What you need in a carry pistol!

Five rounds not enough ? Hmmmm I only carry a handgun to deploy it if, and only if, a lethal threat against me manifests. I am not out to free hostages, stop crime, or criminals, confront heathens, or engave in a protrated gunfight. I carry a speed strip, but seriously doubt I could effectively use it. 33 rounds ? II certainly hope I am not in the neighborhood if you ever decide to begin unloading those rounds. Fear is a factor in our daily lives I suppose, but 33 rounds ?

I decided I would rather have a pocket revolver than 33 rounds to shoot through a larger, heavier handgun, which is harder to conceal and carry. I feel more comfortable having a loaded revolver in my pocket that I can put my hand in my pocket and grip under creepy situations. Just my personal fear reducing scenario.
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Congratulations on becoming a Lawful Permanent Resident Brit. ;)

I may have mistaken your reference to dates of birth when it came to the differences of some generational thinking, though. My youngest child was born in 1980. I'm a bit more worn than that ... :D
this is, in my opinion, one of the better threads i have seen in awhile. it is refreshing to see/hear/read as many differing ideas of "what works" as there are total responses.

i don't own a 1911, but do enjoy shooting my buddy's...but boy-o-boy do i ever get tired of that being the ONLY gun in so many people's minds. obviously, there are alot of guns that meet the varying needs of the law-abiding community

personally, i prefer semi-autos...in the 9mm or 40s&w flavor...with 10-15 rounds on tap. the most important need is reliability, but i would rank familiarity right behind that. there's no point in me getting a bunch of guns with different safety/lock mechanisms if i clam up with the stuff hits the fan because i forget how to "work" my gun :eek:

When I say "My Daughter" people then say "How old is your little girl" When I state 50 YOA! They nearly fall over, apparently I don't look 74.

Quite a few on these different gun blogs think a gun is the answer for just about every use of force, the mere moving your hand from were it is, to a concealed pistol, and back can quite often be toooo slow.

But going forward, with hands on, is in most cases quick enough. The trouble is, to get that skill, to get to be a scrapper? Can quite often put you on the wrong side of the law in your youth. Fighting with the Police was not such a bad thing in my youth, but I must say the Cops mostly won! Big Irishmen were not soft!

You know what you called a person you met in Liverpool with a straight nose? A visitor.
what you need...


if the link above refers to an actual weapon it appears to be very versatile.

most daily routines people dont run into armed or violent conflict...and most dont carry.

having a weapon that fits into that scheme best would make sense.

it would seem to me anyway that as light and lethal as a weapon could be would be preferable...especially if most shooting encounters (non duty oriented, atm guards, police, security, etc) are within 15 feet or so.

the above link refers to a 17 ounce weapon which i guess when loaded is around 19 or 20 ounces, just over a pound.

it can be fired from within a pocket or purse when walking to a car in a parking lot, etc. it has no edges to snag and can be equipped with a grip integrated laser for low light or terror factor.

it can take nasty .357mag or .38 special rounds (so i was told) depending on shooter preference and both are widely available.
a few loose rounds in a pocket can serve as chi balls when waiting on a bus or walking in the park.

for daily human protection the above linked weapon or similar would seem adequate.
My daily carry gun is a1911 in 45 acp or a BHP in 9m/m. With the 1911 I tend to carry 3 spares on my off side with the browning 2 mags. is more common. I do have several glocks, xd's, sigs, & 1 H&K, but still carry the BHP & 1911 most. In the winter I drop a revolver in my coat pocket with a pair of speed loaders. A belt pistol is to hard to get to and cock and lock in pocket carry, to my thinking, to stupid to contemplate.
Gen 4 Glock 19

Well I have two of them, one I thought it was the free one I won! Wrong, they were just the first one hundred into B&H! So after I had filled out the paperwork, I found out I owed $400.00! Ouch! But you can not own to many guns, right?

Then the free one came in, good.

The only glitch, the odd time it failed to pick up a round! Oiled the spring to death, that pesky double spring, +P+ ammo; damped the recoil down, worked great.

This Gen 4 in the .40, G4Glock 23 and 27, shoots like a 9mm.

Glock Workx have come out with a wee plastic (polymer!) ring, that fits into the front of the slide inside, now the Gen 1-2-3 main spring fits in the pistol.
It will also work fine with +P+, just will not tame the recoil as good.

