What's with you Glock guys?

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I own 2 Glocks, a 21 and a 35. I enjoy shooting them tremendously. Since I bought the Glocks my Sig P226 pretty much sits in the nightstand. Don't get me wrong, I love my Sig, but I just enjoy shooting the Glocks more. I find them to be very accurate, ultra-reliable, and quick to re-acquire the target after firing (especially the G35, my new favorite). In short, I like the Glock because it is a highly effective tool; an efficent, no-nonsense combat pistol. Although I will be buying a 686+ tomorrow (my first wheelgun), and want a 1911 as well, I will always enjoy my Glocks. People may say what they will about them (once upon a time I called them "plastic junk" as well--until I tried one), but the fact is that they are an excellent weapon. If someone doesn't like shooting them, I can certainly understand that, different people have different tastes in guns--we shooters are nothing if not diverse. But anyone who calls Glocks crap simply doesn't know what they are talking about.
I have been shooting pistols for about 30 years and have seen alot of good and bad stuff happen.
1911s jam? Every one I"ve ever shot has jammed. And when you talk about reloads in plastic bags from gun shows, you are guaranteed problems! Oh yea, also have had bushings, firing pins crack. I've had the guide rod and bushing off an Officers model fall out. (What a poor design!)
Also, how about that wonderful trait of a Colts gold cup's sites falling off?
Revolvers? Blown cyclinders, jammed cyclinders...
S&W auto model 457 trigger breaking the first week owned.
So I have switched over to Sigs, H&Ks, and Glocks.
Have not had problems with Sigs except for finishing being delicated and very scratchable.
H&Kusp? Finish very tough, have not had it jam with anything and I mean anything, even those questionable plastic bag reloads.
Glock- I have a 27 and it just shoots and shoots and has a very durable finish.
I suppose if I use poor reloads and don't clean it, I could make bad things happen.
Also, if you limp wrist a pistol, especially a Glock, they could maybe jam.
I have tried with mine and it won't, so beats me how some do it.
As for guns being ugly, oh brother!
Are you saying you only will carry an engraved, gold plated special?
I like to shoot em, not look at em!
Well, for many years I was a dyed in the wool John Moses Browning follower. Still am, but brothers, I stray from time to time. When the double action/single action autos first began gaining popularity I considered them to be a perfect solution desperately in search of a solution. Still do. I doubt if I'll ever own one unless it's a gift.

I've carried 1911's and p-35's for nigh on thirty years now (started real young). About a year ago, I shot a friend's Glock for the first time. Good shooting sidearm and I adjusted to the trigger fast. When I was through, I handed it back to him and said,"Shoots good, where's the safety?" :)

Well, about a year ago, I bought a Glock 29. I wanted a 10 mm and was intrigued with the size. I've been carrying it daily ever since. No rust, fairly comfortable in a Galco IWB. I can shoot it accurate. Still wondering what the 10mm recoil fuss was all about. Has it jammed? Yeah, after about 500 rounds without being cleaned. It's never jammed clean. Not once. Better record than my new Kimber that jammed at about 100 rounds.

I still carry my P-35 on occasion and will carry my Kimber when I get better leather than the old Galco shoulder rig.

That being said, I will probably never buy another Glock but then I'll probably never buy another Kimber 1911 either. I'll probably be carrying the Glock more than anything else from now on out.

If I ever really get hung up about the utmost
reliability possible, I'll probably start carrying a revolver.

Byron Quick
Even wheels jam..........

.......but can someone explain "cleaned my gun" to me?


My goal is a carry gun that fires every time.

"All my ammo is factory ammo"
I like my Glock 19 (9mm) because it is reliable, never rusts, has no protrusions to poke me in the side (makes up for its width, which is not much more than other autos anyway), is super lightweight (comfy to carry all day, and has a good combat trigger (although it takes a little getting used to).
If you are used to shooting a Sig or M1911, the grip angle will be wrong, and it will point high. This is something you get used to, and after a while, it will point just fine for you.
I have a series 70 Gov Model. Its a fine gun, but I prefer the rugged simplicity and reliability of the Glock for self defense.
Oh, buy the way, you can get a better gun that will last longer, light weight compared to others in it's class, and has state of the art technology that does not require steel reinforcement plates. It's my daily carry Ruger P97 at 27 Once. This gun will be around shooting 2" at 15yd off hand long after several of your Glocks have died.

