers don't jam as much as auto's.

2. Revolvers can be stored loaded with no tension on magazine or hammer springs.

3. Revolvers don't generally have a safty to fumble with.

So yes, a revolver is QUITE adequate for beside duty, and unlike a shotgun requires only one hand to use (in case you don't have time to get into a weaver stance).

But THE BEST home defense/deterrent is a BIG DOG that likes YOU and is wary of everyone else. Besides, Fido can guard the homestead while you are out plowing the back 40, so to speak.

Rule #1 of a gunfight.. have a gun.
Rule#2 know how to use it.

My preferred wheelgun is a Colt 1917 Army model in 45acp. Its accurate as hell.. doesn't kick much and is big enough to get anyone's attention. A similar S&W brazilian contract, surplus army model or model 625 can have the same effect. Look down the muzzle at a 45 cal revolver, the hairs on the back of your neck should start to stand up.

Big magnum calibers are overkill when it comes to going through walls, doors, windows, floors, ceilings, bad guys, etc. A good quality used smith and wesson model 10 in 38 special should suit anyone just FINE for the HD role.

my 2¢,

Well, I usually have a 45 auto ready for the role of home defense, but even that is only to hold them off til I get to my mini-14 :)I've used my wife's 4"686 as a house gun, and my 5"629 loaded with 44spls, and never thought I was undergunned. 6 for sure, then at least 30 in the rifle. If that doesnt solve the problem, then its me that has the shortcomings, not the weapons I've chosen.

"To die as a warrior means to have crossed swords and either won or lost without any consideration for winning or loosing. There is just not enough time and generally not enough strength in the resolve of any man to do otherwise"-Miyamoto Musashi
As much as I hate to disagree with you, A shotgun does not beat a handgun as far as home defence unless you hear someone kicking in your door and you have time to get a shotgun into play. A shotgun is a two handed weapon which makes it hard if your intruder gives up and you have to keep the gun on him with one hand, and must call 911 with the other. Also as far as close quarters combat, a shotgun can be taken away from you in a flash, all a person has to do is grab the barrel and with a sharp twist, it's out of your hands. If a person is already in the home it is much easier to quickly reach down and grab a handgun than to get a shotgun, easier to manuver in a narrow hallway as well where you can point to a threat with just a flick of the wrist instead of the slower action of shifting your whole body around to aim the shotgun. A shotgun for me in the home is a good idea as a back up weapon if I need to go with a flashlight in one hand and my Ruger P90 in the other, then the wife can barricade herself in the bedroom with the Mossberg 500.
As far as which Handun? a revolver would work just as well as any auto for home defence. They will take alot more neglect and are less likely to have problems from dust or other particles that may collect while it is sitting in the night stand.

"what gives a government that arms the whole world the right to disarm it's own citizens?"
The way I see it, anyone with strong hands can either take away or render useless a handgun as well. A simple yank and it's out of the hand, and easier for him to get it turned at you before you knee Mr. BG in the groin. Or, if by some miracle you manage to hang on, a strong grip can lock up a revolver cylinder, and a very strong grip and a shove can put an auto out of commission, at least until the owner racks a round in, giving the BG time to choot, clobber, run, etc. Besides, for me, going prowling through the house with a loaded gun, looking for someone else possibly with a loaded gun, is tantamount to begging to be injured, seeing as how I am completely untrained in house clearing. Hand to hand, fully qualified. Shooting, as close to it as anyone short of competition gets. Heck, M1 tanks, pretty fair. When it comes to room clearing and such, I'll call the friendly local LEO. And as for one hand VS. two hand weapons, keeping two hands on a shouldered weapon that fires a charge of shot seems like a much better idea to me than having my hand shake through 180 degrees trying to hold a pistol steady in that sort of situation. So, to make a long post even longer, a handgun definitely has a use in home defense. That being a secondary weapon. Besides, I doubt that either of the hanguns I currently own would be of much good any how. A nine shot .22 revolver that fires about half the time. (still working on that.) or a T/C Contender in .22 lr. I think i'll stick with the Rem 870.

