What's the most incredible shots you've made/seen while hunting?

Most impressive shot I have seen was on a bounding buck in tall reeds along the river. Only the top of his head was visible, and then only at the top of the buck's bound. My brother caught it square in the back of the head at 30 yards with a scoped Ruger #1 in .300 Win. Mag. He took the shot because we had been following it on the assumption it might have been wounded from a shot I had taken earlier.

My brother would sit in his easy chair watching TV, and practice throwing a scoped rifle up and on target for hours. I guess it paid off.
I was walking with my wife in the woods during small game season with my iron sighted ruger 96 22lr. A grouse flushed just a few feet from me and flew a straight line up a small ridge. I hit it square in the back with the .22. I couldn't believe my luck..er...skill :p
My best friend and I were sitting on the dam plinking turtles and I spotted 2 about 5 feet from one another. I told my buddy to "watch this" and pulled the trigger twice as fast as I could. There was two blood patches in the water meaning I decapitated both. I thought I was going to have to pick his jaw up from the ground.(to be honest it suprised the heck out of me too) He still tells that story whenever we're talking shooting to other people. i just stand there and smile.
Good friend and I were hunting varmits in west Tx. He shot a jack rabbit w/a .22. Not a big deal. Walked over and picked it up (transfered rifle to left hand) and spooked another rabbit. Heres the crazy part. Instead of shooting the other jack, he threw the dead rabbit at it...and killed it. So two rabbits one bullet.
I once shot a squirrel in the top of a big oak with an arrow. I was disgusted after a morning hunt, and about to leave the stand, when the squirrel that had been barking at me all morning, decides to come back out and make some more racket (he's probably the reason I never saw anything). He was in the top of this oak, and there were dozens of branches and leaves between me and him. I figured I'd scare him. I drew back and aimed through a quarter sized hole in the branches, and took his head clean off. I don't know who was more surprised, me or him. I had bbq'd squirrel that day for lunch. That reinforced my belief that one should only shoot at what they're willing to eat. I don't shoot at squirrels with my bow anymore.
I'll tell this on my old man.

The family story says it was 350 yards, but I was there and it was a midge more. It happened in Alaska.

We spotted a bull moose laying in tallish grass, hard to see much but the head. Dear old dad eased on down past some brush and took his shot with the Swedish made Remington he was carrying. He always used a 7 mag with 175 grain handloads. So after the shot we waited and were excited. When we figured it was surely down for good we paced on over and found his mark squarely on a stump with some branchy wood coming out of it.

He was always embarassed about not being more sure of his target. I know he would have whipped my butt if I shot rifles up into the air like some of these other posters, even if we were in AK.
Picture this:

Eastern Shore in January

Patch of 5 deer slowly working thier way across the field just before sundown.

.50Cal Blackpowder Rifle, 300Gr Bullet, 120Gr powder.

My brother takes a shot at 250Yds and misses. The deer looks up stares at him for a couple minutes then goes back to eating.

He reloads, takes another shot and misses again. The deer looks at him again, then goes back to slowly eating it's way across the field.

On the third shot (and another miss) the Deer finally decide it might be pushing their luck and wander off to eat elsewhere.

I swear the deer on the Eastern Shore are combat trained.

On the other hand I once got a running rabbit at 50Yds with a .22LR bolt action.
I forgot to put this one in my previous post. I made the shot of a lifetime by accident. I was 18 and hunting with a friend of mine, I had an old 22 marlin minus a front sight. we were just out plinking when he saw a bluejay in a tree about 150 yards away and he challenged me to hit it. I half heartedly took aim and shot, too my amazement and his the bluejay fell dead out of the tree. I was shocked and decided to call it a day before I was challenged to another impossible shot. To this day the guy thinks I did it out of skill!
personally ive taken a yote at about 300 with a .243 and dropped a mule deer at 250 with my .270. those arent spectacular but not too bad.

i shot a gopher with the last shot from a full magazine at about 100 once and have never been able to do it again.
Several years ago we were hunting 'lopes near the edge of town on the state lands. Single file a band came running by at about 150 yards. Lickety split, they were running full speed, about 50 mph. I led the first doe about one body length and squeezed the trigger on my .243 Remington. The doe right behind her did a cartwheel and died in a cloud of dust. My brother still thinks I'm a great running rifle shot. But it was luck. S-h-h-h, don't tell.

