What's your nightstand gun?


New member
The one that you kept elyet 100%t next to the bed.
The one called upon when waking from a deep slumber
You are just not even awake yet but still need lethal protection for your family.
I chose a Model 10 S&W ..38 Special.
All mechanical, 6 shots, not deafening and has a medium muzzle flash.
You can operate it safely even when not yet100% with it and it has just enough resistance to "feel" like a gun as you wake up
I feel a semi auto is just too easy to fire unintentionally.
I also keep a short barreled 12ga Pumpgun nearby.
I keep a Sig MK25/P226 loaded with +P+ 124 gr. JHPs and a mounted tactical light in a quick-access safe in the bedroom.

Like all weapons that I'm not actively carrying, I keep the chamber empty.

I feel a semi auto is just too easy to fire unintentionally.

If you spend enough time handling weapons, you'll never put your finger in the trigger guard unless you actually decide to. I catch myself keeping my finger well off the trigger even with drills.

I also keep a short barreled 12ga Pumpgun nearby.

In case I have to go all Tony Montana :eek:, in my safe I always keep my SBR AR receiver topped with a 10.5 inch upper and a loaded magazine next to it.
My Carry Glock 19, that I have shot, and carried a lot. TruGlo fiber optic sights, 16 rounds of 147g Ranger. Fully loaded, chamber also. Hence 16 rounds.

I open my eyes, I am awake! My Wife, not so much.
It rotates.
Most of the time it is my SIG Sauer W. German 1989 vintage P226. The gun is just a nail driver, never a SINGLE failure period. I have Tru-Glo TFO sights on it because even without my glasses on I pick up the front sight pretty well. I keep it loaded with 18 rounds(thank you Mec-Gar!) of 147 gr Gold Dots or 147 gr Hydra Shock.

My other night stand gun is my Walther PPQ; same ammo; Trijicon night sights. Also a fine firearm only had one failure out of about 1000 rounds that was probably due to ammo.

I know this is is the pistols thread but just in-case something goes wrong I have an AR-15 in a soft case next to my bed most nights with 5 magazines ready. SOP ( I just had a scare the other weekend and got to try this out) is to arm up with the pistol quickly, assess the situation then arm up with the AR if time permits.
Right now it's a Smith & Wesson Model 19, 2.5".

Next month it might be an S&W 042, or a 4506, or a Hi Power.

Depends on what I have out to go to the range at any given time.
Sig P226. I keep it in a holster and with an empty chamber. Right or wrong, I figure that before I do anything drastic coming out of a deep sleep, I have to open the dresser drawer, pull my Sig from the holster, and then chamber a bullet. By that time I should be awake enough to make a correct decision on using my weapon or not using it.

I also feel comfortable putting a Sig in charge of saving my Family from the bad guys.
Best gun made.

When I take my CCW off it goes by the bed.
Every room in the house has a pistol in it somewhere.
I live in a good bad neighborhood.
I'm never out of reach of a firearm.
3 doors down is a major interstate on ramp, church across the street.
My house is an easy target; not much exposure and easy access to the interstate.
In the neighborhood I'm known as the crazy white guy so ............ LOL!!!!