Well, Mineralman, you raise some good points.
However, I am not sure I totally agree with you that a handgun is as easy to wrench away from a person as a shotgun. I would feel that my handgun held Clsoe to my body would be harder for an enemy to grab then say, a shotgun or rifle which will be sticking out anywhere from 18 to 28 inches out in FRONT of me. If someone were to reach towards a gun held near my body (handgun) I still have a free hand to club him with my fist, Flashlight... also, it is wise to have a cell phone if at all possible and I can barricade my self somewhere or investigate with my .45 in one hand and a cell phone in the other online with a dispatcher at the same time. Try that with a bulky shotgun.
I do however agree with you that I would much rather shoot an attacker with a mossberg 500 than a .22 lr.
If in fact for sake of argument we are talking about either gun being taken away, would you rather be shot with your own handgun or shotgun? (just a thought)

"what gives a government that arms the whole world the right to disarm it's own citizens?"
I don't understand why people always think that choosing a revolver over an auto is "settling".
Sure, there are fewer shots at the immediate ready.

Why does the argument have to be: "Revolvers are more reliable than auto's, but have fewer bullets."

The way I see it, it ought to be: "Sure, autos have more rounds at the ready but if the dang thing fails to function, those 17 rounds don't mean a damn thing!"

I'll "settle" for my six I guess.
Well, I'd really rather not get shot at all. If I was going to be, it would be with the .22. However, those sorts of damage considerations are exactly why I choose the 870. Besides, talking on the phone while barricaded and holding weapon is what I have an adjustable volume speakerphone for. ;)

Good one Mineralman :) ok truce. Can't argue with you on that one :)

"what gives a government that arms the whole world the right to disarm it's own citizens?"
I use a Ruger Blackhawk .44mag with frangible hollowpoints (so as not to overpenetrate. Not that a .44 would make it through the logs of my cabin, but it's the principle of the thing I guess.) A wise soldier once said, "The deadliest thing on the battle field is one well placed shot." To tell you the truth, I don't plan on shooting more than once per customer. That makes me safe up to gangs of 7 or more. :)
In my opinion the pistol can do many things the revolver can't, especially if we plan for the worst case szenario ( remember that's why we own guns ).
Against several armed, moving bad guys ( not to think of body armor! ) and the feeble handgun stopping power considered, you need every round of your high cap magazine, you need great split times ( with almost equal wound ballistics when we compare 125grs. .357 vs. 135grs. .40 S&W ), you need night sights ( which are available without gunsmithing for pistols only ) and you may even need the blinding power of a tactical light.

However, I would prefer a short AR 15 to any handgun- better ballistics even against body armor, less danger of overpenetration, 30 rd. capacity for multiple bad guys, effective from 0 to 100 yards,...
I am not sure of your experience with AR rifles. I too would like to use mine--- If I were outside securing my property. You fire a .223 round out of a short barreled rifle in an enclosed room, and after the 1st shot, both your eardrums are going to shatter and may incompasitate YOU. If you don't believe me, go to an indoor shooting range that allows you to shoot rifles inside, load your AR with a 5 round clip and see if you can get through all 5 rounds without hearing protection.
Unless I would be able to forsee the oncoming assault and use some kind of VERY effective hearing protection, I would leave the AR where it is. The idea that several armed, body armour wering criminals are all gonna come kicking in your door is probably very unrealistic unless you are a lawyer or a drug dealer.

"what gives a government that arms the whole world the right to disarm it's own citizens?"

[This message has been edited by swatman (edited January 10, 2000).]
I believe I've found a home among you folks.

My "quick!" gun is a S&W model 28, Highway Patrolman .357. In "my" room is the Gov't Model I will use to fight my way to either of two 12ga shotguns or the Garand. My daughter (when she's here) prefers the .44 Spl and can hit with it.

If the BGs aren't both quick and good, we'll win. Otherwise there will be losses on both sides.

I also have some "early warning" and "slow 'em down" features along the way.

I do like wheelguns. But then, I like most firearms! ;)

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!