I don't buy guns on how they look. I buy strictly on reputation.

I looked at a Sig P245 yesterday and it was $50 les then a Glock 35 for a gun that gives you what you pay for. Agun with real safety features that shoots reputably awesome.

So let me get this straight, you pay an enourmous amount for a gun,($500+ for a Glock is enormous), and then you can't shoot anything but expensive factory ammo. WOW! what a deal.

I have put every reload into my P97 I can find, to include several +P's and it has fired every time with no jams. So far over 3000 rnds.

Like I said, if you own a Glock please be happy with your purchase. If it's what you wanted and it shoots well for you then you have the right gun. But please don't you dare throw stones at others, especially in a glass house.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16
"$450 is a lot of money for a brand new Glock"? How silly. That is pocket change in the world of guns. There are not any other guns within the price range that have all the features of the Glock. There are many guns that are more expensive that are made very cheap with pressed powder metal slides, allow frames that wear out in 25 thousand rounds. In fact, it is so silly, that you have to exaggerate and say "$500" to make it sound like more than it is. I have not paid more than $449 for a Glock even from a local shop, and that is the price as of last week, at a shop that cannot keep the things on the shelf.

I spent $385 12 years ago for my new Glock 17 and it shoots just as well as my new Glocks, even after tens of thousands of rounds without a jam of any kind. A Glock is the last gun you will ever NEED to buy.

The same Glock at the beginning of this year went for $409. That is not a very high price increase for 12 YEARS.

In the last year, the price has gone up $40 due to demand. They can't make the things fast enough, literally. Not only that, but they are contending with a lot of lawsuits. Anyway, $449 for a Glock is not much money. People are very quick to spend a lot more money pon a much more inferior product.

Most of the guns that cost more are not as reliable, rust like crazy, and are not ready to shoot out of the box.

Ruger P97? Gimme a break. That thing is a boat anchor at best.
The fact that stdalire looked at that site and at those pictures and missed the HUGE BOLD letters that said that "these guns were blown up with reloads", is a prime example of how people CHOOSE to believe that Glocks are flawed when the truth is smacking them right in the face. People blow up guns with overpressure reloads. Some of those guns are Glocks. There are a lot of Glocks out there, so a lot of people blow them up, along with all the other guns people blow up that no one cares about.
So, if Glocks is sensitive to reloads cartridges - it would not be economical if we keep buying factory load on practice session, and we always have the doubt that if I am mistakenly chambered a little bit over pressured bullets to my glock than it might cause KB.

In normal competition or at the comon local range where we practice we use mostly reloads that is assigned to us or half price of the factory ammo. How can I use hot loads if I have doubt of causing disintegration.

Oh yeah! I've read the site but did not elaborate further anymore. That is the purpose of mentioning site address only as a summary.

OK BB, I concede that a purple anodized Taurus revolver is the ugliest gun around and add that I'm glad I never saw it. What was it anyway, the Barney model?

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
IMHO, the Glock (particularly full sized or mid-sized, i.e., G17 or G19) is about as good a gun as you can get for defensive pistol. BTW, it is based on JMB's design as far as the tilting barrel, as are all great auto pistols of recent memory. The difference is the polymer frame and DAO trigger. Glock = great gun. :)

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785
We don't have a chaplain here, but I don't view that as any major problem... You can rest assured
that you will not go in that bag until I've said a few appropriate words over you
R. Lee Ermy as Sgt Major Haffner, from The Siege of Firebase Gloria
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts. It may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Shooting a Glock is a lot like the first time you had sex. People tried to tell you what it was like, but that didn't help much. Finally you experienced it, and realized it was the greatest thing on earth.........So it is with a Glock.

So you non-Glock owners, go to a range with rentals, and experience it for the first time.
OK, I was wrong. It's not purple, it was blue but it looked purple to me...anyway, take a look at this thing:

Ick! They come in GOLD MATTE too!
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