What's in your Bug Out Bag?

Do you have a BUG out Bag

  • Yes

    Votes: 61 40.4%
  • No

    Votes: 25 16.6%
  • No, But I am going to put one together soon

    Votes: 44 29.1%
  • No, and you are paranoid for having one at all :)

    Votes: 21 13.9%

  • Total voters


New member
What's in your bug out bag? I just recently started mine and here is what I have so far (and very little room left):

Surplus military back pack to hold it all:

One first aid kit that leans heavily towards large wound trauma supplies
including gloves and a locking knife with half smooth half serrated blade, and a police type whistle - and a CPR mask
One bundle of Kimberly Clark Disposable Shop Towels - very strong, these will make excellent large wound bandages to control bleeding
One light weight disposable trauma blanket
One super light weight space type blanket
One bottle of water - and a water filter that will make even stinking ditch water potable
One loaded .22 semi-auto pistol with a box of hollow point stingers
Four road flares (make good fire starters too)
One reflective road triangle
One orange safety vest
One disposable poncho
One machete (this is not in the pack actually, but in the truck with it)
25 feet of 1/2 inch rope and caribiners
Leather work gloves
One roll of toilet paper
Change of clothes and three extra pairs of socks (infantry background you see - take care of your feet or you are going to be in a world of hurt)
One pair of well broken in tennis style golf shoes (soft spikes = great traction)
72 hours of survival rations - life boat style
Small tarp of 6 mil plastic approx 15' x 15'
A large box of kitchen matches inside a zip-loc bag

Items still to add:
extra ammo for my SD pistol
parachute cord
Your bug out bag sounds like my hurricane supply cache. Only I have a generator too.

I don't have a generator (yet), but being in earthquake country, mine has a gas meter shutoff wrench in it...

Are you related to the mall ninja?

Don't forget your uber-tactical mountain climbing gear, and portable miniature oxygen/snorkle.
Lets see what ive got in my truck:

Hunting boots
Warm clothing
Wool socks
First Aid kit
9mm when needed
Shotgun when needed
Ammo for the 9mm and shotgun
Jerven fjellduk, never leave home without it: www.jerven.no

Reason: Cause you never know when a blizzard can hit you in the mountains of Norway.
Jerven fjellduk, never leave home without it: www.jerven.no

What is that? Looks pretty neat.
Poncho that turns into a tent?
Can you get them here in the USA, and what do they cost?
I love everything made in Norway! My favorite hunting knife of all time
is a Bergans made in Oslo, Norway, Rustfri from the 1960's.
Some more water might be good, and some matches.

More water is good.

He listed matches, but crappy ones. Get some NATO style strike anywhere type that are wind proof.

How about a sewing kit?

glow sticks

a few large heavy duty garbage bags

assorted smaller ziplocks

bar of soap


all I can think of now
Which one?
Seriously I tend to have several. Couple at the house that has enough for the entire family for a week.
A maxpedition backpack that I never leave home without and is full of anything I might need.
I have a medium Alice pack with supplies in the garage next to all the camping gear.
I tend to put anything valuable into cases. Papers, weapons, firstaid kits ammunition. Just in case I needed to grab the stuff and get out from a fire I won't lose the birth certificates, marriage license(that might be optional though), and other important documents.

If you have a good reuseable water filter, and purification tablets you should be fine. I went to a local salvage, and got some 30 gallon sealed barrels made of plastic with reuseable lids that originally stored soda syrup, and I fill them with water. Every 3 months or so I change the water. I always stock up on the drinking bottles when we go to the store as well.

Forget the matches, and buy several bic lighters. These will last forever, and for the size you couldn't store that many matches.

My next project is to get everything into a bugout trailer. Everything I need is in there, and I would only have to hitch it up, and get out of Dodge. I allready have a small one that was a popup camper until someone ripped the guts out of it, but it should store everything just fine.
Hey jackasses this is a serious situation, you're insulting grown men who are preparing for something that has a 100 percent chance of happening somewhere in the US within months. A tornado, terrorist attack, earthquake etc, it will happen somewhere, those who don't prepare are gambling it won't happen to them.

