What to do if you catch car crook?


New member
For the past 4 years I have watched while my town has become a haven for criminals and criminal activity. For 4 years I have watched while the police do less and less to protect the innocent, and do more and more to encourage us not to protect ourselves at the same time. I had to move to a different neighborhood because I could no longer afford to replace my car windows or stereos when broken or stolen.

Yet, the situation hasn't changed now that I've moved. I was ignorant to think it would. The police have no interest in property crime of any sort, even if its armed robbery. It just isn't they're deal anymore I'm sad to say.

But you know what? Strike all that.... Lets not get political here (although we should)... I need some advice from you guys...... ahem...

What should I do to prevent/stop/deter people from breaking car windows all over the place whenever they like? My roommate left town recently and his buddy also had to leave his car in front of my place. I only have a 2 car garage so I was unable to completely secure his buddies car, but I did leave it in the driveway. Yet some as*hole broke the back windshield out of it 5 days ago, and apparently only for sh*ts and grins. Because they didn't even attempt to steal anything. I left my house today to go to work, and some one had come back and smashed another window out of the car last night. On my way to work I noticed a series of smashed windows in the neighborhood... and frankly its nothing new here in Albuquerque. Sure, "call the cops"... sorry... that answer is old and doens't solve anything.

And here's my dilemma, if I were to actually hear this occuring and go outfront to check it out, I'm left with very limited options as to deal with to situation. Unless the person is actually advancing towards me and threatening me to some extent, I am legally not allowed to kill the son of a b*tch, even though I am watching him commit a felony.

So my question is this, what would you guys do? You hear a bump in the night, go outside, and there's some piece of scum going through your belongings in your car. If he has a crowbar in his hand, then, feel free to blast the bastard. However, if he decides to just run off into the distance with your belongings, you are NOT allowed to use force to stop him.

My marine buddy always wants to have "stakeouts" catch these guys... but the reality is we'd probably become "criminals" for doing so. I've been looking into the taser system, becuase at least then I can stop someone without gettin in trouble for shootin them. Any thoughts.?
I suppose you could make a citizen's arrest using a firearm if they are committing a felony. But that's very problematic and could lead to big legal troubles. I'd seriously consider "getting out of Dodge"
I would use a pepper spray with a UV in it in my left hand and a gun in my right hand. The spray to stop him, the UV to mark him and the gun to protect yourself if he is dumb enough to not understand he has already lost the fight.
jeez... that is s hard situation

I would want to steakout but you are probably right as far as getting into trouble that way. the spray sounds like a good idea. maybe once you spray him he will not come back. I would probably go with the video camera, that way you would have proof that the police could persue. ??? :) :)
You sure it's a felony? They recently raised the threshold for felony Malicious Destruction of Property where I live....I think it's $1000.00 now. Better get an estimate before you put your hands on anyone. I'd move if it's that bad.
I would first check with a good attorney – and with a local or state prosecutor, if they will take the time to talk with you – to ascertain what is legal. Based on that information, I would frame options.

You may want to consider a large, loud dog. Even if he would never harm anyone, it is my observation he would likely cause the criminals to go elsewhere.
I like the Steakout, Though I prefer Steak in........I give a vote for a Pepper Stakeout.....That would be an absolute riot!.....Just don't have too many beers.......
Well the problem with moving is I've already moved. I got a place with a 2 car garage to protect against this form of crime, but its disgusting that even those visiting me are subjected to this sort of immoral crime just because their cars are not locked up 100% of the time. And the sad fact is that on a bi-weekly basis at least one of my buddies experiences a similar occurence. And its not just limited to my neighborhood, I have personal accounts from numerous friends and aquaintances of similar situations occuring regularly in this town. These people seem to roam freely throughout Albuquerque, and there is nothing done to stop them. I learned real quickly not to "bother" the police when an officer filing a report for me (about a year ago) laughed out loud when I asked if they do anything about this sort of crime.

Video camera? Well, I've thought of that, It'd have to be pretty visible in order to catch any worthwhile shots of the scum, and I'd probably have to get a nightvision model if I wanted to catch the car they were (probably) in on the street.... however the thought has crossed my mind... I could conceal it perhaps, but I just don't have the monetary endowment to afford such equipment.

The larger problem is clearly the lack of punishment and enforcement for this type of crime, and the sad truth is that as long as we allow these "common" property theives to continue to "work", they WILL become more and more brazen, eventually moving onto homes, and sooner or later someone will be home and then we have a potential life and death situation on our hands.

