What to do in THIS HD scenario?

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well duhhhh! i first activate my homes defensive computer (remotes on a chain around my neck).
first the computer scans the home silently, isolating the areas which it needs to 'cleanse' (it will only 'cleanse' DNA that is not on file, thats why you gotta submit a blood/skin/hair sample before you enter my abode). since its night time, the computer (i call her the DefHoCon - Defensive Home Control) sets off flashbangs followed by smoke 'nades.
then i grab my Deagle .50 with lasergrips and lase the room, but its just for show. i reflect the laser off the mirrors all around my home so they can't get a true fix on where i am. that way the perps will (that is, if they can) expend their shots fruitlessly.
once they are done shooting, i activate DefHoCon's secondary measures, a sleeping gas. once they are out cold, DefHoCon contacts the authorities.

now, if the perps are wearing gasmasks and the sleeping gas doesnt work, we go to plan M (plans C through L are classified), which entails dropping crash test dummies holding airsoft weapons and over the intercom is a voice commanding the perps to drop their weapons and go into the prone position.

if that doesnt work i unleash my Robodog (its really just my dachshund, but hes wearing a full level 7 suit (my contacts with NSA give me the latest body armor that the civvie market cant get). but Robodog won't go in without having the proper motivation, so i have to throw a few doggie treats in there that he'll run after. poor mutt, he hasnt figured out yet he can't eat them when hes wearing his suit! haha! (dont worry i treat him very well when the sit has been dealt with and everyones been debriefed.)

now, should Robodog fail in his efforts to stop the perps i bring out the big guns. i have a dual delivery system that mounts two potato guns on my shoulders and a state of the art IR aiming system. i juiced up the guns so that they can launch frozen tatertots at 450 fps, enough to go through two layers of sheetrock but no more. i like to fire a volley of warning shots, but if necessary i can target specific body parts that will immediately incapacitate them. any taters that miss are collected for the next breakfast.

did i mention that i'm so tactical it hurts?
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I have an idea: maybe conceal yourself and spy on them until one or both set down their guns to pick up some valuable, then blast away!

In this situation, I have to agree with the majority to position yourself in the best concealment so you can view the stairs, your first shot will be aimed and surprised. Hopefully your next shots will be true. You can probably squeeze of a few shots before the second BG can react and hopefully you can hit both BGs.

Does anyone have a problem with shooting them both in the back if the opportunity arose; say they both walked directly past you and didn't see you and were walking into an open room with their backs to you. Now is the perfect opportunity to put one in each of their backs at 10' range. Do you shoot?
Does anyone have a problem with shooting them both in the back if the opportunity arose; say they both walked directly past you and didn't see you and were walking into an open room with their backs to you. Now is the perfect opportunity to put one in each of their backs at 10' range. Do you shoot?

That's a mixed bag there.Ten feet away you can't miss. Of course, ten feet away, if they don't go down, they can't miss either. :eek:

BTW, has anyone taken into consideration there are neighbors two sheets of chipboard/drywall away. What if you miss? What if the bad guys miss while trying to shoot you?
Does anyone have a problem with shooting them both in the back if the opportunity arose; say they both walked directly past you and didn't see you and were walking into an open room with their backs to you. Now is the perfect opportunity to put one in each of their backs at 10' range. Do you shoot?
yeah i got a problem with it, because the law would have a problem with it. right LEAD COUNSEL???? i can only use deadly force when lives are threatened. if i am hiding in my home and the intruded doesnt see me, even though he/she is armed i am not in the right (at least in my state) to open fire.

besides, won't the crook need to have both hands free? one to hold the sack and the other to put your stuff in it? unless your perp has three arms and is using one to hold a gun, he probably wont be a threat. besides, you wear your body armor all the time, right? just do a tac roll and take their feet out from under them, we do it all the time up here, except we call it 'native bowling'. simply take a running charge at a group of homeless drunk natives and jump into the fetal position as you get towards their feet. you get five points for each one you knock over.
but i digress, i've gotten off topic. :D

Where do I get one of those!? How much did it cost!? Do you have a weblink for it!?
my DefHoCon is so state of the art it can't be put on the regular old internet. its only available through the super-secret XXX***XXX****** THIS POST HAS BEEN EDITED BY THINGS THAT GO BUMP IN THE NIGHT WE NOW RETURN YOU TO YOUR REGULAR DE-PROGRAMMING.
I am writing this with out reading all the posts.

This one is easy. Two armed men with masks in your house with you and your family? Take them out before they see you.

