What's with you Glock guys?

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New member
The thread on "Why the 1911?" got me to thinking. What is it about Glocks that makes some people believe they are the greatest thing since sliced bread?
Now, I'm a hardcore 1911 lover, but I've never claimed it to be the perfect gun for everybody. In fact, I've even recommended that some folks not get a 1911.
And any of you who have read my posts know that I don't like Glocks period. I find them boxey, uncomfortable and butt ugly to boot. Not to mention the numerous threads on this board about Kbs, problems and malfunctions.
However, some of you out there seem to hold the opinion that the Glock is the do all, be all perfect handgun and if you're not using one then you must be wrong.
I'm not trying to start a flame war here. Just curious. Exactly what is it about tactical tupperware you folks find so fascinating?

BTW: That sound you hear is me ducking for cover! :)
I started shooting IPSC and on the first day my glock 35 and I beat 2 1911, 1HK and one racegun on the maddness stage. My glock did not jam!
My oldest son shot his first IPSC two weeks ago, with my wife's G22. He out shot 2 1911's. Ain't it funny. He hasn't shot all that much.
I think anyone can shoot well if they are happy with what he or she shoots.
You can get up now. :)
If I get another handgun it maybe a Kimber or HK. I like the way they look and hear they shoot well.
Stay safe.

[This message has been edited by JHS (edited December 24, 1999).]
You and I share many of the same likes/dislikes. I find what you say about the Glock to be almost exactly how I feel about them. Last week I had a chance to actually shoot one, courtesy of fellow TFL'er Blev. He wanted to try my Kimber, and when we met to let him have a go at the Kimber, he let me try his Glock. my impression of the Glock? It's Ok. A bit large for my hand, and a bit of a funny trigger feel. Otherwise, good sights, better than my Kimber in fact, gets the job done, easy to take down, went bang on every pull. Even though it was a poor fit to my hand, it was not uncomfortable to shoot. Much softer recoil than the 1911 in my hand. With factory ammo, I would have no problem owning one, but it wouldn't be my favorite gun to own. That said, IMHO, it would probably be the one I shot the most though. Go figure. It reminded me of my 1991 Nissan Sentra in a lot of ways. Boxy, functional and reliable. Kind of like an ugly dog you can own. You can call it ugly, but don't ever let anybody else call it ugly. The sliced bread analogy is excellent. I love fresh baked french bread, but most of the time I eat a sandwich on good old Millbrook, if 'ya know what I mean. I doubt if you will have to duck, as most Glock owners I've run across really couldn't care less what others think of the Glock. The attitude I get from them is one of "try it, you may like it, if not, doesn't faze me, I'm happy with it". For me a Glock isn't the kind of gun I could ever grow to love, but I would admire it from a functional standpoint and respect it's ability to perform. I believe they are worth the money, and if the right deal came along, I would snap it up. I just wouldn't go out of my way to find that deal like I would a fine pinned and recessed, square frame Smith.

aka Hal
The Glock is simply a great all around defensive sidearm. Gaston has brought together the best features from other guns. They have a consistent trigger pull from shot to shot like a 1911. They are fairly accurate and ultra reliable, like a Sig (although not as accurate). They are more durable and have fewer parts than just about any other modern handgun currently in production. There are no external safeties, making it easier for beginners or someone transitioning from a revolver to learn. They have a very efficient size to capacity ratio, especially the compact and sub compact frames. They are light, but that does not seem to effect felt recoil much. The low weight is nice if you carry a gun on a daily basis. The Glock simply does everything anyone who carries a sidearm needs it to do, and does it very well. It also does it at a lower price than a lot of the competition.

1st time I read about the Glock, I thought it was just another over-hyped example of Euro-trash; probably a "jamma-matic" to boot!
1st time I looked at one, I was convinced that it was the ugliest pistol I had ever seen. 1st time I handled one, I began to have doubts...maybe not so bad after all...everything seemed to "fit" in my hand.
1st time I fired one, all doubts were erased. I bought one (Model 17). I am a 1911 fan. I am not a 9mm fan. The more I shot that Glock and others, the more convinced I became that it was the first significant improvement in semi-auto handguns since John Browning gave us the 1911 and the P-35. I am still convinced. I have yet to have a problem or a malfunction with one (except for really shoddy all-lead bullet reloads). Most of what endears the 1911 to me applies to the Glock (ergonomics, reliability, accuracy, trigger pull, etc.) Add to that high capacity and light weight...you get the picture. By the way, I see a lot of mention in this forum about Glock KBs, unsupported chambers, etc.. I have never had or met anyone who has had one of these problems (not saying that they don´t occur...). On the other hand...I have seen a 1911A1 firing pin block crack in half during firing...a 1911 plunger tube fly away during firing...a Commander style hammer break off during firing...and a broken 1911 barrel bushing or two (both solid and collet). Still, I love the 1911 and 5 observed mechanical failures over 25 years is not bad (considering the number of rounds and pistols involved). On yet another hand (whichever one I haven´t already used)...I have seen more mechanical failures with the M92 Beretta in one day, than with all other makes I have fired in my life combined. Am I happy with Glocks (especially in non-9mm calibers)? You bet! If I were reduced to carrying the proverbial single battery survivalist load, a Glock would ride on my hip (along with a good assault rifle/grenade launcher combo). If reduced to carrying just a pistol for all contingencies (not including exploration of nuclear wastelands...) my choices would come down to a Glock, a 1911A1, and a flippable quarter. Then again, what about a CZ 85? Or maybe a SIG? Ooooh...my head hurts. Where´s the aspirin? Nevermind...Glocks are the heat!
Thought they are ugly, the two I'd consider (M20 and M21) were so big I couldn't hold them, seen 'em all puke at IPSC matches.

