What the reviews on ProMag magazines??

Without reading the entire thread, I have to say - worked in two guns shops, one indoor range, been shooting since I was 9. I will never, ever, ever own a ProMag product. Junk. If you got one that works right, thank your lucky stars...then get it replaced before it fails.
As I mentioned on another post, back when I shot the LCP's, I had quite a few magazines around a dozen. I used the Pro mags for range work and never had a problem. And the only problem that could have been a issue from what I saw was the fact that the edges needed to be lightly honed. Not a big deal. In fact one other guy I shot with had them and he stated the same thing.
What I did have a problem with was the Ruger OEM mags made in America. Stopped buying them and would only buy the magazines made in Italy. And that was for other Rugers I owned as well.
I do not shoot the LCP any longer, moved on. Want to see a top quality magazine. Check out the Pico's. About as good as you will find anywhere for any gun.
Can't speak for other Pro Mags, but I would suspect if folks take the time to hone the edges they might work fine. These were never meant to carry but strictly for range work. All the guns I now have are OEM magzines so have not even looked for any other substitutes.
If I did see some at and the price was right, I would buy one to try out.
I have only one Promag magazine, the 10 rounder for the Ruger LCP and I'll be darned, the thing works. I'd be willing to bet that single stack mags made by Promag are fine, but I'd steer clear of doublestacks.
Off question but on topic, if the OP doesn't mind terribly; what is the consensus on ETS mags around these parts?

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They work 100% in carbines, pistols you may have issues. I only have the 30 round ETS mags, so it's possible that the long mags in a pistol is the issue, the standard length ones may work fine, but I've no experience with them.

IMO, the only reason to buy ETS mags is for the extended mags.
Was at Cabela's today and someone was buying promags. Was tempted to suggest something else, but minded my own business.

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I sell used magazines as a side business. Pro Mags are garbage. It's almost always worth it to pay for OEM mags, no matter the price. If you get the cheaper Pro Mag, it often will not work and then you're still ponying up for the OEM magazine.

Fit and finish are generally terrible. You might be able to sand/file/grind them into reasonable reliability but at that point you could have bought something else.

I know $40 and $50 used magazines may seem unreasonable but keep in mind there's a reason they sell for that.
I bought a ProMag 20 rounder for my Mini-14. It works, but it is a PIA to get the cartridges to seat properly in the magazine lip. My Ruger is super smooth to load. No "failures " of any kind with Promag, just a difference in loading them.
I bought 3 for my CMP M1 carbine and they were drop-free.

First shot fired and they dropped free on their own!

They went back.
Promags are great tools... for throwing at an opponent. Really, for their size and weight they generally have a pretty good ballistic coefficient. If you have the arm of an MLB pitcher you can probably take out an attacker very effectively. But realistically, they are garbage in a firearm. They are never cheap enough to be worth buying. Go MegGar or the manufacturer or go home. A gun that won't work is a useless gun. And people that skimp on mags are doomed.

Just curious, how many did you own? I take it you only pruchased one, as you would not buy more if the one you did own did not work. Did you hone the edges of the one you did own? A very simple task.
Back when I was on the LCP forum years ago, we heard the same kind of complaints, yet I owned many LCP's along the way and they had no problems at all. If I remember correctly they were about Half the Price and we sure got plenty of use out of them on the range.
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Don't know anything about their pistol magazines, but their 10/22 mags are garbage. They were so bad I'm not really interested in their other stuff.

Numrich has some factory mags, but they are about $47.
About eight years ago I had a couple for my Mini 30.

They weren't bad for plinking (I wasn't 'going to war' in west TN: that stopped in 1863 after Shiloh, did it not?), and only misfed about once every twenty rds.

It was really weird how many years Ruger Inc (I know, 'post-Bill Appeasement') waited to sell "normal size" mags to the civilian market for both the Mini 14 and the 30.
Somewhere around 20 years ago I bought a Pro Mag 25rnd drum mag for the 1911A1.

It NEVER worked, and since it was bought off the table at a gun show I just tossed it in a drawer, I think it still there.

No Pro Mag for me, at all, ever...
I got lucky. My neighbor gave me two new, still in the package Pro Mags for a Beretta 92FS. He sold his pistol and knew I had one. I have been using them for many years now, not a problem one. Maybe they made better mags years ago?
I looking to get three magazzine tomatch my elctro-nickle M39-2.

Seems that Meg-gar doesn't manufactured them??
Pro Mag not sure how they can continue to stay in business. Every time I have acquired one of their magazines whether it be through trades or used guns or new, they have always been bad. At least in the pistol magazines. Now I have used their 20 round AR mags with some good results about as good as military surplus magazines.

I would stay away from them in pistols though

Just my 2 cents Good luck with them