Works perfect with match reloads. I came 12th out of 61 at the Titusville IDPA match this month. Still floating a foot off the ground Fastbolt!

Note my cut down Glock Combat holster, tap the picture, it gets larger.
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Quite a few on these different gun blogs think a gun is the answer for just about every use of force .
Quite right. An unfortunately common misconception.
It's not a new one. We're just seeing more of it the last few years. I've lectured more than a few people on the importance of situational awareness and mindset than I can count.

For me, the gun I carry is the one I've been shooting most recently. That's not usually a small gun. I've learned to dress around the gun, and to be honest, in ~15 years of concealed carry, I've only been made twice.

Right now, it's a 3" S&W K-frame revolver. As others have mentioned, I'm not kicking in doors to serve warrants. I'm just a guy. I carry because, despite my best efforts to avoid trouble, it may inflict itself upon me. For those situations, I've got a tool with which I'm confident and proficient.

What I need in a carry pistol can be summed up as:

  • Reliability
  • Accuracy in my hands
  • Reliability
  • Reasonable (but not necessarily tiny) size
  • Reliability
  • Power

I'm not to gunched up on caliber, though I tend to stick with those that have proven themselves in service, and for which good ammunition is available.

Re Cap

The overall big picture, and one that is repeated, by many individuals who refuse to be without the means of armed response, if and when we are unlawfully accosted by felons in our pursuit of happiness, allowed by law, in these United States.

That big picture, to place lawfully owned and carried concealed, hand guns on our persons, of our selection, and go about our daily business.

In order to give credence to these selections, one would think, we are required to show proof.

I for one can not do so, in carrying 16 rounds of some of the better designed ammunition, ever, in a pistol I can deploy, from under outer clothing, in some wee tiny amount longer than one second, I can not show why I require this, no proof what so ever.

One thing I can say though, why not! Or need a go to an extra magazine, on the off side, with 17 rounds of the 127g +P+ WW Ranger 9mm (same as carry) in case I were required to do so.

Coupled with a belt carried small bright flash light.

I can not show proof, but I can state a desire to do so.

And in Florida, in this year 2010, in these free United States of America, that is all I have to do.

God Bless America.
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The gun as answer to every use of force...

Reminds one of the saying about, "When one only has a hammer, all problems begin to look like nails."

Fastbolt and Brit, nice to run into other MA enthusiasts.

MA training provides a useful set of tools to the kit. I suppose practicing sprints would add a useful one, as well.

"Rule 1: Cardio. Because when the apocalypse came, the fatties were the first to go." - Zombieland

But to answer the OP's question -

For me, a carry gun needs to be appropriate to the environment. In town, I like a mid to high capacity semi-auto, in 9mm plus. In the sticks, I like a magnum revolver in 4" configuration, .357 or .44. (I like 4" both because it balances better for me, and is quicker on the draw for me than a 6"; I do not like magnum rounds from snubbies.)

I like a consistent trigger pull, so I favor SA cocked and locked, or DAO/DAK in semi-autos; I almost exclusively shoot revolvers in DA mode.

Primary carry auto duty is divided between CZ75B 9mm with 127gr Rangers or DW CBOB with 230gr Cor-Bon +P JHP - although I strongly suspect that when it arrives, my new S&W M&Pc .357SIG (with .40 barrel if I want to alternate) will take primary position; woods revolvers alternate between a S&W 29 Mountain Gun and a Ruger GP100, loaded with 255gr HC Keith or 180gr HC (Buffalo Bore either way) respectively.

Why do I think the M&Pc will win out? It's smaller and lighter than the CZ or DW, and even with a compact barrel it should fire a 125gr round at nearly 1400fps; and, it holds 10+1. However, I haven't shot it yet, and can't vouch for its reliability yet. TBD, in November.

BUG / extreme casual carry handguns include a Kahr PM9 with LaserGuard, and a soon-to-arrive S&W 442 with CTC grip.
Hey, Brit, . . . welcome to the best country on Terra Firma. My British relatives beat you here by some 400 years, . . . but better late than never.

As for your question, . . . my answer is simple. An all steel 1911, . . . full size, . . .45ACP, . . . one spare 8 rd mag if I'm going to the village, . . . 2 spare mags if I'm going to the city, . . . all 3 spares and a box of ammo & loaders if I'm traveling.

Like the saying goes: "No, I'm not paranoid, . . . I've got a .45, . . . what's there to be paranoid about?"

May God bless,