What to do with gun while traveling.


New member
In a few weeks, we will be traveling through 5 states on our way to visit our son at the military base he is stationed at. 4 of the 5 states recognize my conceal carry permit, but not our destination state. I have read the rules there, and they are no real problem. The real issue, is I obviously cannot take a firearm on base. I have talked to military personnel and they said I could probably have it stored in the armory on base, but that it is a lengthy process. Besides, I feel funny calling a base and telling them I'm coming and a firearm is coming with me. Sounds like a good way to get me and my son thoroughly investigated. My question is this. Is it possible to contact the Police station there, and have them store the weapon during our time there, or do most hotels allow firearms and provide a safe place to store them? I do not want to just leave it in the hotel room. Any suggestions?
Most decent hotels have small safes in the rooms.
You might bring your own in case they don't.
Getting involved with military or law enforcement might not be wise.
Way too much possibility of unintended consequences.
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I'd be very hesitant to contact the police about storing your gun. Many police departments are not pro-gun and I'm pretty sure they aren't in the business of storing guns for people. They have many other issues they deal with on a daily basis and this is just one more they won't want. You might be better off having your son see if a local gun store might store it for you. I know a guy who was going into Canada for a day on his vacation and he stopped at the state police to see if he could leave the gun with them for the day. They were really agitated with him for even asking and then proceded to treat him like he was up to something. They detained him for a while to check him out. See if the hotel has a safe as suggested above. Sometimes you're better off leaving it home.
If your hotel has an actual vault where you could store the gun, that would likely be the best option -- I'm not sure I'd rely on a "room safe" unless I could be sure ahead of time that it was adequate. Failing that, you may be able to find a bank where you're going that will rent you a safe deposit box. This would depend on the bank's policy regarding renting boxes to someone who doesn't have an account there, and of course also on its having one available. (If your son has an account with a local bank, that might help.)

If there's an FFL who does repair work in the area, another possibility would be to have them do some tune-up work or customizing (new grips or what-have-you) on the gun while you're there. An FFL can't just store the gun for you without running afoul of the law on transfers to out-of-state residents, since possession has to be transferred both ways via a 4473, but the law makes an exception for gunsmithing work. Given that many gun folks are sympathetic to military members and their families, an FFL might be very willing to help you out this way if you explain your problem.
Every decent hotel worth staying at that my wife and I have stayed has an in-room safe that is as strong as anything you can get for your home. We are able to fit Ipads, guns, papers, etc. while there with never an issue - just remember what your four digit lock code is!
I spend 20 years in the Army and I have been working as a DoD civilian for 18 more. A lot of military installations have Rod & Gun clubs. I have no problem taking my guns on those installations at any time, if I go on post to the Base Exchange I just leave my carry pistol in the trunk. Placing a locked box bolted into the truck, out of sight, works well too. I was stopped at one installation gate and chosen for inspection, they looked around the trunk and saw the lock box but took the "Don't ask, don't tell" approach to the box. You can check online at the base web site to see if they have a Rod & Gun club too.
Unless you are staying in a really shady part of town I'd use the room safe or the hotel safe. I wouldn't think the housekeepers are going to jimmy the room safes looking for your valuables. But I could be wrong. :cool:
A lot depends on what the destination state is, and the law bringing guns there. ie: New Jersey. Federal law protects traveling through states, but does not offer anything once you get to your destination.
We are in New Mexico and are traveling through Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho and Washington State. Washington is the only state that doesn't accept New Mexico CCW. The issue is what to do with the gun when we go on base. There is no way I am going to risk getting in trouble or worse yet, getting my son in trouble and I don't want to raise any red flags by contacting the base and asking to put it in their armory. I'll leave the gun at home before I would do that. It is sad that we live in such a paranoid World. Where I live, every house has many guns and it is an open carry state. It is nothing to see people walking around with guns on their hips. I have even had people walk in the hardware store carrying rifles, looking for gun screws. And shootings are EXTREMELY rare in my neck of the woods.
AL45, I've been in your shoes. The only person who can determine what is right for your situation is you... That being said, I've traveled through all of those states before now I haven't had to go to a military base... but here is what I would recommend:
#1, ask your hotel if they have a vault. If they do, place your pistol in a nondescript case with locks similar to a camera case and let them store it for you.
#2, ask your son if he knows anyone off base that would be willing to store it for you while you are on base.
#3, if you bank with a national bank such as Wells Fargo take out a safe deposit box there and store it there for the time being.
#4, you could rent out a storage unit and leave the gun there for the time being....
#5, leave it under the mattress in your hotel room... and leave a do not disturb sign on the door so housekeeping doesn't enter.
#6, use the room safe in the hotel.
#7, as CW2-RET suggested, leave it at the Rod and Gun Club. They are typically very sympathetic.
#8, rent a locker at the local bus station and leave it there. (not my first choice)
#9, as Evan Thomas suggested, take it in for a "tune up" and have it cleaned or the action polished.
#10, last but not least..... https://www.centralrestaurant.com/FireKing-BK0802-Book-Safe-with-key-lock-c71p290900.html?st-t=google_shopping_353-138&gclid=CjwKEAjwxurIBRDnt7P7rODiq0USJADwjt5DYYrqfXnih0UhO5EaRWfTK2xqHtF_qEzyT0k5tEO68xoC7uzw_wcB
Just use the hotel room safe........The maids in your typical Red Roof or similar are way too time crunched to even bother looking to see if the safe door is even closed and they sure don't have the time to try and open it.
nomad636 said:
#2, ask your son if he knows anyone off base that would be willing to store it for you while you are on base.
This could be construed as an unlawful transfer of a firearm to an unlicensed resident of a different state, a serious violation of federal law. It may violate state law as well.

The only conditions under which I would even consider this would be if the firearm were locked in a very impervious case, and the recipient didn't have the keys or the combination to the lock. Even then, AL45 would be taking a serious risk, one that I wouldn't take without the advice of an attorney. (A forum member with more legal knowledge than I may be able to comment on case law regarding such a situation.)

BAD idea!