What to do if you catch car crook?

"any LEO's have an opinion? your insight would be greatly appreciated."

Yeah, I would imagine a city the size of Albuquerque is recruiting police officers and being twenty three you are the perfect age, so apply. You want to do stakeouts and catch crooks, then go for it. You seem dissatisfied with the response of the police department, so put on the badge and change things. I think it would be an eye opening experience to say the least.
Open his eyes to the depth of laziness, apathy, and corruption riddled through all levels of the department causing him to quit the force in disgust after one year, perhaps?
thanks Eka.. maybe I'll just quit going to college and become a cop. That'll make my life better. No need for a degree anymore, I can become part of a system run under a mayor with no regard towards public safety. Great idea. Thanks.
Wasn't the ABQ mayor the guy who was trying to circumvent the state's concealed-carry laws a few years back?

I was watching the "White Pride" speech on tv yesterday and I heard the Grand Dragon say, "I love it when people tell me they dont condone violence because if I see that person sitting on a pot of gold I am going into his lair and I'm taking it." This is what all the criminals are seeing, they see pots of gold all over the place being watched by video cameras and guys with hands in their pockets yelling, " Go away and rob my neighbor instead, but if you do decide to rob me, oh well".
What's next, quoting Hitler? Your "friend shooting from the roof? I understand your frustration but what you are doing is illegal and it'll ironic you'll be going to jail with the guys doing all the petty crimes and doing MORE time. Oh, by the way, very religious of you watching a KKK speech and agreeing with it. :barf:
Make it a Public Issue. Go talk to the TV news people and get them involved Like why aren't are Your Police doing their job. Want to put spotlight on Your Chief and Mayor They don't like answering questions on TV. But will take more than you .Need to get several people. Did this few years back to a Mayor and Chief in a city here in KY. Once we talked to TV and they went looking for answers, got results
Also set up a watch and try to tape.
Python, he wasn't agreeing with the KKK guy... he was saying that all the crooks are just like that KKK guy... I think you misread his post. He said the Grand Dragon was saying he loved when people didn't care to defend their stuff, so he could feel free to take it, which is exactly what the criminals are doing.

I'd put up an 8 foot chain link fence with razor wire on the top, a 20 foot slider with a lock at the entrance to the driveway, and a security camera. A dog is optional.

If the neigbors don't like it, tough. When you live in a bad 'hood, you decorate accordingly.


Stakeout with a video camera, a remote controled light if possible... and some paintball guns with their pressure slightly increased.

But the paintball thing might cause some problems with the law... but since the guy was commiting property damage before you pelted him with paint it might fly.... then again.. it might just cause more problems... like the guy confronting you instead of running away.

I don't know. You have a bad situation. Best of luck.

Actually, you may be on to something with the paintball.

They make pepper spray paintballs. You wouldn't have to even hit the guy, just near him and it goes into the air. Fire off twenty of the things.

Why not just confront the guy in the act? Go out there, armed, and tell him to leave. He points a weapon at you, its self defense, right?
You know, the good guy doesn't always win, even when he has a gun.

I'd advise not getting into a situation that could lead to someone's death if at all possible. Especially if the death could be your own.
Step 1...find a good criminal attorney...you will likely need one

If you do confront them you may get shot or killed...hope the car is worth it

If you try the pepper balls , remember that it is real cool until someone loses an eye...there you are ...abck in court

If you do "stop them"...what do you do if they just walk away...not threatening you...just walks away??

What happens if you tackle them and then hold them for the police

And then they claim they did not break into the car....that they were looking for the owners name in the glove box to let them know their car had been broken into....

Your word against theirs....and you are on trial for unlawful detainment/kidnapping

I was just walking by and this guy tackled me and tied me up

I understand the frustration......

Just don't do anything dumb
What's next, quoting Hitler? Your "friend shooting from the roof? I understand your frustration but what you are doing is illegal and it'll ironic you'll be going to jail with the guys doing all the petty crimes and doing MORE time. Oh, by the way, very religious of you watching a KKK speech and agreeing with it.

I totally despise KKK and other hate groups. I was just giving you an example of the immoral criminal mind frame. You guys wanting Cosmoline to do nothing because any kind of justice he would administer is a crime is disheartening. Basically what you all are saying is that in fear of our local law enforcement turning on us for doing the right and just thing, we must do nothing. Why do we teach our children not to steal when they see someone steal from us and we do nothing.

All I am saying is that there are times that we must fight a good fight and stand up for our rights. If we must resort to covert tactics to protect our life and our property from criminals and from prosecution from those who should be protecting us then we should adopt them. What WOD did was a service to me and to my community. Who will punish the criminals if not we who have the capability. If the law wants to prosecute us for dishing out justice, then we must make sure we leave no evidence.
New Hampshire's state motto is "live free or die". I think that this expresses a value all true Americans have - that it's better to die a free man than live under tyranny. Constant threat to your property is a form of tyranny, even if it comes from the guy next door.

Our forefathers rebelled against England at least partly in order to protect their property (no taxation without representation). They realized that if their property was not safe then they were not free and they valued freedom over life. The only difference in this situation is that instead of the government stealing property it is private citizens. I say that if it was morally justified to break the law at Lexington and Concord then it is morally justified for Cosmolinelover to break the law in his own driveway by opposing these criminals. The only issue is whether or not Cosmo feels that the risk is worth it, given the legal and physical consequences.

Everyone has to make this decision for him/herself. I wouldn't look down on Cosmo if he just put up with it until he could move away. But at the same time no one else should dissuade him if he decides that his freedom is more important than the laws that say he can't protect that freedom.
Recently we had a kid who slashed tires through my mom and dad's neighborhood. Slashing old retired people's tires and stranding them at home. Funny prank, huh?

If you do confront them you may get shot or killed...hope the car is worth it

I think the issue goes much further than just the car. If we all knuckle under to the thugs, what will our cities turn into? Do you want your kids living in a city where it's considered acceptable to break the windows out of people's cars every couple of weeks? What about shoplifters, pickpockets, vandals, burglars, drug dealers? Do you want your children raising your grandchildren in that kind of environment?

Tolerance breeds acceptance, acceptance encourages more of the same behavior.

I'd rather take my chances running off or catching some juvenile delinquent busting windows out of cars, slashing tires, or stealing crap, than to force my kids to deal with their kids in later life.

FWIW, I think it's a moot point for me. I can't see someone being arrested for tackling a vandal or burglar in my town. Most crooks have already had run-ins with the police at some point in time, so usually cops know who the bad guy really is. But I'd try the camera first.

mvpel: good link! this guy did his homework.

eka: If you don't like it, do it yourself, huh? If your phone goes out for 2 weeks are you going to quit your job and go to work for the phone company? Or are you going to tell them to get out to your house and do their job?
I agree that we shouldn't knuckle under to thugs. I've posted before that when people simply turn the other way or move out of a bad neighborhood that the people who CAN'T move suffer. Often that's the very disadvantaged or the elderly--the very people that responsible people should try to protect.

However, I still question the wisdom of instigating potentially deadly confrontation over a minor crime. If it's a one time thing there's not much you can do. If it's a repeat offense then the camera or video camera is a great tool.