what would you do ?

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Thought you handled it well.

The only thing I mighta done differently is actually call the police, using their non-emergency number. Several purposes served here. First, the guy is drunk in public and he's making threats - both, whether individually or combined, are illegal, and that calls for a visit from the boys in blue (or whatever they wear in Louisville). Second, even without an arrest or charges against the drunk, a good talking-to from the police might chasten him somewhat. Finally, and in the extreme eventuality, you establish a record of his past beligerent, threatening behavior (or even a pattern of such behavior, if it came to that), which may help exonerate you if you ever did have to resort to violence of any kind to defend yourself in the future.

Just my thoughts.
It looks as though the thread has gone from Puntmefar's original problem to one of grammar and spelling.

Actually, orionengnr is correct, although he could've referenced the forum rules rather than a thread with 275 posts :D. Simply put, and from the forum rules...

Forum Rules said:
4) Mangling of the English language whether thru ignorance, age, sloth or intent diminishes and embarrasses each of us. Posts which are indecipherable due to inability to translate thoughts into coherent written statements will be deleted without explanation. Recidivists will be removed.

Look guys; we're not out to be the grammar police, nor do we have any desire to become that. We don't expect perfection, but we do expect a reasonable attempt to post in an intelligent and decipherable manner.

Run-on sentences with no punctuation make for difficult reading, and does a disservice to our members. It only takes a moment to throw a few commas and periods into a post.

As to spelling, improper use of words have started wars. For those who have difficulty spelling, there's an easy fix: Compose your post in your computer's word processor and use that spell check, or download and use a free spell-check utility such as iespell.

Need another reason? Guys, everybody here is acutely aware that there are plenty of people out there that would like to see us disarmed, and they search the Internet for ammo to discredit those of us that support the 2nd Amendment. Poor or slothful posting on forums like this does exactly that.

Once again, see my sig. line.

Now that that's settled, let's get back to Puntmefar's original problem ;).
Need another reason? Guys, everybody here is acutely aware that there are plenty of people out there that would like to see us disarmed, and they search the Internet for ammo to discredit those of us that support the 2nd Amendment. Poor or slothful posting on forums like this does exactly that.

A,A,A, +1 to that.

To many people, not just anti gun folks, tend to see us as uneducated redneck fools whom are just looking for any reason to "whip" out our guns and start shooting. Each and everyone of us MUST Remember anything we post on this or any forum could be used to reinforce their incorrect stereotypes.
I make it a firm point not to talk to drunks, bums or idiots. They can blibber-blabber all they want, but I refuse to acknowledge them. That doesn't mean I don't watch them.....and prepare, but I ain't talking to them.

Nothing good comes from talking to drunks. You wouldn't banter with a rabid dog, would you? At best, it makes you look stupid, wastes your time and raises your blood presure. At worst, it encourages the drunk to attack you and distracts you from taking necessary measures to properly protect yourself.
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I will add to the chorus of those who would vacate the premises post-haste.

I will not talk to a drunk.

I don't open carry but if I did, I would IMMEDIATELY vacate the area of ANY person who made mention of touching/taking/firing/stealing said firearm.

Leaving immediately can not be over stated.

He who is armed has a GREATER responsibility to avoid conflict that he who is not armed.
Leave the gun inside...then you can mess with the drunk....

Unless the drunk has a gun... or a knife... or breaks his wino-bottle on the curb and comes at you with it, or is just Pretending to be drunk and stupid so he can get close to you while his buddy comes up behind you and breaks said wino-bottle over your head and robs your unconcious body before breaking into your house and stealing said weapon and everything else valuable. There's a reason we don't leave our guns inside, and instead choose to keep them on our person. Drunk or not, a threat is a threat. People aren't less accountable for their drunken actions or words than their sober ones. And you should approach intoxicated individuals with as great or greater ware than sober ones.
Preferably while armed to protect yourself.

Mozilla Firefox is a web browser that comes with a handy spell checker for forums such as this.

Punctuation is simply a matter of practice.
Oldbear, some folks just don't have as good a crystal ball as yours. Sometimes (almost always really) there is no real ringing of a bell or anything to signal it is time to put you gun on.

