What to do with gun while traveling.

At my department, we store firearms for people going on base. Typically for a few hours in a weapons locker but I have kept one in my office overnight once. Last week we had a gentleman show up for a week long stay. We placed his gun in the evidence room for safekeeping. A bit of a pain since we have to do a report and property submission but later this week he'll sign for his gun and go on his way.

Another option would be to rent a safety deposit box at a bank. Around here a small one is only $30.00 for a year.
As long as you will be storing a pistol I can see a safe, lock box or safety deposit box working well. If you have long guns then you will need to find either a smith who can "clean" it for you or a locking hard case to which you keep the keys. In Washington you can get a non-resident permit but that won't help when you are on base or with a long gun. Without a permit you can keep an unloaded gun and ammo in separate containers that are out of sight in your trunk or in the passenger compartment as long as they are not accessible from your seat. You can, in Washington store your guns with anyone who can legally own or possess guns as long as the person storing the gun does not have use of it. It should be in a locked box with you retaining the key. If you store it with someone who can use it then state law requires you to transfer through an FFL.
You can open carry in Washington but there are a lot of places on the West side of the state that will make it very unpleasant by harassing you for open carry. There are also a lot of businesses that will ask you to leave if you are carrying openly. If the base is West of the Cascades I might be able to find someone willing to store your guns and if you are staying on the East side I would happily store them for you - though The nearest base (Fairchild) to me is 4 to 5 hours away (North) from me.
Let me know if I can be of service.
AL45, have you actually contacted your son about this situation?

I have contacted several bases where two of my sons were stationed when we visited staying on base and were only required to inform the Provost Marshal we had a firearm.

They said keep it in a case unloaded while on base.

This was USMC and USAF bases and also at one National Guard Army base within the last 10 years.
Thanks for all your responses. It's a shame that we live in a World where you have to jump through hoops in order to protect yourself and your loved ones. I have the utmost respect for law enforcement and the military and can appreciate the fact that they have much more pressing issues than storing a gun for some guy on vacation. I also realize that they must go to extremes in order to ensure a safe environment. It just bothers me that by calling either one and reporting that I have a gun, could potentially open me up to suspicion and investigation. The way I see it, I either leave the gun at home or lock it up in a hotel safe.
"...contact the police about storing your gun.". In my opinion an awful idea similar to making statements to police without a lawyer present after you shoot someone in self defense.
You going to JBLM?

To note, in Washington if you hand your gun off to say the police, per washington law you have to submit to a back ground check to get it back, yes, even if its rightfully yours. Being theybdo not recognize your CCP they most likely wont accept it and hand your gun back right after the check comes back, that means you'll be waiting no more that 10 days to get YOUR gun back.

Buy a lock box for the car....
I talked to a Shooting range/gun shop and they said I could rent a locker there and store my firearm for $15.00. Cheap enough.
For a very long time I have used an old locking bank bag to store my firearm in the trunk when traveling. I've stored this bag in hotel vaults from time to time and when asked I just say it contains valuables.
Myself, I would just hang do not disturb. sign. I typically do this, I don't like people in my room. I just get coffee packs at front desk.

Unless in a shady area, I wouldn't worry about room getting broke into. If I was, I would get a room elsewhere. I don't carry anything rare.
Why would anyone lock up those pills? I think it is worse, and will still have junkies curious.

If you are legally allowed to have in trunk, then this moot point. But I am guessing you can't or we wouldn't be having this discussion.

I wouldn't even worry about a lock box, in a locked trunk. Jeesh. But again, I suspect, he is not allowed bring it at all on base, or we wouldn't be discussing this in the first place.

I just put the do not disturb sign up. Unless you and wife plan on having wild motel sex, and need new sheets. Get a room with two beds.
The locker is in a gun shop with my pad lock on it. The pad lock would have to be cut off in order for someone to steal the guns. I can't see anyone willing to take the chance of cutting off a padlock in the middle of a busy gun range/gun shop where there are dozens of eyewitnesses. I would doubt the owner or employees would cut the lock off after hours, steal the guns and then tell me they have no idea what happened. It could happen, but I doubt it. The safes in a hotel are accessible by the hotel. I could see someone from the hotel, opening the safe and stealing the guns and then telling me too bad so sad. I know a person who had a trailor which contained virtually everything they owned, stolen from a hotel. The Trailor was attached to a pickup and another vehicle was parked directly behind the trailor. Somehow they moved the vehicle, unhooked the trailor and vanished. It was determined to be an inside job. Our vehicle has no trunk and Washington state law says the guns must be locked in a box. Military bases say NO FIREARMS on person or in vehicle. AND, I'm not traveling 1600 miles across the good old USA without means to protect myself and my Wife. The guns will be loaded and at our disposal until we hit the Washington State line, then they will be locked up. Just hope we don't run into Bigfoot while we're in Washington.
Don't carry some big fancy gun, that would make you cry if stolen, and leave it at the motel.

You really worried about it getting stolen at motel????

Before I did all this BS, I would just leave it in the motel.
Sounds to me like you are greatly "overthinking" this whole issue. Are you comfortable traveling without a firearm? If yes, then leave the gun home and your problem is solved. If no, then just secure it in your car while going on base and don't get paranoid about it. Problem solved.
The safes in a hotel are accessible by the hotel. I could see someone from the hotel,

No, they are not. YOU set the combo. If you forget your combo or leave to go on your way and lock the safe, they will bill you to have a locksmith come and open it.

I agree with the other poster who says you are WAY overthinking the dangers and what not.
Another vote for over thinking this.
There should be a limit for being paranoid.
Most of things we worry over never happen.
Most of the things that cause havoc seem to come out of the blue.
Enjoy your trip.
That means worry less.
Watch out for that semi that's sitting crossways on the road, just over the next hill. :)