But then I had a need for a 10mm pistol.........

.........so I checked carefully into what was available. Had to be an auto, or I'd own the S&W 610. Their autos in 10mm were NOT durable enough for my specific need. Colt DE's in great shape are hard to find (so I thought), Ruger still hadn't got around to chambering the P90 in 10mm, so I looked into acquiring the Glock. Knew it was too big in the grip, but also knew about Robar and Arizona Response Systems grip reductions.

Bought a used one on the web, came with some high-caps. Off it went to ARS for the reduction (great job, fast turn-around, inexpensive to boot), but when I got it back it still didn't satisfy. MMC rear sight, Heinie front serrated ramp (with yellow BrightSights paint), somebody's 3.5lb trigger parts, LightningStrike titanium striker, off to Jarvis for a hard-fit barrel, and $1000 later I have a nice gun!

Doesn't rust.

Still carry my 1911.

Still see Glocks (including my own) puke at IPSC matches.

And I have NO idea what's up with Glock fanatics.

Biggest joy is watching one completely freak when their "perfect" pistol pukes at a match. Joy, joy, joy....LOL!

PS my EAA Witnesses in 9x19 have NEVER puked, never, never, never....LOL!
Triggers aren't that good, but they're safe.

"All my ammo is factory ammo"
Lets see, they "puke" at matches, eh? Could that be because some nitwit took a military combat handgun, well known as one of the most reliable and tested handguns ever made, and "souped it up" by doing things like grip reductions, tight-fitted, tight-chambered aftermarket barrel, "somebodys 3.5lb. trigger kit", titanium strikers, etc..etc.., basicly ruining a good gun?

Glocks shoot every time (what you've described is a race gun, certainly no longer a Glock), under all conditions. Thats why they have made such a huge following. Ugly? perhaps. But I'm no pimp, or gangsta, so I dont "flash" my CCW at my homeys or my ho's, so who cares? There are very few handguns that are reliable under the worst conditions, and not a one of them is a 1911 type. Thats why during desert storm the SEAL team embarked with my unit carried Glocks. And that is why I trust my life to them. Again, why do you people that have this irrational hatred of inanimate objects keep this arguement up? Different guns have different qualities. I would never choose a Glock to shoot in IHMSA, but I wouldn't choose a 1911 to carry in Iraq or Saudi.

Again, I'll reiterate from another thread:
If Glocks aren't your bag, fine; if they are, fine; but if they were as bad as some would have us believe, then Glock would have gone out of business years ago. They would'nt have the incredible following that they have now either, nor the government contracts they have.

[This message has been edited by BB (edited December 24, 1999).]
I've been shooting handguns for 35 years, and in that time, I have seen, actually, or pictures of lots of Kbs. We have a wall in the club I belong to with pictures of the Kbs that happen at the club (required with the incident reports). I've seen 1911s go, Glocks, several revolvers, and even had a Ruger semi auto Kb on me. The difference is that on the Glocks, the grip area blows apart, where the 1911s, the Rugers, and the revolver Kbs I've seen blew out of the top. I've shot Glocks in 45 and 9mm and found them to be great shooters, and I even like the way they look. I'm just a bit uneasy about that tendency for nerve damage in my hand.

Good shootin to ya

I've seen maybe 3 Kb'd Glocks in my life, all attributed to improper reloading, and NONE with the grip area blown apart. Actually, with the Glock the energy is absorbed by the the magazine, forcing it out the bottom. I challenge you to take one of those pictures of a Glock with a blown apart grip off your club wall and post it here. I think we'll all be waiting for a long time. Also, in the case of a kb, you'd rather have a gun that blows the top off rather than one that blows the mag out? Humm, I guess thats where we differ. I'd much rather have my magazine mangled than my face and eyes.

[This message has been edited by BB (edited December 24, 1999).]
I have more than a few Glocks and I have never had a problem not to say that they don't choke once in a great while. I have a G-17 with about 110000 rnds thru it a good bit of those being +P and not a single bobble. I even let it go 3000 rnds without cleaning to see if it would choke but it didn't. Whatever firearm you choose just make sure you are happy with it and get lots of ammo to improve your skills.

I have the following Glocks

G-17 110000 rnds
G-23 40000
G-35 only 750 thru it
G-23 only 750 thru it

The last two are my latest additions.


