What to do if you catch car crook?

I hear you there Frank, I assume everyone I encounter is armed no matter what. Especially those whom are hell bent on doing wrong to those around them. If things were different, and the political environment allowed it, I'd be the first the say "just shoot the bastard" and end it there, whether he's armed, or not, doens't really matter, he's still commiting a bad crime and wronging me to the point that I can't afford to undo it. However... we know this is no longer the case in this country.

So I guess we're back to square one, don't shoot him with real bullets, don't shoot him with less lethal stuff, and just let him get away with it. We've gotta be able to do better than that folks.
It really does suck... and it's just wrong. I had my vehicle broken into and some things stolen a few months ago... the police don't seem to be that concerned. You file a complain over the phone, but other than that there isn't much they can/will do. The area I live in used to be very nice, but over the last year or two vandalism/theft has increased... although it's not near as bad as the situation you are describing.
As long as you use a level of force in defense of property that is reasonable and necessary and does not ordinarily create a substantial risk of death or great bodily harm, then you have justification under New Mexico law.

Regardless, though, if you give the police something to work with, something more than a smudged or nonexistent fingerprint and a pile of window crumbs, they might be inclined to do more than take the report for your insurance claim.
Every incident should be reported. That will give the Police information about the frequency of occurrence and the location. I would expect that to lead to more patrolling of the affected areas.
Police catching the offender(s) is the best way to stop them. Video is good and helpful. also rego numbers, if there are cars involved.
Sometimes it is an individual or small group that is very active and can cause a fair bit of damage. I had one bloke whose specialty vandalism was car aerials. He did 120 in a week. He used to walk past the cars on his way home from drinking at a local hotel and always took the same route. As you can imagine, it didn't take long to work out roughly where he lived and when he operated. He was caught in a week and the epidemic stopped.

Other than that I can only echo what has aready been advised. Myself, I'd move to a better area. I know you've said you can't but you know there's no such word as can't, don't you?

I have no idea what your local policing scene is like and can only guess. Maybe the PD is short of staff or underfunded. Citizen complaint is called for if that's the case. You could grow old waiting for improvement.

I wouldn't advise trying to make a citizens arrest
Move to texas, then you can shoot them, I believe. I think a motion detector would scare off a punk kid, but they may not be afraid of it if they are experienced. Get a video camera, or if its too expensive, get a fake one in plain sight, that should keep them away.
Bluehealer, I understand your belief that every incident should be reported, but I have a few reasons why I've found it no longer reasonable to do so (as well as have many of my friends and acquaintances):

1.) Albuquerque police have a notorious tendency to automatically assume that if a crime has been committed against you, it is because of some un-lawful behavior of your own.

2.) APD can and will SEIZE your HOME for being a "nuisance"... this is defined very vaguely and was originally designed to seize bad motels and businesses that allow drugs and prostitution to occur on their grounds (doesn't sound unreasonable). But recently it has been used to scare victims (by the police department) into not calling the cops because they'll seize YOUR HOME just for reporting the crime around you. Its sure an easy way to make sure the crime reported is far far lower than the actual numbers.

3.) (and this one buggs me the most) Whenever you file a police report, whether you're the victim or the suspect involved, your name is thrown into the NICS background check system, without regard to whether you were the victim or the perpetrator of the crime. This results in your name being FLAGGED when you go to buy a gun, and means you get to wait an extra 72 hours to take ownership of whatever new toy you've decided to buy. For some reason, at least here in NM, its too difficult to distinguish between a perp and a victim, and when one's FFL dealer is 35 miles outside of town, it means multiple trips back and forth every time you buy a new gun. (thats me)

(by the way, any fellow new mexicans if you're lookin for an FFL dealer, I got a great guy out in Edgewood... $10 a transfer)
wow, this post took off


I live in Albuquerque as well. I am sick of it as well (had my stereo stolen out of my truck at the movies!).

I would highly suggest the stakeout (and I will help you if you want). If it were me I would chase the guy, tackle him, throw a few punches (with a gun in my waist, just in case), tie his hands together, put him on the curb and call the police.