As to the original question, I think I would have pepper sprayed the old reprobate and then called the law while he was writhing on the gravel and trying to stem the snot stream. That's just me though. Alternately I would leave and call the police.
With no disrespect intended to the authors of any previous posts, I am kind of amazed that being unexpectedly confronted by a belligerent drunk is considered by some to be an example of why we should not go about armed for defensive action! Isn't this, rather, an example of how potential danger can arise at any moment, and our vigilance should therefore be constant? Belligerent drunks choose to be both drunk and belligerent, and if the firearm was not in view it is highly likely that the sot would have found some other excuse for belligerence. Who knows how this might have ended without a firearm being present?
Sounds like you handled this well. You never know what a drunk or junkie will do. Such things are why I usually prefer CCW. My state allows OC but it is still risky. I did do my first public OC today though. Went to scope a job in a BAD neighborhood. Thugs had cut all the copper wire out of a vacant house. Also cut open the outdoor AC and stole the copper/aluminum coils. I'd been by yesterday and seen lots of scummy characters around. I told owner I would be carrying when I returned. He is a martial arts instructor, was OK with it. I OC'd crossdraw style. Not blatantly obvious to the casual passerby. Very clear to someone approaching me, which is what I wanted this time. If challenged, would tell them I knew the neighborhood, was fixing crime damage and would not be a sitting duck. Having owner's permission, not straying from his yard, I had little chance of being charged with "terror of the public".

I think in most places, we still have to go slow with OC. I believe in that and CCW. Only person I would be afraid of would be either someone strutting around showing off, or someone carrying in an obviously unsafe manner. Someone on another thread mentioned seeing a guy carrying in his hip pocket. Much too easy to snatch. But many people have been brainwashed the last few decades and go paranoid at the sight. Not entirely their fault, that's how they were taught. We should be careful how we carry and be considerate of others as much as possible. Maybe we should have a thread with ideas on how to slowly acclimate our communities to the OC concept. I am pleased with the progress that's been made. In my lifetime, CCW was forbidden in my state to most anyone except LEO and OC, while legal, was strongly discouraged.

Check out the Starbucks/Facebook columns. Lots of pro and anti gun people posted there. I was proud that most GO's stated their thoughts well. Some of the anti's were OK, respectfully disagreeing. A few anti's were off the wall. But worst was 1 guy, bragging that "yea, he carried on his hip and people were scared of him for good reason", something like that. Many other GO's blasted him, that he was hurting our cause and making the case for the anti's. If I wasn't a fan of guns, was checking things out and saw him, end of discussion. The better ambassadors we are, the better chance of proving our case and maybe winning over a few hearts and minds. Or softening if not winning over.
I am quite amazed at the anti open carry sentiment on this forum. I open carry for the simple reason that I have the right too. If it makes you uncomfortable, then to bad it not my issue. Get over yourselves and support each others rights to carry how they choose. Its almost as bad as gun hunters and archery hunters. The second amendment does not say how or what we can have but rather that we can, so we should.
I am quite amazed at the anti open carry sentiment on this forum.
I don't have any problem with open carry, but I don't usually do this myself, unless I'm on private land. The one time I voiced an objection to open carry was when folks were strapping on unloaded guns to their belts just to prove a point at starbucks. That just rubs me the wrong way - probably because the only point to doing this is to tick-off other people or to be flashy - as in men wearing flashy jewelery which I don't much care for either.

Open carry with a loaded firearm for protection, laws permitting - no problem with it.
Need another reason? Guys, everybody here is acutely aware that there are plenty of people out there that would like to see us disarmed, and they search the Internet for ammo to discredit those of us that support the 2nd Amendment. Poor or slothful posting on forums like this does exactly that.

I third that motion.

And now, back to my pipe and a bit of Hume's Treatise of Human Nature.

Sadly, I'm not even kidding.
I would have left.. not worth shooting him if it escalated and it's not even a matter of standing up for yourself when the perp is a drunk
the best thing is to move on and make distance while not turning
one's back to a possible threat.

I probably would have made a little distance while saying things like
"sir, please stop threatening me", "sir, please stop" "sir, don't come
any closer."

There's always someone afterwards who will talk to the cops who you
never see or didn't know their window was open and they saw/heard

I would not challenge the drunk, or tell him to **** off and get lost.

I would say and be the passive one. Unless he chose otherwise.
Correct puncutation or not,I had no trouble reading and understanding Puntmefar's post,and don't know why anyone would care.I quit worring about correct puncutation and perfect spelling when I no longer had to write papers for college classes.Puntmefar,ignore the jerks and stay with the forum.There is a wealth of information here,and a lot of good people as well.As to your question,You could have retreated,called the police,or any number of other things that may have been better or may have only made the situation worse.What you did worked and that is what matters.That said,never turn your back on,or trust this man in any way.He has already demonstrated his intentions toward you.BE SAFE.
Since you were having a jam session, I would just smash a guitar over his head if he got close enough, especially after several warnings. I'm not sure lethal force is justified unless the drunk demonstrates that he has the means to carry out his threat.
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