Perhaps you've mistaken this thread for something posted by tin foil wearers or self absorbed mall guards, well you're wrong. Leave.
www.jerven.no is a poncho that can be used as well yes a poncho, tent, sleepingbag and is guaranteed to keep you warm and dry in severe conditions. I use it as concealment when i go hunting in the mountains and have to wait for hours without moving to get the kill. I know for a fact that its beeing used by air force pilots, crews, special forces soldiers and hunters around the world. It is also highly recomended by air rescue personell. It takes no more space than a newspaper and weighs close to nothing. Itl cost you about 100,- USD and have saved many people that would have frozen to death without it.
My all-purpose Bug-Out Bag...

3-MRE Entrees
6-beef base cubes
1-pack dehydrated vegetable blend
1-vaccuum sealed pack of granola
6-teabags (Earl Grey)
6-Folgers single cup bags
2-1/2 liter vaccuum sealed water rations
1-pack water-purification tablets
1-hiker's pocket water filtering straw
1-10' heavy-duty aluminium foil
1-travel sewing kit
1-basic fishing kit
*25' of 8# test line
*5 hooks
*1 small bobber
*10 sinkers
1-50' coil OD paracord
2-solar blankets
1-pocket notebook w/pencil (not a pen!)
1-vaccuum sealed pack household strike-anywhere matches
4-MS trioxine bars
1-magnesium/flint starter
1-emergency flashlight (no-battery type)
1-magnetic compass
1-pocket mirror
1-pocket sharpener (ceramic)
1-60gal. heavy-duty garbage bag
5-assorted heavy-duty ziplock bags
1-travel bar anti-bacterial soap
1-surgical/first aid kit (custom)
*3 suture packs (4-0, 5-0, 6-0)
*assorted clamps
*alcohal swabs
*assorted bandaids & butterflies
*anti-bacterial salve
*gauze rolls & 4x4's
*2 maxi-pads, 2 tampons (don't laugh guys, they work wonders)
*1 roll 1" first-aid tape
*3 ammonia inhalent caps
*1 travel bottle Advil
*1 bottle Cephalexin (antibiotic) 10 days worth at my dosage
*assorted scissors/tweezers
*1 disposable razor
2-emergency candles
3-pair socks (vaccuum sealed-conserves space and water-proof)
1-hooded sweatshirt (vaccuum sealed-same reason)
1-pocket pack duct tape
1-roll electrical tape
1-roll TP (tube removed and smashed flat)
5-all purpose shop towels
2-2 minute colored smoke granades with impact fuses
1-roll orange marker ribbon

This all fits into one day-pack
Along with all of this, if you have significant others, I would make sure you have a family plan. If my wife, and I can make contact for 1 hour she goes to a relative. If we can't make contact for eight hours she goes to another location, If not for 24 hours she starts making her way to the farm 2 states away. We have pass words, and response codes. We have code words, and complete list of contacts. I have even taken a one dollar bill and seperated it in such away that it can only be matched by the original other half. If I had to send a message through a third party they would be required to produce my part of the puzzle.

Guess the point is don't just stop at the bug out bag. Adopt a frame of mind, and develop a plan.
LOL, that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my entire life. I bet half of you idiots don't even wear your seat belt when you drive, which has a thousand times greater chance of killing you than a terrorist attack or whatever the hell you're preparing for.

Even if there was a terrorst attack, how would any of **** in that bag, or passwords help you at all? Unless you carry that back pack on your back 24 hours a day it's pretty much useless if it's in your car-unless terroists decided to attack your truck :rolleyes:

The dollar bill ripped in half was even more hilarious. You people act like your all secret agents in another country and you do spy work. Get over it, you're a normal person-this isn't a james bond movie-sorry to tell you.
Hahnb>> Every single item in my bag has a very realistic purpose--I'll put money that I can name 'em all before you get a third of the way through the list. If you had as much brains as you do balls for that kind of a post you might learn a thing or two.
You might as well just live in a big hole dug in the ground. The only way that any of that bull**** would ever help you is if we were invaded by ground troops which is impossible. Even if it were possible, you were know about it long before it ever happened.