A few years ago a few punk kids ripped down our mailbox and threw it against our door. My dad and brother proceded to get in the truck fully armed and caught up with them (pulled the slide to scare them), told them to stop or they would put a bullet in there head. They proceded to stop and were forced to pay for all the damage (they were minors, cops wouldn't take them to jail).

I am sick of it, and again, I am willing to help you out.
alright toll free! I'm glad there's still a few of us left in this cesspool of waste... I'd love to get together... if anything else we can go shootin together. I'm gonna PM ya...
Your situation reminds me of something that happened a few years ago with my grandmother. These punks kept bashin in her mailbox. To a little old woman livinging off a fixed income mailboxes start to become expensive.

Anyway, she sat out one night in the bushes and poped the people with a bb rifle a couple times. They jumped in the car and took off with my granny shootin' the back of the car. I live in a rual area in north Alabama so this is how that stuff is taken care of here. I have heard of some people take a 22 and shoot the tires out of the mailbox bashers cars. Would definatly advise against that.

I'd be tempted to pop them in the butt with a bb gun if they were bashing my windows outta my car to steal stuff or even just for fun.
Payne, your post made me think of another "war story"...

A few years back a friend of mine's grandfather had a problem with kids running over his mailbox (jacked up 4x4, brushguard, etc... it was like running over toothpicks for these jackasses). The grandfather got sick of it one day and decided to do something about it. He used a posthole digger to dig four corner holes about three feet down into the ground. He then placed four steel I-beams into the ground and sank them in concrete. Around this structure he built a nice brick mailbox. To those of you who don't know, those brick mailboxes are usually hollow inside. My friend's grandfather decided to solve this problem... once the bricks had set he completely filled the brick structure with concrete and rebar, then set the actual mailbox in and bricked around it so it looked like any other normal brick mailbox.
A few days after building the mailbox the punk kids decided that a brick mailbox would be a fun thing to smash with their truck. The punk kids learned their lesson this time.

**************** END OF WAR STORY ******************

It makes me sad to hear that there are areas of the country where ordinary civilians and police are powerless to stop what I would call "generally bad people." And it pisses me off that the law creates loopholes for these jerks to get through. All that to say I feel your pain. Here are my thoughts on how to fix it though.

A camera could be a great idea if you can afford one. You said this has happened to a lot of other people in your neighborhood? Get some pictures from the camera of the guy responsible, then give the pictures to the cops. Then give the pictures to everyone in the neighborhood. This is the basis for neighborhood watch, and if it proves successful, people will begin to think starting an official neighborhood watch is a good idea. You mentioned a stakeout... while I'm sure you'd love to catch the guy and beat the tar out of him (I would too)... you may be better served camping out in the garage and taking high-quality pictures with a 35mm camera or camcorder through a window. Just a thought.

Also, what is the problem with the police? Are you sure they're just not doing anything, or is it that they CAN'T do anything? If you are absolutely sure it's the first condition, then could you petition the police to be more proactive? Get every angry homeowner in your neighborhood to sign a petition and present it to the cops. If they know how angry people are, they may respond more strongly to avoid bigger problems (aka: vigilante justice). Can you petition a mayor or something to let them know your plight? Politicians are prostitutes by nature... they may be willing to do more to close loopholes that bind the police if they know its angering a large section of the electorate. All thoughts... whatever you do, please become painfully aware of the NM laws regarding force, lethal or otherwise. Breaking the law is not an option.

Good luck!! :)

EDIT: How about an internet petition? I'd happily sign a petition to the mayor of Albuquerque stating that I will NEVER spend money there because of the threat of vandalism.
'1.) Albuquerque police have a notorious tendency to automatically assume that if a crime has been committed against you, it is because of some un-lawful behavior of your own.'

If that is true, it's even more reason to leave. I just can't believe it.
Secondly, as far a seizing your home is concerned, how could that possibly happen? You are a tenant aren't you?

Something here isn't right.
Unfortunately, this is getting to be the case in a lot of larger cities around the country, Spokane Wa. is one of them. Don't have the time or manpower to take care of these crimes, so they say.?????
Letters to the Editor do no good either.
Maybe the answer would be to have the coroners number on speed dial instead of 911, cut out the middleman. :D
Here in Eugene Oregon, they actually PUBLISHED the over 150 crimes that they WOULD NOT prosecute.