Here is the tough one. What if you can't tell if they are armed? Now what? Might be going to jail if you shoot and they are not armed.(that is true, as well as Bull Sh*t, damn lawyers)
once they are in my house all bets are off law or no law(so glad im in FL)... have any of you ever heard of splinter cell?! just sneak up on them and shank them lol.]

oooooo bacl to the ninja thing!! ill just pull out myu katana that i just happen to be carrying and decapitate both of them in one fell swoop. :cool:
My cellphone sleeps next to me as it is my alarm clock. Somy first action is call the cops and tell 'em to bring a coroner because if SHTF someone is gonna be dead. Them or me. If possible I'd do a silent head count, wife and kids. Next wait in an ambush position keeping them away from the wife and kids. Close the action on my shotgun (i dont do pumps.). If they come half way up the stairs they have a opening salvo of 00 and 4 Buck coming down. If they dont they can take my stuff. but if they come up those stairs they are dead.

Ohh and I'd sue their families for the cost of cleaning my carpet and rebuildign the wall after the 00 and 4 tear everythign to bits.
yeah i got a problem with it, because the law would have a problem with it. right LEAD COUNSEL???? i can only use deadly force when lives are threatened. if i am hiding in my home and the intruded doesnt see me, even though he/she is armed i am not in the right (at least in my state) to open fire.

Leadcounsel usually seems to be right on the money with the law. Usually conservative if anything. He's either already considered the legal ramifications, or he's trying to see how bloodthirsty we are.

Here, shooting in the back in a burglary would usually be defensible. They are armed. In a burglary in Florida, from what I have been instructed, a burglar is presumed to be armed or he couldn't have broken in. He'd have to have burglary tools, such as a prybar, which would be a deadly weapon.

Here we already know he is armed with a gun and that makes him a threat, doesn't it?
Here we already know he is armed with a gun and that makes him a threat, doesn't it?
or it might be my wifes kid brother who was out snowmachining with his buddy and they are still wearing their skimasks and they always are armed and open carry out in the wilderness.

someone in my concealed carry class asked a similar question. then stated 'i dont care who it is i'll shoot anyone in my home i dont recognize'.

but you know what? i'm just not tactical enough to answer this scenario. when in my home i dont have my gun on me.
I have no qualms at all about shooting an intruder in the back. Nor do the statutes in Louisiana.

I'm sure we weren't the first state to enact a "Shoot The Burglar Law," but we have one and every District Attorney in my part of the state is a strong supporter.

If we encounter an intruder in our home, we don't even have to show that we were in fear of death or severe bodily harm. Just SHTTG
Here is the tough one. What if you can't tell if they are armed?

I hope to heck Lawdog ain't reading this. But I can guaran-d@mn-tee you that they'd be armed by the time the police got there to clean up.
Dream world:
Just open up on them center mass and win the firefight.

Take cover upstairs, get my dog to make some noise while grabbing an (870 equipped with a tactical light/buckshot, and my vest-all of which is in my closet. I don't want to use just a handgun if I have better tools. I scream at them to leave or they will be shot. If they approach and I need to use deadly force, that's what happens. If they choose to stay with a barking German Shepherd going nuts, and me screaming at them while racking a round they are most likely in the deathwish category. You need to realize that you can't just do the right thing without legal issues and people second guessing you until and during a trial (and there WILL be a trial). You need to prove that you exhausted all options before using justified deadly force.
or it might be my wifes kid brother who was out snowmachining with his buddy and they are still wearing their skimasks and they always are armed and open carry out in the wilderness.

scenario says they really are burglars.

You are absolutely sure that they are burglars

Really burglars. Your wife's kid brother better not be sneakin' around in leadcounsel's house stealin' stuff after snowmobiling or he's gonna get shot. :eek: In the back from ten feet away, no less. :eek: :eek:

Seriously, though, isn't any reasonable person with two strangers wandering around the house, gun in hand, going to view themselves as threatened? Feel threatened? Be threatened? Would a jury convict someone of murder for neutralizing a threat like that? In Alaska, I don't know. Around here, with a good lawyer, I doubt it.

In any case, I'm not gonna offer them a hot cup of tea. Personally, I'd watch them and if they needed to be shot, they'd get shot. As I said in previous posts, I would avoid a confrontation if I thought there would be a possibility of bullets leaving the structure and entering another. Or entering me.
3. Fight immediately:
a. Jump out and yell - I am a mall ninja and prepare to die
b. Ambush them as you are unobserved. In the dark, that does work well.

All have risks, I won't recommend 3a.
Honestly in that scenario, I would try to take cover and not be seen. If at all possible, I wait till they are in another area, and make for the stairs. Wake up the wife, grab the kids as silently as possible, and put them all in the master bedroom, wife with cellphone and pump 12 gauge, lock the door behind me, and take cover near the top of the stairs. First unlucky bastard whos head comes level with the top of those stairs is as dead as I can make him.
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