But I suppose I need to start small... perhaps I can get some type of camera. If and when I catch these people in the act though, (which at the rate it occurs here is bound to happen) I really am worried how to deal with the situation.

Pepper spray is a great idea CLT, however if it merely serves to piss him off and make him run away, I would fear reprisals unless I could get him controlled and off to jail (although the reality is he wouldn't serve much time anyway). But I think I"m gonna buy a bottle just to be sure.

I'm trying to understand Less than Lethal options and their legalities... and am currently pondering a Taser (the real kind that shoot out those darts), or perhaps maybe beanbag rounds for my shotgun. Any suggestions?
Was having the same problem. So, purchased a cctv from Fry's electronics, hooked it up to a vhs.

Now, with the camera watching the driveway, the problems seem to have ceased. They don't want their pictures taken for some reason.

I can imagine the neighborhood if someone were to video tape the "gremlins", then made a photo of them breaking into a car...now let all the neighbors know who the "gremlin" is. Having 100 irate homeowners out with baseball bats makes for a secure neighborhood!
I'm trying to understand Less than Lethal options and their legalities... and am currently pondering a Taser (the real kind that shoot out those darts), or perhaps maybe beanbag rounds for my shotgun. Any suggestions?

Yeah....don't.......unless you have the financial resources of a decent sized municipal government to back you up when you get sued. They don't really call them "less than lethal" much anymore. Most places say "less lethal" and that's for a good reason.
well they've gotta be "less lethal" than just shootin them with a regular FMJ. right? maybe? There has to be some option out there for us to thwart this kind of crime without the legal repercussions of actually killing someone.
Yeah, "less" lethal, not "non" lethal. Shoot a guy for maliciously damaging your property with a weapon that even the police acknowledge CAN be lethal and see what happens to you and/or your bank account. I'd move again if it's that big of a problem and you can afford it.
I'm sorry to hear that Albquerque is like that. I'll be passing thru next weekend on the way to Santa Fe on business.

You can also get motion detector lights installed over your garage or near the front of your house that will come one when people come past the house. Most of these have some kind of sensitivity adustment and some can be used in place of the standard single/dual floodlight units. Setting it so that anyone on the sidewalk activates the light may deter the thugs for a while, after which you can reset the unit to activate only on the walk/driveway.

If possible, have visitors park in your driveway, protected by the lights and also requiring a criminal tresspass to B&E the car.

Getting sort of "neighborhood watch" together with people who have cameras or video gear might help. Turned over to the cops, especially with plate numbers and/or facial photos should give them something to follow up.
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Thanks for the tip BillCA, interestingly enough, I already do have motion detector flood lights in the front of the house. They don't seem to deter much, even the wind when it sets them off.

Well don't let albuquerque ruin your New Mexico experience BillCA, Santa Fe is a great place (grew up there) and you'll enjoy seeing all the sights. We've got great forests, deserts, mountains, and you name it terrain to explore and enjoy. And I love new mexico, its my home. I just don't like those who've taken up residence here too.

And FrankDrebin, I appreciate your candor and I do understand what you're talking about. But there has just got to be a way to defend what is ours without going to jail. There's a company called pepperball technologies that has 12 gauge rounds that claim (all of the reviews I've read so far imply the same--- but that could always change) true less-than-lethal cabalility. Its basically a ball of synthetic pepperspray that incapacitates the suspect, and allows you to be a reasonable distance away while doing it. (the problem with pepper spray is of course the wind blowing it back in your face) But in true form, its not available to "civilians" yet.
Oh, and Frank, unfortunately being a 23 year old college kid I can't afford to move (again)... although when I finish school I'm thinkin it may be time to get the hell outta dodge. I never had this problem in Santa Fe. But until then, its a moot point, cuz I'm stuck where I am for awhile.
Too bad...I didn't think Albquerque was like that. As far as the pepper ball thing, 12 gauge seems awefully big.....We use a paintball type gun with pepperballs of the same size as paintballs, and that's plenty effective, although I wouldn't suggest that either. You start shooting things at some wacko bent on destruction and he might just pull a real gun and start blasting back. Then, depending on certain variables, it looks like you escalated the whole situation by the time the special interest groups get involved. Think; "The Bonfire of the Vanities".