What's up with anti-Palin bias in the Mass Media?

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New member
I know Sarah Palin's choice was right on the money, but by the amount of
Flak she's getting you'd think she was a B-17 flying right over the Eagle's

We already knew that the media was liberal, but Dang. Leave the
woman alone. :mad: This witch hunt is getting me really upset, and I'll
bet the whole thing will back-fire on the organizer behind this journalist
community witch hunt.

Geez, quit picking on the woman. Besides, she can take care of herself.
Come organize my closet if you have so much organizing time on your hands,
community organizer.

The attacks are so viscous and obvious that it is going to backfire on them. These are not attacks from the blogoshpere... these are attacks from the NY Times and major networks.

Women who are true leftists will not care, hell, they are behind plenty of the attacks. All other women and many men find this disgusting.
A local radio host had an audio clip of a CNN journalist - a JOURNALIST - editorializing on the air against Sarah Palin. It was outlandish.

Guess that's what it looks like when left-winger heads explode.
Michael Knox Beran over at National Review Online offers this opinion of why the liberals hate her:


"The mandarins on the coasts never cared for George W. Bush. But their dread was tempered by the suspicion that the graduate of Andover, Yale, and Harvard was merely manipulating the religious question for political gain. Here was Machiavellianism they could understand — much as they understand Senator Obama’s dalliance with faith-based initiatives. It’s just politics.

In contrast to the Bush dynasty, the Palin clan is, from the point of view of the well-to-do classes, the genuine article, a pure specimen of the native fauna."

In other words, Palin really is a Christian. Not the opportunistic "Christianity" of some civil-rights "reverend" or the activist "Christianity" of a Father Pflegger.

She's one of those real ones. And that scares the crap out of them.

But that's Beran's opinion.

I buy some of it. I think it's because she's not an "authentic" woman in the leftist mold. Kind of like if you are black, but a conservative, you are not "authentically" black.

Republicans, sexists that we are, guardians of the glass ceiling that we are, weren't supposed to do something like this.

This is unfair. Now Obama looks like old news. Palin is grabbing headlines. Obama, the Presidential candidate, actually looks like he is running against the GOP VP pick. That makes him look weak.

Newsflash. We conservatives aren't sexists. We just don't like bitter, bitchy, obnoxious, man-hating feminists. Palin is the kind of woman most men would like to marry.

Does anybody seriously contemplate what it would be like to be married to Hillary or Pelosi?
People are PO at her because she is prettier and far more successful than they are.

"Dont hate me because I am beautiful"...
Does anybody seriously contemplate what it would be like to be married to Hillary or Pelosi?
:barf: Dang, CC. It's a bit early in the day to be throwing up without a hangover. They don't manufacture enough liquor for me to even begin to contemplate that thought! :D
Intune said:
They don't manufacture enough liquor for me to even begin to contemplate that thought!

I don't know. Maybe an entire barrel of Jack Daniels and a ton of lip-stick will
do the trick.


Come here you sexy community organizer. <<wink>> <<wink>>
There's bias in the MSM? I'm shocked; shocked, I tell you.

C'mon, this was so predictable ... and so predicted by so many. The reasons: 1) She's not a liberal; 2) She's a member of a demographic that is supposed to be liberal, at least according to the MSM.

There are liberals, who are decent folk who disagree with conservatives (and vice versa), and there are uber-liberals, who practice burnt-earth warfare on everything and everyone they disagree with. You can always tell what the uber-liberals are doing or will do by their words.

Simply take what the MSM says, reverse it, and then you know what they're going to do.

  • Bill Clinton: "There's not a shred of evidence that ..." Read: "I shredded the evidence."
  • Bill Clinton: "I did not have sex with that woman ..." Read: "I had sex with that woman."
  • Hillary Clinton: "The Right Wing Attack Machine." Read: "The Left Wing Attack Machine."
  • MSM: "You should not engage in personal attacks on a politician or his/her family, whether you agree with him/her or not." Read: "We will engage almost exclusively in personal attacks on a politician and his/her family, if we disagree with him/her."
I doubt McCain/Palin were surprised by any of this, and Palin showed she can get in there and fight just like the rest of them.
the Palin clan is, from the point of view of the well-to-do classes, the genuine article, a pure specimen of the native fauna."

EXACTLY! A real honest to goodness Intelligent,Attractive,Tough,American Woman.

Watching that lovely smile whilst twisting the knife was pure ART.

She is not a shrill, and that is what galls them, and what endears her to everyone else.

The media will step on their own genitalia on this one.
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The media doesn't want anyone to threaten their darling Obama and feels the need to attack Palin largely for that very reason. They have been anti-Bush for years and by extension anti McCain. They view Obama as a true savior and were relatively confident he could prevail, especially with their continued favorable coverage.

Then McCain had the audacity to actually energize the Republicans by selecting Palin and Palin was getting the party aroused. All a very threat to Obama and the liberal media has no choice but to attack. And attack they have. It's about at vicious as anything I've ever seen and shows the true bias the mainstream media continues to harbor.
Newsflash. We conservatives aren't sexists. We just don't like bitter, bitchy, obnoxious, man-hating feminists. Palin is the kind of woman most men would like to marry.

or as perfectly put in the "Big Damn Book of Sheer Manliness"

A man needs a woman but a man does not need a woman who needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.
Then McCain had the audacity to actually energize the Republicans by selecting Palin and Palin was getting the party aroused. All a very threat to Obama and the liberal media has no choice but to attack. And attack they have. It's about at vicious as anything I've ever seen and shows the true bias the mainstream media continues to harbor.

Not just the media, the Obamessiah has his shrill attack dogs even on this site.
The mainstream media absolutely adores drama. Look at your most popular shows... reality TV, evening soaps, gossip. This is no different. With a woman on the ticket, it's no surprise that they're being so relentless.

While many of the mainstream networks do exhibit a significant degree of liberal bias (the exception being Fox News, which is the opposite), don't forget they kind of went after Hillary too. Not the same kind of sh*tstorm we're seeing around Palin, but I think it was motivated by the same thing. I think there's a lot of underlying sexism there. It also has something to do with how much they love Obama... not sure if it's for his message or because he's black and people have been scared into supporting black people for fear of being called racist if they don't.
The media did in fact also show an anti Hillary bias. Again, for the same reason, because they have a love fest going for Obama.
astromanluca said:
It also has something to do with how much they love Obama... not sure if it's for his message or because he's black and people have been scared into supporting black people for fear of being called racist if they don't.

Noooooo You don't say. People have been called racist for not supporting
the Community Organizer? Knock me down with a feather!
The far left fear ordinary working people, they simply do not understand
honesty, hard work, morals and standards yes, it scares them much like guns
which they can't control.
wingman said:
The far left fear ordinary working people, they simply do not understand
honesty, hard work, morals and standards yes, it scares them much like guns
which they can't control.

They sure seem to be afraid of people who work for a living, that's for sure.

They would rather support community organizers who go on to write memoirs
about their community organizing. Sure .... yeah ... that's real work. Uh huh.
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