What to do with gun while traveling.

LOL! G. willikers, FITASC, Vito, Berseker, you guys sound like my Wife. Yes, I'm pretty good at overthinking. And your right, the biggest danger is some idiot driver or a deer running out in front of me. Been there, done that on both occasions. My truck was totaled by a another truck running a stop sign and the car had about $5000.00 worth of damage when I hit the Deer. I wasn't armed when the truck hit me, but I was when I hit the Deer. The Deer ran off before I could shoot him. So I guess having a gun did me no good in either instance. Then there were the two times I was on foot in shady neighborhoods in Las Vegas and New Orleans after dark, unarmed. Got a few looks but no one bothered me. I guess I looked like a gun carrying Redneck. Maybe instead of taking a gun, I will just carry a can of whoop ass and dare the first bad guy to open it.
No I don't think you are over thinking it. I would not bring a gun on a miltiary base, if it is posted not to.

Someone got upset about the idea of disobeying state no gun signs at store. I would rather do that, than military base, which is federal.

Using the motel safe is a fine idea. Myself I just but do not disturb. I am more worried about the maid, then someone breaking in.
There are way too many paranoid and anti-gun statements being made here.

The room safe is an excellent idea, as is a rental locker anywhere. I always carry everywhere, but when I desire not to do so on a trip and there is no room safe, I just leave it unloaded in my luggage; no one has ever bothered it.
A few factors to consider when traveling. If you have a concealed carry license or permit and are stopped for a traffic violation, will the officer know about your licensed status when he runs your name through his computer? In a state where there are virtually no legal concealed gun carriers, like NY, an officer knowing that you are licensed to carry might well become very creative in finding a justification for searching your vehicle. If a gun is found then you are up the creek. Even if you eventually prevail legally you would still be involved in a very, very unpleasant and costly process. And what about if you are in a serious car accident, or suffer a medical emergency? Even in your home area, if you believe "concealed is concealed" and carry in prohibited areas, you will be in big trouble if you have such a medical emergency and EMT's or others discover your gun in the process of helping you. I have no problem with people making the individual decision as to how important it is to them to be armed and capable of self defense versus strict legal compliance, but you should make that decision based on reality and not do so flippantly.
Vito, as I said earlier in the post, we are in New Mexico and will be traveling through Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho and Washington. My New Mexico conceal carry permit is in compliance with EVERY state except Washington. These are all VERY friendly gun states. Washington just says I can't carry it concealed and it must be unloaded, in a lock box hidden from view. I am not haphazardly carrying through gungrabbing states like those scattered all over East of the Mississippi. I have no fear of being strung up in the nearest tree if pulled over or in a wreck and they find a gun on me in the States I will be traveling through. I would feel differently if East of the Mississippi. I was pulled over twice in Texas last year, and when they saw my concealed carry permit, they had no concern at all. I would expect to be treated the same in the states I will be traveling through.
What Badgerstate commented.
Why look for trouble from some other States LE. Permitted to carry or not people have gotten killed carrying concealed by >nerves LE.<
I agree store it in the hotel safe or locked in the trunk.

I will throw this idea out there... if your son will be stationed there for a while and you see more trips in the future, make an appt with any county sheriff and apply for a Washington State CHL while your visiting the state (you have to apply in person). Its easy and not that expensive they have no classroom or other requirements and lasts for 8 years.


You do understand, I hope, that even a Washington state permit will not address the question that opened this thread, nor will it help the problem. His son is stationed on a military installation. He can't enter the installation with a firearm, not even in a locked box in the trunk.

The last time I visited the post where I was stationed when I was on active duty, the security folks were pulling over EVERY vehicle that didn't have a post parking sticker on the bumper, and they searched EVERY vehicle. I suppose every base is different, but probably not all that different. My last visit was before any of the mass shootings on military bases, so I doubt things have relaxed a whole lot since then.

It seems AL45 has reached a decision as to how to handle it, so why are we beating this particular dead horse?

You do understand, I hope, that even a Washington state permit will not address the question that opened this thread, nor will it help the problem. His son is stationed on a military installation. He can't enter the installation with a firearm, not even in a locked box in the trunk.

The last time I visited the post where I was stationed when I was on active duty, the security folks were pulling over EVERY vehicle that didn't have a post parking sticker on the bumper, and they searched EVERY vehicle. I suppose every base is different, but probably not all that different. My last visit was before any of the mass shootings on military bases, so I doubt things have relaxed a whole lot since then.

It seems AL45 has reached a decision as to how to handle it, so why are we beating this particular dead horse?

yes, I know that, thats why I agreed with others how he should store it while visiting on base. I didnt suggest he get a permit to carry onto the base. But good point for bringing that up, I probably should have been clear about that... I could see how it might be construed that way. egads, dont carry on a base no matter what or how.
Texas is an uptight statell with lots of laws. Not as bad as NJ.

They don't honor WI. Strict about what restaraunts you can carry too.