what would you do ?

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I don't have a problem with how the OP handled the situation. As for people who open carry, while some might look askance at the sight, I believe the more we expose people to non-threatening integration of firearms into every day society, the better we'll be in the long run.
People also open carry unloaded weapons into Starbucks in California in order to comply with their laws regulating OC. They're allowed to have a loaded magazine on their person though, I believe. So it's not just an exercise in empty symbolism as some might contend.
As for what has sprung up as a secondary issue on this post, that of the use of proper written English to express our thoughts, I'm surprised to read that people are willing to label others as "jerks" for asking that we adhere to certain standards in our posts. Can we leave off the name calling and use a little common sense? There's nothing wrong with asking for a minimal effort in punctuation, spelling and sentence structure. There's also nothing wrong with someone who, lacking those skill sets, posts here in their own manner.
I'm not saying TFL must relax their standards to the point of mongrelizing the English language. Just be a little understanding when someone openly admits he lacks the education to fully comply.
fawcettlee, I agree with you 100%. I think that had someone sent him a pm and offered to work with him on his post it would have worked out better and the OP could have thought about it and accepted the help or not. I would like to think that the OP is a wise man and would welcome the chance to improve his writing and communication skills so that he can make good use of the forum in exchanging information with us all.
Tell the jerk that if he wants to keep his jaw in one piece, then he'd be wise to keep it shut every time he sees me. :)
What a world we live in.
...When your fellow gun totin' chatters think maybe you should have walked away from a place you had a right to be.
...When a gun enthusiast suggests that you forget about your right to OC.
...When the BG has more rights than the law abiding citizen.
.........Next time, hand your gun over to a fellow CCW holder for safe-keeping and show the BG how a good old country asswhoopin works. The use of a gun isn't always needed, so why should we all think it should be a factor with an unarmed BG? Sometime Dad has to let the Son know where the line is, and if his Daddy never taught him then someone may need to teach him.

just my nickle's worth of opinnion...
Next time, hand your gun over to a fellow CCW holder for safe-keeping and show the BG how a good old country asswhoopin works.

Oddly enough, I have employed exactly this action in the past to great effect. Some kid was confronting me in a bowling alley years ago. I really look like your average Joe most all the time. He had been drinking (still no excuse in my book) and saw my 5' 9", 165lb frame and decided he wanted to get in a fight that night and I was going to be the guy. I attempted to diffuse the confrontation on every front that came up. He started "mouthing off" about 'That A--hole' (me) for no real reason at all. I asked him to calm down and explained that no one wanted trouble, and that everyone was there to have fun. His banter escalated to insults and then to threats. Still, I was attempting to diffuse the situation.

Then the insults and threats started in on the four ladies that we had brought with us. Now I'm not quick to anger, but there are certain things that I won't stand for and this is one of them. It's how I was raised, and you never insult or threaten a woman like that. "Let's take this outside. 'CCW Buddy' give me a hand." -He finishes his beer and we walk outside to the parking lot out front.

I lock in eye-contact with this kid and in plain view of him and his other friend that followed us outside, I slowly began disarming myself and handing my weapons to my friend. First was my 3" tactical blade from my pocket. I then bent down and revealed my 4" boot knife before handing it off. I pulled up my shirt and drew my Glock 19 and my spare magazine from my pocket and handed them to my friend. All done very matter-of-factly without any threat or intimidation, but I never broke eye contact. I look this kid down and got into my Jeet Kune Do strong forward stance and stayed there waiting for him to make the first move.

The steady decline of his enthusiasm throughout this entire process was priceless. I waited in ready stance for about 5 or 6 seconds before he did the smartest thing he did that whole night. With a "Man, F*** this guy." he and his friend continued out into the parking lot and got into their car." I re-armed myself and went about my night out.

Now, not only did 'CCW buddy have both of my knives and my Glock, but he had a 3" Buck and a 4" xD 9mm too and was a state wrestler in high school with his 5'3" 135 lb frame. Another "you wouldn't expect it" kind of guy. These guys really picked the wrong group to mess with, but through simple structured escalation and confident confrontation, this situation didn't even come to blows. Had I told this guy off in the Alley, who knows what would have happened. Maybe nothing; maybe we would have gotten jumped in the parking lot on our way out (one of the threats). Maybe we would have had to draw our weapons. I don't know. But I do know that not every situation calls for a gun to be employed even if you have it at your disposal. I believe the saying goes, "If a hammer is your only tool, you'll see every situation as a nail." I could have hammered that guy (or threatened to) but instead, took the time to read the situation and get creative in order to de-escalate it; and it worked.

Sorry for the long post, but I'm sure there's a lesson in my story somewhere.

.........Next time, hand your gun over to a fellow CCW holder for safe-keeping and show the BG how a good old country asswhoopin works. The use of a gun isn't always needed, so why should we all think it should be a factor with an unarmed BG? Sometime Dad has to let the Son know where the line is, and if his Daddy never taught him then someone may need to teach him.

To a town drunk? Really? That's very mature. You be acting like a coward bully taking on the town drunk who is such a menace to your big ego. Give me a break.
To a town drunk? Really? That's very mature. You be acting like a coward bully taking on the town drunk who is such a menace to your big ego. Give me a break.

The town drunk who makes it a habit to go onto peoples' property and threaten them with physical assault and theft of property? Deadly property? That's not a threat to ego in my book, that's a threat of bodily harm or death by an unstable and uninhibited individual. Perhaps you've never been physically confronted by an intoxicated individual that is intent on a violent altercation. I have been, several times over. They are to be taken seriously. One should try extensively to diffuse and avoid them, but at some point you must make it your business to let the other person know that if you are attacked or provoked, you intend to defend yourself accordingly. This usually works wonders, as it did in this case, and in the case of my situation which I illustrated above.

You know, if we all stop and think about it.....
...remember how many times we have all witnessed a bully getting away with his/her actions simply because they could? Ever since I was a kid I have been dealing with it. Now, I am a bit bigger than most of those bullys. So when I see them treating others like dirt, I am not afraid to step up and call their bluff. They usually do back off. I have even had a store clerk call the police because I stepped in to prevent a father from smacking his small boy(about 3 yrs old) in the face again. Geuss what, the cop thanked me for getting involved.

I don't care what the bully/trouble maker/BG/drunk's problem is, they have no right to interfere with a legal, law abiding citizens life. And the sooner they learn that the better off we will all be.

Sorry for missing this one earlier, people, but good grief:

  • personal insults
  • blowing off rule four of the Forum Rules
  • bickering over someone blowing off rule four of the Forum Rules
  • rudeness
  • more insults
  • chest-beating and blather and bloodthirstiness

The reasons to close this are many. Too bad~!

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