What to do about Defacing National Monuments...

I've been quite hot and bothered by the recent event of the Vietnam Memorial being defaced. Several panels of the wall apparantly may not clean up to original condition. I listen to an AM talk radio show frequently on my way home from work. The host made a couple of points...

1. It hardly broke any news anywhere of this act.
2. The host kicked an idea of punishment for the incident...

Life in prison? No. Death Penalty? No. Slap on the wrist and a fine? Wrong again. Jail time? Strikeout +1. His thought was a one way ticket to the country of the guilty party's choice and revoke one's citizenship.

Before I give my thoughts, what are yours? Do you think this is a just punishment for defacing ANY National Monument?

If you want sources so that you know the straight story, give me time. I'll try to look it up.
His thought was a one way ticket to the country of the guilty party's choice and revoke one's citizenship.

While I'm not sure if this is legally feasible, I can't say I dislike the sound of it.

My only concern would be the risk of an ever expanding definition of "national monument."

But in this case (based on the sparse details given, and a little quick googling)? Find a nice heavy book and throw it at them.
I had thought that the Vietnam memorial was unofficially protected around the clock by some vets that most people would go out of their way to avoid?
First thought for punishment was to sentence them to cleaning latrines for the Marines in Iraq. I would think the Marines would have a few choice words for the actions.

But that might be a little harsh, even if they had to clean the latrines in a U.S. base.

I could think of a few other things, but probably wearing a sign with 2" letters says "I defaced the Vietnam memorial" would get him in enough trouble with people he has to meet.

Nothing lasts for ever. That said, if they deface it and cause permanent damage, the value of the monument comes into play. If you put a hammer into a homeowner's door, you get a small sentence and pay for the door. If you break into city hall and destroy all the computer equipment, you're probably guilty of a felony.

Do we imprison a man for life if he spray paints over the Mona Lisa? You be the judge. I say yes because he willfully destroyed a multi million piece of cultural history. If they discolor a monument, then maybe a less harsh punishment than they guy who flies a plane into the Statue of Liberty...
Public Service for a disabled Vet?

Let me assure you, this is harder than serving time.

About 1987 I started volunteering at the vets' hospital, and it became my passion. But I will promise you, it is the best and worst job in the world.

I have even used the word 'privilege' in serving vets. I cannot describe the utter state of awe I feel spending time with them, even in a short escort to a clinic visit.

But I cannot describe the intense mental anguish I feel kneeling in the small chapel, trying to pull myself together for the ride home.

Not only is a crime against a monument a crime against one's counry, but it is a slap to a man who served. Clearly, having that criminal serve an individual man would be the most severe penalty I can imagine.

A few days ago I got my new volunteer package that needs completion under new guidelines for volunteer service. I let them sit for a full day before I even read them.

I thought to myself, "Here it comes, the drama of joy and laughter, and the desolation of witnessing oncoming suffering." Yikes, I don't even know if I have it in me anymore.

But dozens volunteer, God love them. I do know that people are never the same after they serve veterans.
Way too little info. What if it's a disabled vet who is disgruntled because of the way he's being treated by the VA and all attempts at getting attention through appropriate channels have been in vain?

If the guy was psychotic and the voices in his head told him to do it...

Do you have a link to the story? I am totally comfortable with letting a judge and jury decide appropriate punishment based on the detailed facts, or even a prosecuter deciding that it doesn't warrant prosecution based on the details.

I hate it when political pontificators interject themselves into a the legal system, a system that has been carefully constructed for several THOUSAND years.
Interesting on many levels. I wonder if the park service is trying to down play the whole thing so as not to give the people who did it any publicity? If they did it to get attention best to deny them that. Still, a very curious incident.
I think it should carry the same punishment as vandalism.

So, Cougar, you think one should just get, say a $50 fine and be on his/her way after found guilty of knocking the head off of the Lincoln Memorial? Your comment makes me nausiated...

First thought for punishment was to sentence them to cleaning latrines for the Marines in Iraq. I would think the Marines would have a few choice words for the actions.

But that might be a little harsh, even if they had to clean the latrines in a U.S. base.

Bill, I have to think that your first thought would be my final analysis...only with VERY little supervision, if you get my point...

Thanks for the link, Grand Illusion. Did my homework for me...:)
This first time I've heard of this also. I say charge them w/ Treason. They indirectly went against the nation. There is history here, you should value it and learn from it, not try to destroy it. Nonetheless, it is American History. Value it. As much as there is wrong in this country, I would much rather be here than most other countries in the world. We take for granted the freedoms we still have, and I agree that a lot of our freedoms have been taken from us (e.g. smoking bans is one I hate), but this country is still the best in the world. We need to remember what we've done to get us here, and these vandals have ruined a part of that. They have defaced the knowledge of future generations (if not fully repairable), and they should be charged for something more than just vandalism. Treason is a little excessive, but why not? Minimum to me, they should get at least 6months to a year behind bars. No less.

So, Cougar, you think one should just get, say a $50 fine and be on his/her way after found guilty of knocking the head off of the Lincoln Memorial? Your comment makes me nausiated...

I don't think the punishment would carry a $50.00 fine.
If you damage someones property and convicted you usually have to repay the entire value.

Crucifying someone for spray painting on a wall is not right...it's a tragedy of mixing feelings and justice.

As a Vietnam Veteran, I feel that THIS is appropriate!