So now, the bad guys know that they can get away with theft, breaking windows (cars/house), giving liquer(booze) to a minor, and a multitude of other crimes. No money for courts you know.

But you'd be right on target if you think that the cops are still hot and heavy on the roads writing tickets, that's one duty that they have allot of money to do :barf: (as in, a thief can rip off your home and they won't even come out to do a report (done over the phone) and won't investigate the breakin (no money they say for more LEO's) and even if they did then the DA won't press charges anyway. But, you go 1mph over the speed limit BOOMYA, $125 (I think that this is how much it is now, I haven't personally gotten a ticket for awhile)).

And to top it all off, since "weapons offenses" are still being prosecuted, if I were to protect my property, I'M the one going to jail :barf: :barf:


*edited to clarify: These are the decisions of the county, not of the mainstream LEO's. The Sheriffs office has cut out some pork so they could hire an investigator and actually come to the crime scene, the Troopers and the City Police are the one's that are refusing to do anything but they are just doing what the Police Chief and the county counsel is telling them to do, they don't like it either and some of the better street LEO's will only pull you over for real vehicle crimes like speeding way over the limit, reckless, DUII, etc..
You can shoot them for a misdemeanor in TX??? Dang......
Criminal mischief during the nighttime is considered grounds for use of deadly force if one reasonably believes there is no other way to prevent property damage without exposing one's self to substantial risk of injury or death.
justified in using deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property:
(1) if he would be justified in using force against the other under Section 9.41; and
(2) when and to the degree he reasonably believes the deadly force is immediately necessary:
(A) to prevent the other's imminent commission of arson, burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, theft during the nighttime, or criminal mischief during the nighttime; or
(B) to prevent the other who is fleeing immediately after committing burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, or theft during the nighttime from escaping with the property; and
(3) he reasonably believes that:
(A) the land or property cannot be protected or recovered by any other means; or
(B) the use of force other than deadly force to protect or recover the land or property would expose the actor or another to a substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury.
Strike back in silence


I as a responsible Christian and business owner do not condone or support vigilantism at all but I have come to a similiar conclusion as yourself that enough is enough. I have two small children and a lovely wife, and my wife and I have worked hard to establish our business and create a living for us. Everyday is a struggle for us to keep the bills paid and stay off the government support system as we are proud people and refuse to take charity, although for my children I have often thought of getting food stamps, but somehow we manage to do without. I tell you this because I want you all to know I find it offensive that some people chose to steal and torment those of us who work hard for a living.

For those of you who tell Cosmoline to move, I find something fundamentally wrong with that. When my business was broken into the policeman spoke with much consternation and advised me to bar up my windows and to make my business less attractive so that the crook will move onto another business. What is wrong with us, when we care about nothing but our own welfare. I was shocked at this statement as I did not want my neighbor to suffer instead of me. Whatever happened to looking out for each other and the sense of common goodness coming together to rid the town of the rats of society. Instead of all working to get rid of the rat, we hope that our neighbor and his family becomes the cheese. In a free God fearing country, we should not be forced to move by the actions of those who care little about others and have no morals. I was watching the "White Pride" speech on tv yesterday and I heard the Grand Dragon say, "I love it when people tell me they dont condone violence because if I see that person sitting on a pot of gold I am going into his lair and I'm taking it." This is what all the criminals are seeing, they see pots of gold all over the place being watched by video cameras and guys with hands in their pockets yelling, " Go away and rob my neighbor instead, but if you do decide to rob me, oh well". You all should read this article from this very website: http://www.thefiringline.com/Misc/library/cowards.html

One night as I was about to leave my business, I decided to get out of my car and double check the deadbolts on the doors. When I came back 5 minutes later, someone had taken my backback full of company info, $100 I saved for my families movie night, and my company checks. The officer that responded to this was a nice guy and was disgusted at this incident and he told me that the worst thing about this whole thing is that the chances of catching this guy are 1 in a 1,000 and if they do catch him, he will receive a $50 fine and will receive no jail time. There is nothing to deter this kind of crime as a criminal will scoff at a fine and never pay it because he is not going to worry about his credit history. At my business I have had a rash of stuff stolen, such as powertools, my front door mat, a water basin, rocks, my flag, airless painter, all kinds of stuff and half of the time I was there during business hours. For those of you who tout the whole video camera thing, get real. Havent you seen all the crime videos where the criminals walk in with no regard for the camera. I have caught 4 different people on camera, and tried to prosecute one. All that happened was I wasted 2 days of my life getting this guy a court order for him to pay me back, which he never did. No jail time for this in Oregon. Move my business you say. Well believe it or not I set up my business in one of the ritziest places in Oregon just to get away from this. Eastmoreland is where I am at and the houses average 5,000 square feet and $750,000.