I was driving a Farmall Super M tractor to go pick up a log we had dropped earlier. The neighbors kid was going hunting in the back lot and had a stevens single shot 22 with him. He asked for a ride and I told him to jump on the back and hold on. i asked him if the gun was loaded and he said yes. I asked him to get off and unload but before we could stop a partridge got up in front of the tractor and flew straight away from us. Jokingly I said give it to him and the kid killed him deader than hell with a one handed shot off the bouncing tractor.
I chewed his butt out good but when he had left I thought I would pee my pants I was laughing so hard. PS he took the bird home and had his mom cook it up for me. :D
I tell this one for my father also. A 1st Cavalry Veteran of korea and vietnam he passed away in Oct. of 2000. My father and older brother were hunting for small game on Ft. Hood in the 60's. As they were walking along up flushed a covey of quail, my father took (ONE SHOT) with his Sears and Roebuk 12 ga., and they went home with (EIGHT) Quail! :eek: Miss you Daddy, b.
I had a fly land on my target at the range (50 yards). I hit it with a 22lr. Left a little splatter. Not really a great shot, but amusing.

Walking 'yote from about 100 yards (heart/lung). Not a great shot either, but I won't take a chance on walking deer. Just not enough practice.

Neck shot deer once.

Nothing exceptional. I guess I'm kinda proud of not taking too many low percentage shots.

EDIT> I peppered a truck once with bird shot from 100 yards. No damage, but I got royally chewed out. Deserved every bit of it.
Sitting on the front porch with my new Daisy BB gun. A robin lands on a fence about 40 yards away. I aim for the fence to scare him off..pull the trigger and the robin drops off the fence like a stuffed animal...didn't even flutter his wings.

Upon closer inspection found that the BB hit him square in the eye...
My best personal shot ever was a crow at 175 steps with my Dads 243.

My luckiest personal shot was a running rabbit, he was running along the berm at the rifle range, at 50 yards I drew and shot him in the head with my S&W 45 ACP. I know it was luck, but I had witnesses and was pretty proud of the shot.

The shot I am the most proud of was last years six point buck at 25 yards with my bow. My first bow season and my first deer with a bow. I was elated. Nothing impressive, but I thought it was great.

My Dad shot a flying crow with his 22 Marlin rifle.

My brother shot a deer at 351 yards, laser ranged, off handed with his 7 mag Savage. I was impressed.

I shot three ducks with my air pistol on Monday night.
Okay, so they were metal silhouettes on the 10 meter range at my club. :rolleyes:
I blew a duck up once... A friend came pounding on my door at O-dark-thirty (not uncommon for this guy) wanting me to go duck hunting with him. Holding one eye open manually, I grabbed my shotgun, vest, stuffed some shells in the pockets, and off we went. I was still about half asleep in the blind when the first couple ducks came in, but I raised and fired on one. "POOF!!" The duck exploded--pretty much in a literal sense. I was confused (but awake), poor dog didn't know what to do--so he brought back a wing.

The last time I wore that vest was the previous fall hunting in a shotgun/muzzle loader area, and apparently I still had a few slugs in one of the pockets. Yup, I smacked a duck with a deer slug. OOPS!
not really anything to do with hunting, but one time i was playing ultimate frisbee with ome friends (frisbee football...) and after we were done i saw a rabbit about 20 yards away. threw the disc as hard as i could, hit the rabbit in stride, sent it rolling, but it got up confused and ran into some bushes. it was pretty freakin hilarious, but like i said had nothing to do with hunting...
I hit a rock 6' across on the side of a hill, first shot, at 400 yds with a smoothbore .875" cannon I made. The puff of white dust was very gratifying.