Be safe and stay in the Black
I think its important to remember that if someone doesn't care for your firearms it is
not necessarily a flame on you. I think Glocks are ok. I gave them an honest try
( a G17 and a 35 ) and I found them to do everything they were suppose to do; but I couldn't take the fact that the mags would not fall out when they were supposed to
( even with FMLDF). So I sold the 35 and returned to the world of steel. I now use a
mandated SigPro on duty and I like it.
As for the guys who have shot a gazillion
rounds through their glock and never had a
hiccup...congrats you've improved yourself and the sport of handgunning.
Awrite now, I asked an honest question and am looking for honest answers.
One or two of you seem to be gettin' a little upset here. Kindly settle down please. Like I said, I'm not looking to start a flame war here. So before anything bad starts, lets all take a slow deep breath.
All opinions are welcome, but lets keep it civil, ok?
Heck I like all guns :) And that includes all my guns which are...ummm..well I guess they are all Glocks :)

To me Glocks give the look of all business. Easy to shoot, easy to maintain and very easy to get replacement parts if needed. I learned to shoot on Glocks so that is probably one of the reasons that is my current gun of choice. Can dryfire all day long, very comfortable to carry, low recoil etc...

I did have an HK Compact 9 that judged just on looks, I loved. Problem was I didn't care too much for the sights or the trigger(once again my muscle memory of my Glocks kicked in). I traded in for a 19 which I shoot every week as opposed to the HK which saw the light of day maybe once a month.

I would never ever sneer at whatever somebody else prefered. Whatever works for YOU is the gun you should be shooting. Right now it is fashionable to say you hate Glocks. Whatever. Someone above said most Glock owners could give 2 cents what someone else thinks about their piece. Count me in. Alawys seem to get it from the old timers at the club who pooh pooh the Glocks. Found out most of them have never fired one or even held a Glock. Once again I give them a nod and say "whatever"

Hey these debates will go one with ANY product. Geez my next gun will be a 1911 and I'm in the process on researching Colt, Kimber and Springfield.

What I can't understand is how some folks here are so opinionated that they exhibit INTENSE hatred for something that isn't what they like. Something beyond brands that are a problem there.
While I own two Glocks (and am considering a third), I don't consider myself a Glock guy. They are the ugliest gun around - bar none. But they work and I suppose that's what really matters.

I have the 10 mm Glock (model 20) which is pretty hard to beat. The S&W pistol and the Colt had lots of parts breakage and I don't know of any other 10mm which has withstood the ravages of use like the Glock.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
My one and only gripe with Glocks is the grip angle. It's so severe that I have a tendency to point and shoot high. If the grip angle were more like the other autos (SIG/1911/CZ), I'd be the proud owner of a G21.
Glocks? Simple, durable, rust resistant, consistent trigger pull, reliable and accurate, light.

Not hard to figure out. All nice characteristics in a pistol.
4V50 Gary=

Ugliest gun bar none? I dont know..I saw a PURPLE anodized Taurus revolver the other day..now THAT is UGLY! :)
I'd never been very impressed with Glocks. I bought a G19 about 6 months ago. I've put about 1000 rounds through it. My impressions are:
1) Very reliable - no probs whatsoever. I haven't cleaned it in the last 600 rounds either.
2) Very durable - the Tennifer finish is the BEST handgun finish currently available.
3) Very small and light package for the firepower.
4) Very sample to operate.

HOWEVER, the Glock trigger is the hardest trigger to get used to of any firearm I've ever tried - including the Kel-Tec P11. It has taken me all of these 1000 rounds to start to get used to this trigger. I consider the Glock to be for advanced gun handlers. It is easy to ND and the trigger is not easy to shoot well. All in all, I view it as a very good combat handgun for professionals. In the hands of less trained people? Well, let's just say I hope that the BG coming after me has a Glock! ;)
BB, in response to your reply to my posted "opinion", I guess what you've seen and what I've seen is different. As for posting a picture, I could care less if you believe me or not. I stated what I saw and I'm posting in a discussion forum, not a court room. The top never "blew off" of my Ruger, and my face and eyes are fine. If you want Glock, go for it. I happen to choose different.

Good shootin to ya
I am fast becoming a Glock addict myself. Earlier this year I got my CCW and went looking for a better carry gun. I already had a USP-40 full sized and a 4" GP-100. Neither of which were very concealable, but I challenge anyone to find truly better combat weapons. So I sat down and read all I could on carry weapons. The 1911 types I found to be too finicy and heavy and dependant on a thumbsafty. The sigs were all too big or too small for my purposes or hands. Next came the revolvers, I could not convince myself that 5 shots would be enough and that 30 ounces of steel did not seem like a light enough package. This lead me to Glock. The compact and subcompact sizes seemed very attractive. I thought the 23 was about the smallest pistol I could comfortably shoot. Since then I have shot it extensivly, and carryed it almost everyday. The only change I made to it was the installation of night sights. It has proven itself a very reliable, easy to shoot and accurate pistol. Because of these attributes, I sold my 1911 and 30.06 rifle to buy the fullsized brother of my 23, the 22. I am very pleased with my choice. Since the 22 is a full sized pistol, it is easier to shoot and will soon become my secondary carry pistol as soon as I replace the sights.
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