Neighborhood watch? Not with people who have pacifist views like alot of you guys. The only person interested in a neighborhood watch out of the 10 homes I approached was my next door neighbor on the south side of my home. My other next door neighbors hymmed and hawed and were lukewarm with it, but never helped in any crisis. Only my next door neighbor has been vigilant and supportive. Even with my one neighbor and I watching we have had a string of car vandalisms and car theft. My car was entirely gutted of all audio equipment and it had an alarm system in it. If I could afford it I would move, but it is just not feasible at this time.

Get a dog? Well alot of us cant afford a dog, nor have the expertise to care for a dog and that is utterly irresponsible. I have two dogs, a staffordshire and a golden. My neighbor had a wolf dog mix and a collie mix. His wolfdog was poisoned in his front yard. My dogs are part of my family and I dont want them hurt any more than myself. Its not that hard for a crook to walk by and give my dogs a sausage full of rat poison.

What has worked well. Me I am a pacifist so I have done nothing, but a friend whom I have borrowed his acronym for my screen name has done some effective things. He is an avid hunter and archer and thus we call him WOD(W=Whisper O=Of D=Death). He received that name because he shoots traditional and thus he can instinctively hit a milk jug 12 times with 12 arrows in less than 1 minute. To solve my car burglary problems he left my car unlucked with a few tools in view. Low and behold a dark shape appears and begins rummaging through my stuff. WOD sends a Judo Point into his rear end. The guy shreiks in pain and begins to book out of there and gets a rubber blunt to the small of the back for his quick reactions. WOD recovers his bloody Judo point and his blunt tipped arrow. No witnesses, bad guy gone, whooping given.

At the business WOD puts my shop vac next to the front door. WOD waits on the flat roof top. As darkness comes he sees a beat up pickup pull to the curb. A man gets out from the drivers side and grabs the shop vac. As the man turns towards the pickup, he gets a .177 pellet through the hand and drops the vacuum. He yells and gets into the pickup and WOD sends another pellet through the passenger window. The car screeches off but is stopped at the stoplight about 50 yards down the road. WOD sends another pellet through the rear window and another through the passenger side tail light for identification purposes. I have seen that car in town on occasion and have on occassion done my part to put nasty notes on the car.

WODs recommended non-lethal discreet weapons
Roof top stake out: http://www.pyramidair.com/cgi-bin/model.pl?model_id=135

Judo Points to make a Point: http://www.hoddywell.com.au/BROADHEADS.html#ZWICKEY CONDOR UNLOSABLE MIRACLE POINT

Blunt Points to put it bluntly: http://www.yeoldearcheryshoppe.com/....html?osCsid=e32f061d14b07e8cfb2407fd864145fe

How long should we all watch, do nothing, and move again? This is how terrorist got a hold of 4 Boeing aircraft with boxcutters. Only one group in one of those planes chose to fight instead of waiting for somebody to do something. We should all be ashamed of this wanton pacifism thats going around.
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Wow... I sure do love the Texas law... it's amazing to see a law that was actually made by politicians that give citizens a right to protect their property.

Hunting the guy down the day after he stole your stuff and gunning him down would be vigilantism. Protecting your property from criminals isn't, in my opinion. If it is... well then I guess I'm in favor of vigilantism.

But that's in Texas... I'm pretty sure the law doesn't read that way here. :rolleyes:
Worth noting that the TX law provides no immunity from civil suits.

In other words, you may not go to jail, but you could lose everything in civil court. I posted the law in answer to a specific question, not as a recommendation.

My recommendation was earlier in the thread when I suggested a video camera.